(D13, LE) Love Among the Stars (Event)

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(D13, LE) Love Among the Stars (Event)

Post by Saibankan » Mon Sep 06, 2021 4:51 pm

A somewhat wan Shika Pei Pei greets the candidates under the night sky in the garden with a bow.

"Good evening everyone. Tonight is the final event we shall be hosting. Countless generations have looked towards the Heavens to find where their fate lies, and tonight you shall do the same. You'll fine blankets laid out for ease of viewing, and light refreshments are available. I hope that tonight will leave you confident in your future as well as refreshed." she offers.


The players will make three checks: Earth/Culture (to consider what they know about the historical significance of star signs), Fire/Aesthetics (To divine new meaning from the alignment of the constellations) and Void/Theology (to consider the mystic ramifications of the stars seen). The TNs are 1, 2 and 3, but the player decides at the time of rolling each which one is which.

Scoring Priority:

Passed all rolls
Most total successes
Most total opportunities spent for flair
Pass Theology roll, but failed one other roll
Most total successes
Most total opportunities spent for flair
Pass Culture and Aesthetics, but failed Theology
Most total successes
Most total opportunities spent for flair
Pass Culture or Aesthetics, and failed theology
Most total successes
Most total opportunities spent for flair
Highest Status
Highest Glory
Highest Honor
Non-Human * Gamemaster * Headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy * Mastermind

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Shika Nesshin
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Re: (D13, LE) Love Among the Stars (Event)

Post by Shika Nesshin » Mon Sep 06, 2021 5:07 pm

Somehow, as Nesshin makes himself comfortable and stares up at the stars, his mind opens up, and memories he'd not realized he'd had come to the surface, spilling forth in a sudden stream that clearly shakes him to have happen. Indeed, it keeps him from realizing no small amount of what he has said, but a thing recalled from Shika Kan and his shugenja parents stands out to him, and he nods, understanding for once in his life.

It is a strange thing.

Earth / Culture (TN 3), https://sakkaku.org/rolls/1933, passed at 6Success symbol1Opportunity symbol6Strife symbol; 1Opportunity symbol to cancel 1Strife symbol
Fire / Aesthetics (TN 2), https://sakkaku.org/rolls/1935, failed at 0Success symbol1Opportunity symbol0Strife symbol; 1Opportunity symbol for flair
Void / Theology (TN 1, adversity applies), https://sakkaku.org/rolls/1937, passed at 1Success symbol0Opportunity symbol0Strife symbol

Scoring Priority:

Did not pass all rolls
7 total successes
1 total opportunity spent for flair
Passed Theology roll, but failed one other roll
7 total successes
1 total opportunity spent for flair
Irrelevant Did not Pass Culture and Aesthetics, but failed Theology
Irrelevant Most total successes
Irrelevant Most total opportunities spent for flair
Irrelevant Passed Culture or Aesthetics, and failed theology
Irrelevant Most total successes
Irrelevant Most opportunities spent for flair
41 Status
42 Glory
36 Honor
Kaikoga nee Shika Nesshin
Male Deer Clan Gamekeeper / Security Personnel
Glory 42; Honor 36; Status 41
Profile here: http://kyudenshika.fallenash.com/viewto ... 80&start=4
Normally in traveling clothes with a blue-and-gold obi, carrying a wakizashi, a fancy damned fan, and an omamori; carries a tsunoyari outside, too; carries a tsunoyari and wears ashigaru armor on watch, too; has trinkets, etc. at most times

Starting D1, has a silver and purple ribbon tied to his obi, as well.
D9, has a broom in hand and bandages on his hands.
D10-12, has a small whisk broom also thrust through his obi.
D11+, has a second fan.

Playful, irrepressibly flirtatious, blessed by Benten, blessed in lineage. Often smells of cedar.

Courtship Points: 31

"You look lost. Let me show you the way to something nice."

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Kitsu Moshumaru
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Re: (D13, LE) Love Among the Stars (Event)

Post by Kitsu Moshumaru » Mon Sep 06, 2021 5:19 pm

While Moshumaru did look to the stars and did decipher their meaning, when it came to understanding his mind could only really see one thing - and it wasn't a rearrangement of the stars.

