(D4, MM) Words of Love

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(D4, MM) Words of Love

Post by Saibankan » Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:13 am

With the rains coming down steadily down, the guests of the miai are assembled in the Great Hall. A small arrangement of fresh ikebana have been arranged about the center of the Hall to provide inspiration. Shika Pei Pei greats the assembled guests with a bow.

"The event chosen for today's entertainment is one of poetry. Some of the greatests romances of the Empire have been immortalized in just a few brief syllable, and more than a few discrete romances have begun with just the right words. So today, we shall see whom among you can distill the beauty within into a poem." she announces. While it's hard to imagine someone trying to win over the heart of Pei Pei with a poem, she seems to be quite the serious judge of poetry.


Chose 1 path:

A: An original work by me (obviously)

A1: Write an original poem: Fire/Composition at TN 2.
A2: Work out the kinks: Air/Composition at TN 2
A3: Recite.


Choose a ring based on your intentions of the poem. Fire to inflame passions, Earth to cool passions, Water for an audience pleaser, Air for a witty/clever/humorous piece, or Void for a more mystical focus. Chosen Ring/Composition at TN 2

B: Let’s go with the classics

B1: Generations of poetry to choose from: Earth/Composition at TN 2.
B2: It’s all about the tone of the speaker: Water/Composition at TN 2.
B3: Recite.


Choose a ring based on your intentions of the poem. Fire to inflame passions, Earth to cool passions, Water for an audience pleaser, Air for a witty/clever/humorous piece, or Void for a more mystical focus. Chosen Ring/Composition at TN 2

Scoring priority

Most rolls passed.
Most opportunities used to show off.
Most opportunities used to show off on a single roll.
Most total successes.
Highest Status.
Highest Glory.
Highest Honor.
Non-Human * Gamemaster * Headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy * Mastermind

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Kakita Sakura
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Re: (D4, MM) Words of Love

Post by Kakita Sakura » Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:39 am

Sakura smiles- at least, her time has come.

Except- her mind blanks, at the worst time, and what follows is a period of utter frustration for the Crane. What follows is a period of obvious frustration for the court- aaaargh, what even is this, she can't think of anything-

She sits to one side of the Great Hall, her brow furrowed in thought, until- at last- at last- the Crane rises, and bows before the court, her face smooth.

"Smell of green bamboo,
Seeking your voice I walk
Distracted- I trip!"

It's not her best work, not by a long shot. But- it will have to do.
Clan: Crane
Honour: 64
Glory: 53
Status: 35
Wears a blue, patterned blindfold at all times.
Is blind- she either uses a cane to tap her way around, or is accompanied by her maid, one Nanami. Generally wears clothing in the form of kimono and hakama, although they're always finely patterned.

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Moto Mitsuki
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Re: (D4, MM) Words of Love

Post by Moto Mitsuki » Tue Aug 10, 2021 7:12 am

Mitsuki just had the perfect poem, and even knew the right cadence it had to be recited at and all. There was no way the Shika wouldn't be impressed.

Hüh müngün tengeriin yaǰguurtan bolson
Hörst altan delhiin tulguur bolson Hairhaduud
Baga gert mini bagana bolson tenger mini
Balchir huuhded mini ölgii bolson tenger mini
Hii tenger bairtanguud
Hiisgelen üülen nüüdeltengüüd
Salhiar elchee hürgeechingüüd...

Yes, it was in traditional Ujik. But come on, it's not like most poetry make sense even when one can understand the words individually. Rhythm and sonority are more important than the meaning.

... Right?


D4MM | Words of Love | Choosing a traditional poem | Earth/Composition | TN: 2 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0

D4MM | Words of Love | Choosing the right tone | Water/Composition | TN: 2 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 2
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D4MM | Words of Love | Perform: Playing it safe | Water/Composition | TN: 2 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image

Two rolls passed, no opportunity, six success total.
+3 strife (7/8, not compromised).

