(D5, MM) Love is a Battlefield (Event)

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(D5, MM) Love is a Battlefield (Event)

Post by Saibankan » Fri Aug 13, 2021 7:59 am

The great hall has been lined this time with go boards, and cushions to play go upon. There are a fair number of Deer clan samurai of various levels of skill. Shika Zang is yet again in the middle of the room with a grin.

"As you may well know, Go is my fifth favorite thing to do! Some of the empire's greatest tacticians sharpen their skills on the goban like a swordsmith hones a sword. And as well you may guess, being able to learn how your opponent thinks is an important skill to have to understand your future spouse. So then, let's see how you fare on the goban!" he announces.


Characters will face up to three go players. Their first opponent is a beginner. If they beat the beginner, they may play against a casual player, and if they beat them, there is an intermediate amateur awaiting them. You may choose to stop at the end of any match, you do not have to face each of them. If you stop without facing all three, but otherwise did not fail any rolls, you win any staked honor Games will follow the following format:

Each round they may choose one of 7 options:

1) The killing blow: Defeat them with one dramatic move! This requires an Any/Games roll. This requires two successes and two opportunities. However, depending on the opponent, after a certain round it only requires two successes. Beginner in round 3 and beyond, Casual in round 4 and beyond, Intermediate in round 5 and beyond. However, failing this maneuver is quite embarrassing, and perhaps fatal to one’s game. You take one strife for each symbol you are short.

2) Feinting plays: Mislead your opponent This requires Air/Games at TN 2. On a success, you need one less opportunity to perform the Killing Blow next round.

3) Offense starts with Defense!: Building strong defenses on the board to wear your opponent out. This requires Earth/Games at TN 2. On a success, you take one less strife every round in the current match for each time you succeed at this maneuver.

4) Provoking the opponent: You attempt to draw your opponent out into overextending. This requires Fire/Games at TN 2. On a success, reduce the number of rounds required to not need opportunities for the killing blow by 1.

5) Flexible plays: Your plays attempt to maximize your flexibility on the board. This requires a Water/Games at TN 2. On the next round, you may reduce the TN of any Games action by 1

6) One with the board: You tune out your opponent’s distractions to attempt to understand the true state of the board. This requires a Void/Games check at TN 2. On a success, you take no strife next round from any source.

7) Calming breath: You regain one strife without rolling.

At the end of each round, a character takes strife equal to the round of their current game (1 Strife at the end of the first round, 2 strife at the end of the second round, etc…..), if they have not yet defeated their opponent. If a player character becomes compromised, they are defeated.

Scoring priority:

Most opponents defeated
Fewest rounds spent
Most total opportunities spent to show off.
Most bonuses successes on a single roll.
Most opportunities on a single roll to show off.
Highest Status
Highest Glory
Highest Honor
Non-Human * Gamemaster * Headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy * Mastermind

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Utaku Kheree
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Re: (D5, MM) Love is a Battlefield (Event)

Post by Utaku Kheree » Fri Aug 13, 2021 9:35 am

D5 Games round 1 killing blow water | TN: 2 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 3 / Strife: 0
Image Image Image
spend op on showing off
d5 MM provoking | TN: 3 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 0
Image Image Image
Spending opp to heal strife, sucees as its only TN2
D5 mm killing blow beginer round 3 water | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 3 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image Image Killing blow

Casual enemy:
D 5 , intermediate enemy round 1 provoking the enemy | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 4
Image Image Image Image
Spending opp to heal strife
D5 Intermediate, provoking | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image
Killing blow else I am automatically out.
Fixing a blunder because kherees player is a idiot girl that can't count up from 7 and keep dices | TN: 3 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 3
Image Image Image Image Image

Edit :Have I mentioned that I am a idiot today that can't count?
Showing off with 1 opp
Strife :
ROund 1 : 1>4
Round 2: 4>4
Round 3 4>0
Round 1 : 0>3
Round 2 3>7
Round 3 7+3=10
Most opponents defeated :2
Fewest rounds spent :3
Most total opportunities spent to show off. 4
Most bonuses successes on a single roll. 1
Most opportunities on a single roll to show off. 3
Last edited by Utaku Kheree on Fri Aug 13, 2021 7:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Cat Unicorn • Female • Bushi-Sage • Dangerous Alure,Haunted Flirt,
Honor: 56 • Glory: 57 • Status: 30 • Courtship Points: 23
Carries: Raven,Traveling Clothes, Wakizashi, Scimitar inlaid with a red jewel in the hilt.