D13 Event - Earth/Culture TN2 | TN: 2 | Success: 4 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 3
Image Image Image Image

Fire/Aesthetics TN3 (Seizing the moment) | TN: 3 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image

D13 LE - Void/Theology TN 1 | TN: 1 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
Image Image

Opp for flair
- - -
Sorting data:
Passed all three - no
Total successes - 7
1 Oppurtunity for flair
Passed Theology, Failed one other roll
Total successes - 7
Opportunities for flair - 1
35 Status
41 Glory
51 Honour
Lion Clan - HGS: 51/41/35 - Kitsu Red Hair, Missing fingers
"Mark my words, your descendants will remember you."
Gift giving ritual: Feel free to skip due to timezones
Ideal Lewdness level: Ftb, raunchy/lewd is fine
PM if thread desired

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Shiba Raizo
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Re: (D13, LE) Love Among the Stars (Event)

Post by Shiba Raizo » Mon Sep 06, 2021 5:38 pm

"Confident in my future"'? As if you fuckers haven't spent the last two weeks making it ABUNDANTLY FUCKING CLEAR that confidence in my future is the last thing you're of a mind to dole out?!

So the Deer are not merely insane, they're also sadists. Good to know.

Raizo knew what he was looking at, but he just couldn't make sense of it.

Which is par for the course at this Fortune-forsaken miai.

[Fire/Aesthetics, TN 1 to divine meaning from the constellations | TN: 1 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0

Success. Huh.

Earth/Culture to consider what he knows about the historical significance of star signs. Per GM contact, Seasoned Applies. Spending Void. | TN: 3 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 3
Image Image Image Image Image

Using both Opportunities to show off. 3 strife taken.

Void/Theology to consider the mystic ramifications of the stars seen, TN 2 | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
Image Image

Failed. 1 more strife taken, opp to show off in failure in some fashion.

Did not pass all rolls.
5 total successes
3 opps spent to show off
Passed Culture and Aesthetics but failed Theology]
Phoenix Clan * Bushi * Soldier* Blunt * Cynical * Seasoned * Strong
Your Wingman Anytime, Whether You Want It Or Not
Glory: 42 * Honor 41 * Status: 30
Carries his katana in an old, drab, battered saya. As of Day 13, wears a delicately carved bracelet of wooden beads polished smooth, laced through with red, yellow, and orange string and a small Phoenix token.
Standard gear: Ceremonial Clothes and a daisho. When in his element, ashigaru armor, a naginata, and a more relaxed form of terror are added into the mix.
Remember to Breathe

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Kasuga Yoshi
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Re: (D13, LE) Love Among the Stars (Event)

Post by Kasuga Yoshi » Mon Sep 06, 2021 5:46 pm

Knowing the material was the easy part. "The temptation for the quick path is always present."

What to make of them? Well it was a bit mealy mouthed, but "The stars show the path. Trodding the path is our choice. "

But any real spiritual meaning? Nada.

Love In the Stars- Earth/Culture TN 3 | TN: 3 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image Pass 1 Opportunity symbolto show off.

Love In the Stars- Fire/Aesthetics TN 1 | TN: 1 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0
Image Pass

Love In the Stars- void/theology- VP used | TN: 2 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image

Did not pass all 3
4 total successes
3 opportunity
2 out of 3 rolls passed
Tortoise Clan | Honor: 25 | Glory: 27| Status: 25 | Male | Diplomat | Groomed | Generous | Strife with Mantis
Equipment (standard): Traveling clothes, wakizashi, calligraphy set, knife, kiseru, abacus or gaijin compass, travelling pack, pouch of gaijin coins
(Battle): Tetsubo

"It's an absolute pleasure to see you again. Here, please take this gift. I insist"
Theme Song: Smooth Criminal (Shamisen Style!)

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Moto Mitsuki
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Re: (D13, LE) Love Among the Stars (Event)

Post by Moto Mitsuki » Mon Sep 06, 2021 5:54 pm

"The stars leave little room for alternative interpretations tonight. The arrow of Arash – the shooting star there, keep up with me a bit – went all the way from the boat of Morana – the constellation there – to the marches of Erlik – that constellation, here.

Arash entered the legend and ascended to the rank of Sovereign of Death after conquering a land with a single arrow. Morana the Undrowned is many things, death, rebirth, change, but here she clearly symbolizes the turning of the season. Erlik is the great guardian, the original Sovereign of Death.

