(D6, MM) Shot Through the Heart

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(D6, MM) Shot Through the Heart

Post by Saibankan » Mon Aug 16, 2021 6:11 am

With the summer rains continuing to fall unabated, the Dojo has been set up to accommodate a kyujutsu competition. Five arrows and five increasingly difficult targets await the competitors, as well as a grinning Shika Zang.

"The arrow knows the way, as they say." he proclaims. "Just as the arrows seek their way to the target, so too do the fates of those gathered seek theirs. Let us then see if you're bound to hit your mark or go wide."


There are five targets to hit with Any/Martial Arts (Ranged). The TNs are 1/2/3/4/5. Characters first shoot at the TN 1 target, if they hit it, they may shoot at the TN 2 target and so on. If you miss a target, you must halt your participation. This is not combat, so combat stance bonuses do not apply. Please note that you may stop at any time. If you stop without missing any targets, and having passed the TN 2 target, any honor staked is won.

Scoring in order of priority:

Hardest target hit
Total opportunities spent to show-off on successful shots.
Total successes.
Total Opportunities.
Highest Status
Highest Glory
Highest Honor
Non-Human * Gamemaster * Headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy * Mastermind

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Shiba Raizo
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Re: (D6, MM) Shot Through the Heart

Post by Shiba Raizo » Mon Aug 16, 2021 6:25 am

Ah. Archery. Fucking brilliant.

Raizo looked at his bow as if it were some kind of fish.

I really hope at some point the fucking Deer stop taking such pains to let me show just how many fucking skills I have zero fucking aptitude in.


He drew the bow back with a fluid motion and drilled the easiest target competently, if not impressively.

His second was substantially better-shot, perhaps because, as he loosed his arrow, he muttered a curse under his breath against any and all such stupid games.

His third shot, predictably, went wide.

[TN 1 target- hit, no strife, no opportunities, nada
TN 2 target- Hit with one excess success, 2 strife, 2 opportunities to show off
TN 3 target. Missed, no strife, no opportunities.

2 targets hit, two opportunities to show off, 1 excess success (4 total), 2 opportunities]
Last edited by Shiba Raizo on Mon Aug 16, 2021 6:58 am, edited 2 times in total.
Phoenix Clan * Bushi * Soldier* Blunt * Cynical * Seasoned * Strong
Your Wingman Anytime, Whether You Want It Or Not
Glory: 42 * Honor 41 * Status: 30
Carries his katana in an old, drab, battered saya. As of Day 13, wears a delicately carved bracelet of wooden beads polished smooth, laced through with red, yellow, and orange string and a small Phoenix token.
Standard gear: Ceremonial Clothes and a daisho. When in his element, ashigaru armor, a naginata, and a more relaxed form of terror are added into the mix.
Remember to Breathe

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Asahina Bo
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Re: (D6, MM) Shot Through the Heart

Post by Asahina Bo » Mon Aug 16, 2021 6:44 am

Although Bo had been granted a bow as part of his tools to serve his clan Daidoji-sensei had seen little point in training Bo to use it compared to deploying him in close combat. He understood the theory though and was willing to give it his best try.

While his results in hitting the targets was middling the strength in which his arrows flew meant that those targets that were hit were definitely not getting back up again.

(Shot 1, Target 1 - TN1:

D6, MM: Shot 1, Target 1 - Water/Melee (Ranged Combat) | TN: 1 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image Image Image

2 Opportunities spent to show off, 2 Strife

Shot 2, Target 2 - TN2:

D6, MM: Shot 2, Target 2 - Water/Melee (Ranged Combat) | TN: 2 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image Image

1 Opportunity to show off (3 total on successful shots), 2 Strife (4 total)

Shot 3, Target 3 - TN3, Void spent:

D6, MM: Shot 3, Target 3 - Water/Melee (Ranged Combat) - Void spent | TN: 3 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image Image Image