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Moto Mitsuki
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Re: (D5, MM) Love is a Battlefield (Event)

Post by Moto Mitsuki » Fri Aug 13, 2021 9:37 am

Mitsuki knew exactly one go opening: A risky gambit followed by a swift victory.

It worked quite well against the first inexperienced opponents, though it was already showing signs of weaknesses against anything but the most basic of moves.

It simply crumbled against an experienced player in spite of Mitsuki giving it her all.


Strife at the beginning of the event: 1/8


Round 1:

D5MM | Love is a Battlefield | Beginner round 1 | Provoking the opponent | Games (Fire) | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image Image

-> Passed, in killing blow ranged for next turn

Opportunity symbol: Remove 1 strife gained from this check.

End of round: +1 strife


Round 2:

D5MM | Love is a Battlefield | Beginner round 2 | Killing blow | Games (Water) | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image Image Image

-> Pass: Victory

Opportunity symbol (Water): Remove 2 strife from oneself.
Opportunity symbol: Remove 1 strife gained from this check.



Round 1:

D5MM | Love is a Battlefield | Casual round 1 | One with the board | Games (Void) | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 0
Image Image

Opportunity symbol (Void): Choose a ring other than Void [Fire]. Reduce the TN of your next check by 1 if it uses that ring.

End of round: +1 strife


Round 2:

D5MM | Love is a Battlefield | Casual round 2 | Provoking the opponent | Games (Fire) | TN: 1 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 0
Image Image

-> Passed (thanks to the Void reduction), in killing blow range for next turn

Opportunity symbol: Show off.

End of round: +2 strife


Round 3:

D5MM | Love is a Battlefield | Casual round 3 | Killing blow | Games (Water) | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image

-> Pass: Victory

Opportunity symbol (Water): Remove 2 strife from oneself.



Round 1:

D5MM | Love is a Battlefield | Intermediate round 1 | Provoking the opponent | Games (Fire) | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 1
Image Image

Pass: -1 round on the killing blow counter

End of round: +1 strife


Round 2:

D5MM | Love is a Battlefield | Intermediate round 2 | Provoking the opponent | Games (Fire) | Void Point | TN: 2 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 0
Image Image Image Image

Opportunity symbol: Show off.

End of round: +2 strife

4+2=8/8 (exactly not compromised)
Void: 1/2

Round 3:

D5MM | Love is a Battlefield | Intermediate round 3 | Killing blow of destiny | Games (Water) | Void Point | TN: 2 | Success: 4 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 3
Image Image Image Image Image Image

Defeat (compromised)
Opportunity symbol: Show off.

Void: 0/2


Two opponents defeated (in 2 and 3 turns)
3Opportunity symbol to show off
No bonus success
Unicorn Clan | Bushi | Cavalry | Commander | Goth | Barbarian
Honor: 31 (Honor is the Ideal) | Glory: 47* (Reputable Samurai) | Status: 30 (average Great Clan samurai) | Profile
Usually dressed in white and black. Gaijin-style "daisho" (scimitar, buckler, wakizashi).
Famously Reliable/Gaijin Culture/Omen of Bad Luck

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Usogawa Emiko
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Re: (D5, MM) Love is a Battlefield (Event)

Post by Usogawa Emiko » Fri Aug 13, 2021 9:40 am

Emiko again didn't see the point of this, but she loved games so at least it was interesting. Her start was aggressive, which left her open quite a few times. However, it seemed to be all part of the plan as it tricked the opponent into overextending, and she managed to sneak a win here.

Phew, that was close! I shouldn't be so aggressive next time!

And so the next game started, and listening to her own advice she started exactly as aggressively as last time - which caught the player out, and she had him cornered in mere minutes! Everyone was surprised by this.

Going into the final game she sat down looking mentally tired. She wanted to pass on this, but her pride as future champion of the Otter wouldn't let her. She could face this. She would do this. She was Going to win!