Poem source: http://www.eltsjournal.org/archive/Valu ... 4-4-16.pdf
Unicorn Clan | Bushi | Cavalry | Commander | Goth | Barbarian
Honor: 31 (Honor is the Ideal) | Glory: 47* (Reputable Samurai) | Status: 30 (average Great Clan samurai) | Profile
Usually dressed in white and black. Gaijin-style "daisho" (scimitar, buckler, wakizashi).
Famously Reliable/Gaijin Culture/Omen of Bad Luck

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Asahina Soyokaze
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Re: (D4, MM) Words of Love

Post by Asahina Soyokaze » Tue Aug 10, 2021 7:23 am

Soyokaze stepped forward on unsteady legs with the crowd watching him. he had been working on his poetry for days, but in those few steps all the haiku he had written left his memory and he had to create new prose on the spot. His structure and wordplay were adequate, more than adequate, his voice came out like a mousey squeak and he lacked all conviction in his words. When he had finished he lowered his head and left the hall.

Desire can not last
Duty cannot hope to match
What remains is real

(D4, MM) Words of Love - Original poem - Fire/Composition TN2 | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
Image Image

(D4, MM) Words of Love - Original poem - Air/Composition TN2 | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image Image

(D4, MM) Words of Love - Original poem - Void/Composition TN2 | TN: 3 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 0
Image Image Image

2 rolls passed
5 opportunities used to show off.
2 opportunities used to show off on a single roll.
5 total successes.
70 Honor.
50 Glory.
38 Status.
Crane Clan | Artisan | Courtier | Weaponsmith | Meek | Paragon of Compassion
Honor: 67 | Glory: 41 | Status: 38
Courtship points: 12
Carries: Clothing, Wakazashi, Fan, Whitwe Gloves. D10+:Netsuke of Ebisu D13+:Delicately carved wooden bracelet with a small Crane token.
Often followed by an attendant.

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Shiba Raizo
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Re: (D4, MM) Words of Love

Post by Shiba Raizo » Tue Aug 10, 2021 8:24 am

Oh mother FUCKER.

He'd known it was coming. But now it was his turn to suffer the torments of the damned.

His poem was... possibly not even technically a poem. Certainly, the syllable count was all wrong.

And his delivery was trash.

"Poetry is hard
And not something I am good at
Catch you all tomorrow.'

[Approach B: Let’s go with the classics
B1: Generations of poetry to choose from: Earth/Composition at TN 2. 0 successes, 1 strife, 1 opportunity.
B2: It’s all about the tone of the speaker: Water/Composition at TN 2.- 1 success, therefore failed.

B3: Perform- Also Water- Water for an audience pleaser, Chosen Ring/Composition at TN 2- No successes

Raizo, per the strife rules, will use his Opportunity from the Earth roll to tank 2 Strife for Aimi, assuming she needs it. If she doesn't... we'll entertain other offers.]
Phoenix Clan * Bushi * Soldier* Blunt * Cynical * Seasoned * Strong
Your Wingman Anytime, Whether You Want It Or Not
Glory: 42 * Honor 41 * Status: 30
Carries his katana in an old, drab, battered saya. As of Day 13, wears a delicately carved bracelet of wooden beads polished smooth, laced through with red, yellow, and orange string and a small Phoenix token.
Standard gear: Ceremonial Clothes and a daisho. When in his element, ashigaru armor, a naginata, and a more relaxed form of terror are added into the mix.
Remember to Breathe

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Kaikoga Koi
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Re: (D4, MM) Words of Love

Post by Kaikoga Koi » Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:41 am

Koi did not look like a Moth Queen today, she did not look stunning or mind-blowing with her usual elegant kimono, or make up. She looked delicate, and almost refined in a whole different way softly, kinder and totally not because she had forgotten to get dressed the way she normally wanted too. Koi looked focused about something entirely different, she didnt even realise that she had flown into the room before the instructions were given.

She was good at poetry, though really it's not what she wanted to do but she arrived anyway.

Koi stepped up and sat down, she began to write the poem and it came naturally to her.

Though she wrote a pretty good poem, the composition wasn't as good as she wanted so she thought hard for a moment before preforming it.

A storm approaching
Spiritedly a Moth seeks
Warmth a lantern gives

Once completed Koi bows and leaves the stage, with a mild filled with a lot more shit to deal with.