2 Opportunities to show off (3 total on successful shots, 5 total), 2 Strife (6 total)


TN2 Target hit
3 Opportunities spent to show off on successful shots
6 Total successes
5 Opportunities
35 Status
39 Glory
67 Honor)
Last edited by Asahina Bo on Mon Aug 16, 2021 6:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
Crane Clan Bushi • Guardian Gourmand • Gentle Giant • Overly Honest • Unintentionally Uncouth
Glory: 39 • Honor: 67 • Status: 35 • Courtship: 34

Always carried: Daisho, ceremonial clothes, rare spices, a peony pendant
Expecting trouble: As above plus lacquered armor, yari

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Kitsu Moshumaru
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Re: (D6, MM) Shot Through the Heart

Post by Kitsu Moshumaru » Mon Aug 16, 2021 6:48 am

- - -
Note on all rolls - Due to missing finger, adversities applied throughout

D6 MM - Archery - TN1 | TN: 1 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
Image Image
(Water approach used, 1 opp to show off, +1 strife)

D6 MM - Water Archery TN 2 - Adversity applied | TN: 2 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0
(Roll failed due to adversity, +1 void)

Controlling a bow with two missing fingers, especially untrained, is hard. Even so, By some dance of fate, he makes the first shot. His second goes wide, which he accepts with grace. He knows there are those much more injured, much less able than him.

With grace and decorum, he bows to Shika-sensei and the event staff, accepting his failure as his own and growing from it.
Lion Clan - HGS: 51/41/35 - Kitsu Red Hair, Missing fingers
"Mark my words, your descendants will remember you."
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Kitsu Murato
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Re: (D6, MM) Shot Through the Heart

Post by Kitsu Murato » Mon Aug 16, 2021 7:04 am

Murato stepped up to the bow and put on a wristguard. He knew what he was doing... but he was certainly no master. He quietly took up the bow, raised it above his head, then slowly lowered his arms, spreading them to draw the string back as he placed the bow in position. Both eyes open, only a moment looking at the target and then he let the arrow find it's own way to the target.

He took another arrow, repeated the process and but then paused. He lowered the bow as he felt something in that moment. He took a second arrow and held it in his teeth as he began his prep for the second target. He raised the bow, brought it down slowly and let the arrow find the way once more. But while people looked to see if he had hit, the sound of a second twang followed, as the second arrow he had prepared was let loose just as the first struck the target. A second after the impact of the first arrow, the sound of the second thudded into the third target.

The fourth shot, he felt a bit off however. Perhaps in his haste he had pulled a muscle, and now his shoulder was tight. He raised the bow, brought it into firing position, and then released letting the arrow... not find it's mark, instead hitting the post the target stood on. He did not mind. He was no master archer. But he knew what he was doing and proved it.


1Strife symbol

D6 MM, Martial Arts Ranged [Void] | TN: 1 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0
Image Image Image

1Strife symbol

D6 MM, Martial Arts Ranged [Void], Target 2 | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image
Success, 1Opportunity symbol Choose a ring other than Void. Reduce the TN of your next check by 1 if it uses that ring. [Water], 2Strife symbol gained

3Strife symbol

D6 MM, Martial Arts Ranged [Water], Target 3 | TN: 2 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image Image
Success, 1Opportunity symbol remove 2Strife symbol, 1Opportunity symbol showing off, gained 1Strife symbol

3Strife symbol

D6 MM, Martial Arts Ranged [Void], Target 4 | TN: 4 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image
Failed, 1Opportunity symbol negates 1Strife symbol

3Strife symbol

Hardest target hit: 3
Total opportunities spent to show-off on successful shots: 1
Total successes: 8
Total Opportunities: 4
Lion Clan * Bard * Bureaucrat * Spiritual * Haunted * Clumsy * Kitsu Honest * Kitsu Eyes
Honor Is the Ideal 59 | Unremarkable Retainer 44 | Imperial Descended Great Clan Samurai 45 | Description
Equipment: Traveling Clothes, Wakizashi, Katana, Tessen, Yumi & arrows, Shamisen, Helix Piercing Orange Earrings, Shamisen

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Kuni Yasu
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Re: (D6, MM) Shot Through the Heart