It started off with the same level of aggression, and the smug opponent had her on the ropes. She was looking for an out somewhere, anywhere. Then she spotted it - that small opening, that tiny window. She'd need to play this inch perfect.

Could she do it? Would he spot it?


He did not. Emiko got the upper hand, and took the victory. She looked exhausted for it though.

(ooc - rolls:
First opponent:
D5 MM event round 1 - killing blow! Water/Games. Need 2 success 2 opportunity | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 1
Image Image failed, so 1 strife healed by school tech. 2 strife for rolling no opportunities, and 1 from end of round 3/8 strife
D5 MM event round 2 - killing blow! Water/Games. Need 2 success 2 opportunity | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 0
Image Image Image 1 strife for failing healed by school tech for failing, 1 opportunity to heal 2. 2 strife for 2 short on roll 2 strife for round 2, 4/8 strife
D5 MM event round 3 - killing blow! Water/Games. Need 2 success | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image using 1 opportunity to heal the 2 strife, passed so don't get end of roll strife. 4/8 strife

Casual player
D5 MM event Second opponent round 1 - killing blow! Water/Games. Spending void because why not | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 4 / Strife: 4
Image Image Image Image Image Image 1 opportunity used for water to heal 2 strife, 1 opportunity used to heal 1 strife, still 2 success 2 opportunity with 1 strife left over. 5/8

D5 MM event third opponent round 1 - killing blow! Water/Games. Need 2 success 2 opportunity | TN: 2 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image Image 4 strife gained, 1 healed for losing 8/8.
D5 MM event third opponent round 2 - killing blow! Water/Games. Need 2 success 2 opportunity | TN: 2 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 3 / Strife: 4
Image Image Image Image Image using extra opportunity for water to heal 2 strife. Beaten with 4 strife, 10/8 compromised but beat him :D

Beginner - beaten in 3 rounds
Casual - beaten in 1 round
Intermediate - Beaten in 2 rounds
Most bonus successes - 1, but on final round I had 3 (couldn't keep 2 of them!)
No opportunities to show off
S:22 H:40 G:34
Otter Clan * Kuge * Heir * Courtier * Dancer * Musician * Very Pretty(Dangerous Allure) * Clumsy * Profile
Status: average| Honour: Ideal | Glory: No Renown
Courtship points: ?
Equipment: Fan, pretty clothes, makeup/perfume, pillowbooks (sometimes), Tea set (sometimes), Flute (sometimes), odd looking stringed instrument (sometimes)

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Kitsu Murato
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Re: (D5, MM) Love is a Battlefield (Event)

Post by Kitsu Murato » Fri Aug 13, 2021 12:34 pm

Murato sighed to himself at the sight of the Go boards. I thought I might have gotten away from such tournaments.

Moving to face the beginning opponent assigned to him, the Kitsu sits and goes through all the formal introductions. Then he kind of slumps and settles into a posture that seems like he does not care at all about anything else going on around him. He is bored. The opponent is boring him.

Not because Murato is so skilled it isn't a challenge, but because his opponent is so into Go and every comment is about the game. The flame eyed lion's eyes seem to become a dull orange with the true lack of interest or concern. There is no passion for the game itself and the opponent's love of it just puts him off.

Then Murato makes a move that has been used against himself a thousand times at a thousand Lion tournaments, that instantly flips have the board in his favor. He still seems completely uninterested, sighing as he dose all the requisite maintenance after the move, his opponent starting to get both annoyed and a little offended at his opponents attitude.

The Lion doesn't even register his opinions... this beginner was as skilled as most Lion children before getting to their dojo, so he'd seen all of their moves a hundred times before.

Then with a final move he finishes his opponent. There's no passion or interest. Just a 'good game' and a bow. Having done the minimum prerequisite for having some measure of success in the event so as to not look like someone completely incapable, Murato takes his leave from the event.

With how calmly and coolly he beats his opponent, some of the organizers are a bit confused why he doesn't just keep going. Murato doesn't give them a second look. A game with someone one on one can be fun, because of the conversation. A tournament of this crap? No thanks... boring.