War is coming to these lands. War will be there before a year has passed. And death will follow in its steps."

Mitsuki was really good at theology. Just not the right theology.

However, she definitely was terrible at reading the mood.


D13LE | Earth/Culture TN1 | TN: 1 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 3
Image Image Image

2 opp for show
Strife: 3/10

D13LE | Void/Theology TN2 | TN: 2 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 2
Image Image

2 opp for show
Passion Fortune-Telling -> -3 strife
Strife: 2/10

D13LE | Fire/Aesthetics TN3 | TN: 3 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image

Strife: 4/10

Passed all rolls: No
Most total successes: 4
Most total opportunities spent for flair: 4
Pass Theology roll, but failed one other roll: No
Pass Culture and Aesthetics, but failed Theology: Yes
Unicorn Clan | Bushi | Cavalry | Commander | Goth | Barbarian
Honor: 31 (Honor is the Ideal) | Glory: 47* (Reputable Samurai) | Status: 30 (average Great Clan samurai) | Profile
Usually dressed in white and black. Gaijin-style "daisho" (scimitar, buckler, wakizashi).
Famously Reliable/Gaijin Culture/Omen of Bad Luck

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Usogawa Narumi
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Re: (D13, LE) Love Among the Stars (Event)

Post by Usogawa Narumi » Mon Sep 06, 2021 6:08 pm

Despite what she'd pretended to be once, Narumi was no diviner. She could speak on constellations and their origins to an extent, but it's clear that's not where her proficiencies lay. And she did even poorer when it came to divining any new meanings or mysticisms.

D13LE Earth/Culture | TN: 3 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image
1 opp spent for flair

D13LE Fire/Aesthetics | TN: 1 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
1 opp spent for flair

D13LE Void/Theology | TN: 2 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
1 opp spent for flair

Passed all rolls: No
Most total successes: 2
Most total opportunities spent for flair: 3
Pass Theology roll, but failed one other roll: No
Pass Culture and Aesthetics, but failed Theology: No
Last edited by Usogawa Narumi on Mon Sep 06, 2021 9:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Otter clan • Subtle Observer, Cynic • romantic but shady • apprentice nakodo
Glory 40 | Honor 27 | Status 22 | Description | Courtship Points 22

Carries: A paper umbrella, expertly painted to portray a section of the River of Gold. Lucky cricket.
D10+: A netsuke of a tanuki appears hooked over her obi at her left hip.
Also D10+: sports a split lower lip.
D12+: bruising across the back of both hands

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Usogawa Emiko
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Re: (D13, LE) Love Among the Stars (Event)

Post by Usogawa Emiko » Mon Sep 06, 2021 6:37 pm

Stars are pretty. Emiko was great at using them to navigate, and looking at the stars she could plot a perfect route back to the nearby river where she'd soon be going to head home.

That was the idea right? To plot a path home?

She had no idea, but she still thought the stars were pretty at least. Any other meaning went well over her head.

(ooc: D13 LE event - roll 1 Earth/culture TN3 | TN: 3 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
Image Image fail opporunity to heal strife
D13 LE event - roll 2 Earth/Aesthetics TN2 | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image fail opportunity to heal strife
D13 LE event - roll 3 Void/Theology TN1 | TN: 1 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0
0 passed rolls
2 successes total
Otter Clan * Kuge * Heir * Courtier * Dancer * Musician * Very Pretty(Dangerous Allure) * Clumsy * Profile
Status: average| Honour: Ideal | Glory: No Renown
Courtship points: ?
Equipment: Fan, pretty clothes, makeup/perfume, pillowbooks (sometimes), Tea set (sometimes), Flute (sometimes), odd looking stringed instrument (sometimes)

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Kaikoga Koi
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Re: (D13, LE) Love Among the Stars (Event)

Post by Kaikoga Koi » Mon Sep 06, 2021 6:46 pm

Koi sat facing the stars.

She did not want to do this, she loathed looking at her future as it meant little to her. She did not care.

She partipated but only lightly tackled it.

Much to her dissatisfaction.
Strifr counter clock: 2/8.

D13 LE. Event. Roll 1. Earth/Culture. Tn 1. | TN: 1 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 1

Strife Counter Clock 3/8

D13 LE Event. Roll 2. Fire/Aesthetics. Tn 3 | TN: 3 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 2

Strife Counter: 5/8

D13 LE. Event. Roll 3. Void Theology. Tn 2. | TN: 2 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 0

1Opportunity symbol to show off.