Post by Kuni Yasu » Mon Aug 16, 2021 7:08 am

Yasu had actually never held a bow. If she was striking at a distance, it was usually by calling upon the kami's aid. So while she watched the others and settled carefully into a similar stance and drew back the bow with relative ease, the arrow found its way nowhere near the target, thudding into the ground well to the side.
D6 Shot Through the Heart Earth/Martial Arts (Ranged) | TN: 1 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 3 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image

Opportunity to reduce Strife to 0

Hardest target hit: 0
Total opportunities spent to show-off on successful shots: 0
Total successes: 0
Total Opportunities 3
Crab * Purifier * Big Lady * Face Paint * Excellent Bloodlines * Unwealthy * Friendly
Honor is the Ideal * Glory: Unremarkable Retainer * Status: 30 * CP: 16

Commonly worn: Clothes!; wakizashi with crab tsuba; small knife; scroll satchel--tied closed with blue & brown kumihimo braid and dangling apricot pit netsuke; elaborately woven ribbon tying up her hair; a jade necklace carved into a Badger head, carved wooden charms of crab and moth looped around a wrist with lavender ribbon.


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Moshi Shizuka
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Re: (D6, MM) Shot Through the Heart

Post by Moshi Shizuka » Mon Aug 16, 2021 7:36 am

Shizuka idly twanged the bow string like she saw some of the Kaito do once. Supposedly it kept bad luck or spirits or whatever away, she didn't know - she just liked the sound it made.

But back to reality. Never mind the Moshi had also never used a bow before, how hard could it be to shoot an arrow, right? After all, it knew where it was supposed to go.

Reeeeeeeally pulling back on the string to get the most satisfying twang out of it, Shizuka's first shot was...acceptably on target! Great!

Feeling pretty confident of herself, she repeated her methodology for the second target. The arrow thunked solidly into one of the target stand's legs.

"I mean, that should count, right?" The Centipede groused in a joking tone.

D6 Event, Fire/Martial (Ranged), TN1 | TN: 1 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0

D6 Event, Fire/Martial (Ranged), TN2 | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0
Image Image Image

Hardest Target Hit: 1
Opportunities to Show Off: 0
Total Successes: 1
Total Opportunities: 0
Centipede Clan • Shugenja • Sun Priestess • Hot-blooded
Honor: 60 | Glory: 45 | Status: 30
Carries: Wakizashi, kiseru, oil-paper umbrella, scroll satchel

"As long as you shine brightly, people around you will follow!"


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Susaki Tanabe
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Re: (D6, MM) Shot Through the Heart

Post by Susaki Tanabe » Mon Aug 16, 2021 7:37 am

Tanabe was no archer. He was a wrestler but if this was how he showed the deer he was capable then so be it. The Otter grabbed the bow and made the first shot with relative ease not sure why people have to practice this so much, maybe I'm just extra awesome he thought happily.

The next shot he struggled more with only just managing to hit the target ok maybe there's something to it

the last target came into sight and Tanabe focused drew all of his will into this one arrow he closed his eyes willing the arrow to find its way there. He thought of his mother the calmness with which she faced adversity, the look of pride on his father's face as Tanabe overcame another challenge. His sensei and all his friends from the Badger dojo. Yasu's smile.

He took a deep breath in and out he envisioned them all there with him giving him strength. he loosed the arrow and waited to hear the tell tale thunk of it hitting the target. he waited. and waited. he peeked with one eye oh there the arrow lay about a foot in front of the target buried into the ground.

well that was disappointing he thought dejectedly as he returned the bow to the deer overseeing the competition.
D5 archery water/ranged | TN: 1 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 3
Image Image Image Image
strife 3/12

D5 archery water/ranged | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0
Image Image
strife 3/12

D5 archery water/ranged | TN: 3 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 0
Image Image Image

Hardest target hit 2
Total opportunities spent to show-off on successful shots. 3
Total successes. 5
Total Opportunities. 3
Otter Clan * sumai * large * yojimbo * loud * musician?
Honor: 49 Glory: 35 Status: 22 CP: 26
Carries: travelling clothes, daisho, a jade braclet
When allowed: ashigaru armor, tekken.