The Beginner
D5 MM, Games [Void], One with the Board, Round 1 | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0
Image Image
Success, no Strife next round, 1Strife symbol for current round

D5 MM, Games [Void], One with the Board, Round 2 | TN: 2 | Success: 4 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image Image
Success with bonus 2Success symbol, no strife gained, no strife next round

D5 MM, Games [Void], Killing Blow, Round 3 | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image
Successf, Beginner defeated, no strife gained, 1Opportunity symbol to heal strife

1 Opponent Defeated
3 Rounds spent
0 opportunities
2 bonus successes on a single roll
0 opportunities to show off
Lion Clan * Bard * Bureaucrat * Spiritual * Haunted * Clumsy * Kitsu Honest * Kitsu Eyes
Honor Is the Ideal 59 | Unremarkable Retainer 44 | Imperial Descended Great Clan Samurai 45 | Description
Equipment: Traveling Clothes, Wakizashi, Katana, Tessen, Yumi & arrows, Shamisen, Helix Piercing Orange Earrings, Shamisen

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Shika Nesshin
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Re: (D5, MM) Love is a Battlefield (Event)

Post by Shika Nesshin » Fri Aug 13, 2021 2:16 pm

Nesshin takes his seat at the goban. The games he prefers to play don't generally involve such equipment--well, there was that one time, but that was a special case, and while the splinters involved were worth it, they weren't worth it a second time--but the colors are the right ones, at least, and Nesshin's watched enough herds and hunters to think about the game in those terms. And he plays like it, seeming to concentrate his stones in one area of the board, inviting his opponent in--only to close the game with a devastating capture.

He bows to his opponent--the kid's alright--and has to stifle a yawn. It was a long night, after all, and while he'll stick around to talk, he knows he'll need to nap after.

But it went better than the poetry.

Beginner Rd. 1, Feinting; https://sakkaku.org/rolls/788 passes at 2Success symbol0Opportunity symbol0Strife symbol; one less Opp to Kill, +1 Strife for the Round
Beginner Rd. 2, Kill; https://sakkaku.org/rolls/789 passes at 3Success symbol1Opportunity symbol2Strife symbol; Opp to show off, +4 Strife on the Round

1 opponent defeated
2 rounds spent
1 total opportunities spent to show off.
1 bonuses success on a single roll.
1 opportunities on a single roll to show off.
40 Status
42 Glory
36 Honor
Kaikoga nee Shika Nesshin
Male Deer Clan Gamekeeper / Security Personnel
Glory 42; Honor 36; Status 41
Profile here: http://kyudenshika.fallenash.com/viewto ... 80&start=4
Normally in traveling clothes with a blue-and-gold obi, carrying a wakizashi, a fancy damned fan, and an omamori; carries a tsunoyari outside, too; carries a tsunoyari and wears ashigaru armor on watch, too; has trinkets, etc. at most times

Starting D1, has a silver and purple ribbon tied to his obi, as well.
D9, has a broom in hand and bandages on his hands.
D10-12, has a small whisk broom also thrust through his obi.
D11+, has a second fan.

Playful, irrepressibly flirtatious, blessed by Benten, blessed in lineage. Often smells of cedar.

Courtship Points: 31

"You look lost. Let me show you the way to something nice."

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Kasuga Yoshi
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Re: (D5, MM) Love is a Battlefield (Event)

Post by Kasuga Yoshi » Fri Aug 13, 2021 3:12 pm

Yoshi has never been honored with the reputation of being a tactical genius. However, he was an old hand at playing go, and the thought of playing it by the harbor lightens his heart.

"I hope you don't mind if I smoke. It helps me think" Yoshi pulls out his kiseru and lights it up, puffing away as he reviews he boards. He plays the first match off as if he doesn't care, but pulls the trigger too soon, alerting his opponent that he is more skilled than he looks. Yoshi wins, but it's closer than he likes.

"I've gotten rusty." Yoshi discreetly taps out his ash and refills his pipe for the next round. He is more careful this time, not sure what the more skilled opponent will bring. He starts to spread his pieces out, setting himself up for the long game. Then, he sacrifices his position on one, opening up room for his opponent to claim it. Yoshi's counter attack isn't meant to claim any pieces for himself, but forces his opponent into a bitter retreat, spending captured territory to fortify it, while Yoshi is able to set up on other spots of the board. The opponent sees what he is after though and pushes back. It's no clean victory, but Yoshi squeaks ahead.