D4. MM. Event. Roll 1 Writing the poem. Fire/Composition. Tn 2 | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 2

D4: MM. Event Roll 2: Working out the Kinks (Oh my). Air/Composition. | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 0

1Opportunity symbol used to appear refined and beautiful as she works out the poem.

D4: MM. Event: Performing the Piece. Water/Composition. | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0

2 rolls passed
1 opportunities used to show off.
1 opportunities used to show off on a single roll.
5 total successes.
46 Honour.
41 Glory.
28 Status.
Moth Clan ★ Glory 44 ★ Honour 49 ★ Status 28 ★ Courtship Points 23 ★ Scent of Lilacs, Citrus oils and Almond ★

Update: Day 13. Koi is wearing a kimono in much higher quality, lilac in hues with green lunar moths and silver lanterns. She is wearing a jade green choker. She is wearing a katana that largely is peace tied, and at night has a very fine lantern. She is being followed at all times by a Shika Guard at a distances. She wears a fine wooden carved bracelet with the Moth Clan symbol on it.

Dangerous Allure ★ Wood working tools ★ Unsavoury Past ★ Shaking Hands ★ Anxiety Attacks ★ A Purple Choker with a wooden sphere of a Moth ★

Female ★ Actress ★ Vitiligo on the left eye ★ I'd never really found a place in the outside world, but had stayed away too long to fit in at home. ★ Wait so LongProfile

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Kitsu Moshumaru
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Re: (D4, MM) Words of Love

Post by Kitsu Moshumaru » Tue Aug 10, 2021 11:01 am

D4 MM - Go with classics - Earth/Composition | TN: 2 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image

D4 MM - Go with the Classics - Water/Composition (TN2) | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 3
Image Image Image Image

D4 MM - Crowd Please performance (void for +1 ring) | TN: 2 | Success: 4 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 3
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Hold on, you could just recite any love poem you remember?

That was practically rigging the game in his favour. So many of the people he had fallen with had untold masterpieces waiting in some personal affect, written for their partners or desired partners at one point or another. It was a damn struggle to sort through all of the little wonders he had worked with - picking a generation wasn't hard. He chose one from an Elderly Deer Gentleman he once wrote for, about the same age one would guess Pei-Pei herself was.

This Poem in particular was a daring one in it's delivery, famous for how the young man proposed while traversing Rokugan's rivers on a boat - she jumped onto the boat with him, and together they sailed into the sunset. Conjuring up that mental image... caused some other memories to flood back. But no matter, there was a poem to recite.

"Follow me, to graze-
And I'll enjoy the Twilight
With the Sun beside."

The other half, left unsaid, was also quite charming.

A moment of panic flashed his mind as he considered that might have been the one Shika-sama was proposed to with? If so, he would write a sincere letter of apology for bringing up something so personal.

((LM will be spent enjoying his passion in private.))

- - -
3 rolls passed
3 opportunities used to show off.
2 opportunities used to show off on a single roll.
8 total successes.
Lion Clan - HGS: 51/41/35 - Kitsu Red Hair, Missing fingers
"Mark my words, your descendants will remember you."
Gift giving ritual: Feel free to skip due to timezones
Ideal Lewdness level: Ftb, raunchy/lewd is fine
PM if thread desired

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Shika Nesshin
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Re: (D4, MM) Words of Love

Post by Shika Nesshin » Tue Aug 10, 2021 11:31 am

"I think that I shall never see / A thing so lovely as a...knee." No, no, that's not right.

"There once was a man from Venus / With a rocketship for, uh, a wiener." No, no, that's not it, either.

"My uncle, once known to be hardy / Most certainly knew how to party / And get inside shirt / Down robes and up skirt / Of people both demure and tarty." Um. Maybe not?

"Roses are red / Violets are blue / Dammit, I quit / How about you?" Nah.

Nesshin has, at least, the good sense to keep his mouth shut. For once.