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Kaikoga Koi
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Re: (D6, MM) Shot Through the Heart

Post by Kaikoga Koi » Mon Aug 16, 2021 8:04 am

Yet again at this stupid dumb Miai Koi had to perform a task that had absolutely no connection to marriage (unless she was going to kill the bastard but then she'd probably just poison them.) No, she had to come out to the dojo to look like a fool through the rumors that are being spread about her. Plus her favourite kimono was missing, and it was still raining!

Koi was done. She was fed up of this place, these people, these challenges and she felt entirely useless in everything she did. So when it came to her turn she picked up the bow, and already knew she'd not hit any of the other target's she fired at the closest target. She hit it. Hit it dead. She hit that thing so well that everyone would know that Kaikoga Koi hit that first target. Damn right.

She picked up the second arrow, drew and as she exhaled her breath the arrow flew just over the top of the target and clattered to the floor.

Koi stood there fuming, her resentment growing inside her as her head pounded from a headache. She handed the bow back, bowed before turning away to leave the stage to go have a discussion with someone.

D6 MM: Shot Through the Heart. Water/Ranged. First Shot. | TN: 1 | Success: 4 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 1

D6 MM: Shot Through the Heart. Shot Two. Water/Ranged. | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 1

1Opportunity symbol to recover 2 Strain.
1Opportunity symbol to show off.

Hardest target hit: 1
Total opportunities spent to show-off on successful shots.: 0
Total successes. Total: 5
Total Opportunities. Total: 2
Highest Status 28
Highest Glory 41
Highest Honor 46
Moth Clan ★ Glory 44 ★ Honour 49 ★ Status 28 ★ Courtship Points 23 ★ Scent of Lilacs, Citrus oils and Almond ★

Update: Day 13. Koi is wearing a kimono in much higher quality, lilac in hues with green lunar moths and silver lanterns. She is wearing a jade green choker. She is wearing a katana that largely is peace tied, and at night has a very fine lantern. She is being followed at all times by a Shika Guard at a distances. She wears a fine wooden carved bracelet with the Moth Clan symbol on it.

Dangerous Allure ★ Wood working tools ★ Unsavoury Past ★ Shaking Hands ★ Anxiety Attacks ★ A Purple Choker with a wooden sphere of a Moth ★

Female ★ Actress ★ Vitiligo on the left eye ★ I'd never really found a place in the outside world, but had stayed away too long to fit in at home. ★ Wait so LongProfile

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Kasuga Yoshi
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Re: (D6, MM) Shot Through the Heart

Post by Kasuga Yoshi » Mon Aug 16, 2021 8:36 am

Yoshi was not an archer. In fact, archers were of limited use on the rolling deck of a ship. Fights on Tortoise tactics, if they where to hypothetically occur, would be charging the deck of another ship. There was no need to hunt with a bow, because of an abundance of sea access to fish from.

So yeah, this is probably going to be a challenge to dread.

Yoshi lines up on the mark, using the provided bow and takes aim at the closest target. He nails that shot, hitting the mark dead center

Huh. Who knows. Maybe I will get lucky

And then the second shot goes hideously awry.

Orrrrr not

D6 Event-Shot Through the Heart-Air/Martial Arts(Ranged) (Untrained) - TN 1 | TN: 1 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 3
Image Image Image Target 1 hit

D6 Event-Shot Through the Heart-Air/Martial Arts(Ranged) (Untrained) - TN 2 | TN: 2 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0

Targets Hit: 1
Opportunity: 2
Tortoise Clan | Honor: 25 | Glory: 27| Status: 25 | Male | Diplomat | Groomed | Generous | Strife with Mantis
Equipment (standard): Traveling clothes, wakizashi, calligraphy set, knife, kiseru, abacus or gaijin compass, travelling pack, pouch of gaijin coins
(Battle): Tetsubo

"It's an absolute pleasure to see you again. Here, please take this gift. I insist"
Theme Song: Smooth Criminal (Shamisen Style!)