Did not pass all.
Most total successes - 4
Most total opportunities spent for flair - 1
Most total opportunities spent for flair - 1
Pass Culture and Aesthetics, but failed Theology
Moth Clan ★ Glory 44 ★ Honour 49 ★ Status 28 ★ Courtship Points 23 ★ Scent of Lilacs, Citrus oils and Almond ★

Update: Day 13. Koi is wearing a kimono in much higher quality, lilac in hues with green lunar moths and silver lanterns. She is wearing a jade green choker. She is wearing a katana that largely is peace tied, and at night has a very fine lantern. She is being followed at all times by a Shika Guard at a distances. She wears a fine wooden carved bracelet with the Moth Clan symbol on it.

Dangerous Allure ★ Wood working tools ★ Unsavoury Past ★ Shaking Hands ★ Anxiety Attacks ★ A Purple Choker with a wooden sphere of a Moth ★

Female ★ Actress ★ Vitiligo on the left eye ★ I'd never really found a place in the outside world, but had stayed away too long to fit in at home. ★ Wait so LongProfile

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Suzume Senseki
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Re: (D13, LE) Love Among the Stars (Event)

Post by Suzume Senseki » Mon Sep 06, 2021 8:13 pm

The Suzume tries hard to think about what he remembered about the meaning of the stars and constellations as he looked up at the sky. He... did remember some things, here and there, mostly from stories, but nothing seemed particularly relevant....

... maybe actually looking at the stars and trying to 'find' new meaning in them would make more sense? Creativity was usually not his forte, but something about today seemed to help him. He felt himself getting inspired by the constellations, and could actually see images forming and dissipating, then new images, and, with quite a bit of effort, he thought he could make some sense of it - "create" some sense, more specifically.

Trying to actually understand what it all meant in light of what he knew about religion and mysticism was... somehow easier, after all that effort. He was no specialist in any of that, of course, but he felt a natural attunement to the stars and the meanings he had surmised from them, and ended up with a rather interesting theory on the mystic ramifications of that particular night.

He had renewed a number of interests in his time here... and found quite a few more. Whether the pairing he would leave Kyuden Shika with would be a 'match made in heaven' was still to be determined, of course, but it was quite clear this time would have a lasting impact on him.

D13 LE - Love among the Stars. Roll 1 - Earth/Culture TN 3. VP to Seize the Moment! | TN: 3 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image Image
2Success symbol - Fail!
2Opportunity symbol - used to show off
1Strife symbol - taken, to 3/10
1 VP used, to 1/2

D12 LE - Love among the Stars, roll 2. Fire/Aesthetics TN 2, VP to Seize the Moment. | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image (should read D13!)
2Success symbol - Passed!
1Opportunity symbol - used to show off
2Strife symbol - taken, to 5/10
1 VP used, to 0/2

D13 LE - Love among the stars, roll 3. Void/Theology TN1 | TN: 1 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 4
Image Image Image Image
2Success symbol - Passed, 1 extra success!
2Opportunity symbol - used to show off
4Strife symbol - taken, to 9/10

Passed all rolls NO
Most total successes -
Most total opportunities spent for flair -
Pass Theology roll, but failed one other roll YES
Most total successes 6
Most total opportunities spent for flair 5
Pass Culture and Aesthetics, but failed Theology NO
Most total successes -
Most total opportunities spent for flair -
Pass Culture or Aesthetics, and failed theology NO
Most total successes -
Most total opportunities spent for flair -
Highest Status 25
Highest Glory 31
Highest Honor 56
Last edited by Suzume Senseki on Wed Sep 08, 2021 6:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Sparrow Clan * Woodsman * Herbalist * Wicker hat * Disheveled hair * Clothes never fully clean
Not a penny to his name * A simple life is a good life * Life is sacred * The truth is always simple

Status: 25 * Glory: 31 * Honour: Is the ideal * CP: 27
Carries: Common clothes, Wicker hat, Daisho, Knife, Sling, Daisho (as allowed), Medicine Kit, Pillow books.
In the field: Ashigaru armour, Wicker hat, Daisho, Sling, Knife, Bo, Hunting Yari, Travelling pack, Rations, Pillow books.