A1: ***original roll miscoded, rerolled at correct lower dice*** roll https://sakkaku.org/rolls/601, failed at 1Success symbol1Opportunity symbol2Strife symbol; using Opp to eat one Strife
A2: roll https://sakkaku.org/rolls/602, failed at 0Success symbol1Opportunity symbol0Strife symbol; Opportunity to minimize effects of failure
A3: roll https://sakkaku.org/rolls/603, failed at 1Success symbol1Opportunity symbol0Strife symbol

0 rolls passed.
0 opportunities used to show off.
0 opportunities used to show off on a single roll.
3 total successes.
40 Status.
42 Glory.
36 Honor.
Kaikoga nee Shika Nesshin
Male Deer Clan Gamekeeper / Security Personnel
Glory 42; Honor 36; Status 41
Profile here: http://kyudenshika.fallenash.com/viewto ... 80&start=4
Normally in traveling clothes with a blue-and-gold obi, carrying a wakizashi, a fancy damned fan, and an omamori; carries a tsunoyari outside, too; carries a tsunoyari and wears ashigaru armor on watch, too; has trinkets, etc. at most times

Starting D1, has a silver and purple ribbon tied to his obi, as well.
D9, has a broom in hand and bandages on his hands.
D10-12, has a small whisk broom also thrust through his obi.
D11+, has a second fan.

Playful, irrepressibly flirtatious, blessed by Benten, blessed in lineage. Often smells of cedar.

Courtship Points: 31

"You look lost. Let me show you the way to something nice."

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Usogawa Narumi
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Re: (D4, MM) Words of Love

Post by Usogawa Narumi » Tue Aug 10, 2021 12:37 pm

Fluff incoming.


D4MM B1: Earth/Composition | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 1
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D4MM B2: Water/Composition | TN: 2 | Success: 4 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image Image Image

D4MM B3: Water/Composition | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image

2 rolls passed.
3 opportunities used to show off.
2 opportunities used to show off on a single roll.
7 total successes.
22 Status.
40 Glory.
28 Honor.

Last edited by Usogawa Narumi on Tue Aug 10, 2021 8:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Otter clan • Subtle Observer, Cynic • romantic but shady • apprentice nakodo
Glory 40 | Honor 27 | Status 22 | Description | Courtship Points 22

Carries: A paper umbrella, expertly painted to portray a section of the River of Gold. Lucky cricket.
D10+: A netsuke of a tanuki appears hooked over her obi at her left hip.
Also D10+: sports a split lower lip.
D12+: bruising across the back of both hands

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Kitsu Murato
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Re: (D4, MM) Words of Love

Post by Kitsu Murato » Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:05 pm

When Murato's turn arrives to perform, he steps up. He looks back through his mind and considers something a bit different from most. "This was written by Ikoma Saekaki-no-Shiryo, a relatively well known and renowned poet of the Lion from a few centuries back. But you will not find it in any of his written works. He shared it with me when I spoke with his spirit a few years back."

At this mention he looks to Yasu with a grin, the conversation probably coming to her mind from their drinking night about a perverted old Ikoma spirit. But fortunately, even if this was the same spirit the particular poem was not the one he had mentioned.

"No night and no day,
only nature's single breath.
The eternal now."

It was somewhat haunting, when one considered the fact that this came from someone facing that eternity. But also beautiful in it's stillness and understanding. Ghost poetry from honored ancestors... Murato does that.


D4 MM, Words of Love - Classic, Composition [Earth], Void Point | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image
Success, 1Opportunity symbol negates 1Strife symbol, 1Strife symbol gained

D4 MM, Words of Love - Classic, Composition [Water] | TN: 2 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image
Success, 1Strife symbol gained

D4 MM, Words of Love - Classic, Performance [Void], Void Point | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 3
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Success, 3Strife symbol gained, 2Opportunity symbol for pleasing the crowd

Rolls Passed: 3
Opportunities: 2
Opportunities, single roll: 2
Total Successes: 7
Status: 45
Glory: 41
Honor: 56
Lion Clan * Bard * Bureaucrat * Spiritual * Haunted * Clumsy * Kitsu Honest * Kitsu Eyes
Honor Is the Ideal 59 | Unremarkable Retainer 44 | Imperial Descended Great Clan Samurai 45 | Description
Equipment: Traveling Clothes, Wakizashi, Katana, Tessen, Yumi & arrows, Shamisen, Helix Piercing Orange Earrings, Shamisen