"Do I really want to go for another?" Yoshi looks over at the other miai contestants. Many have dropped out, even refusing to try. Their lack of stamina makes him want to do it more.

"I'll take white this time"

The third game Yoshi opens with a defensive strategy. He notices that his bowl has gone low and holds up a hand to wait. "Please excuse me. I forgot to refill after the last match." With some time to clear his head, Yoshi surveys the board and takes a few puffs before trying the maneuver from earlier to get his opponent to attack his position. His opponent doesn't fall for it, but Yoshi turns to bait into a way to expand of his own and loses little in the bargain. The lessons learned from earlier foes quickly helps him as he sets up for multiple angles of attack throughout the mid game, showing off some flair in the bargain.

Game 1

Love Is a Battlefield, Beginner, Round 1-Reduce Opportunity needed to win-Air/Games TN 2 | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 1
Image Image Pass, 1 fewer Opportunity symbol needed
Love Is a Battlefield, Beginner, Round 2-Go For the Kill-Water/Games TN 2 | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image Fail take 3 strife
Love Is a Battlefield, Beginner, Round 3-Go For the Kill-Water/Games TN 2 | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 1Ga,
Image Image Image Image Game won, opportunity spent to recover strife

Game Won, 3 strife, 2 opportunity to show off

Game 2
Love Is a Battlefield, Casual, Round 1-Flexible Plays-Water/Games TN 2 | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 1 TN reduced by 1

Love is a Battlefield-Casual-Round 2-Provoking the opponent-Fire/Games-TN Dropped by 1 due to Round 1 roll | TN: 1 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0 Rounds needed to not need opportunity dropped by one
Image Image
Love is a Battlefield-Casual-Round 3-Go for the kills-Water/Games-TN 2-No opportunity needed due to Overextend roll | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 1
Image Image fail, 2 strife for coming up short
Love is a Battlefield-Casual-Round 4-Go for the kills-Water/Games-TN 2- | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image

Game Won, 4 Strife, 0 opportunity to show off

Game 3
Love is a Battlefield-Intermediate-Round 1-Offense starts with Defense-Earth/Games-TN 2 | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image Strife Reduced to 1
Round 2: Take a breath, reduce one strife
Love is a Battlefield-Intermediate-Round 3-Provoking Opponent-Fire/Games-TN 2 | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 0
Image 1 opportunity banked
Love is a Battlefield-Intermediate-Round 4-Adaptive Play-Water/Games-TN 2 | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image Pass, TN reduced next round, 2 opportunity banked, strife negated by round 1 success
Love is a Battlefield-Intermediate-Round 5-Go For the Kill!-Water/Games-TN 1 (reduced from previous adaptive play) | TN: 1 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
Image Image 1 opportunity banked, strife negated by Round 1 Earth/Games succes

Game 3 won! 0 Strife accumulated, 4 Opportunity to show off

Final Results
Games Won: 3
Rounds Required: 12
Opportunity: 6
Opportunity in One roll: 2
Strife: 7 accumulated
Tortoise Clan | Honor: 25 | Glory: 27| Status: 25 | Male | Diplomat | Groomed | Generous | Strife with Mantis
Equipment (standard): Traveling clothes, wakizashi, calligraphy set, knife, kiseru, abacus or gaijin compass, travelling pack, pouch of gaijin coins
(Battle): Tetsubo

"It's an absolute pleasure to see you again. Here, please take this gift. I insist"
Theme Song: Smooth Criminal (Shamisen Style!)

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Kitsu Moshumaru
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Re: (D5, MM) Love is a Battlefield (Event)

Post by Kitsu Moshumaru » Fri Aug 13, 2021 3:18 pm

Beginner round 1:
D5 MM LIAB - Water/Games to reduce next TN by 1 (Foe 1 round 1) | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image Image
(Total strife: +2, Opp to show off, total 5/12)

Beginner round 2(Killing blow):
D5 MM LIAB - Killing blow (Water, void for +1 ring) | TN: 1 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image Image
(Total strife:+5, using water opp to reduce strife gain by 2, total +3, total 8/12)

Beginner round 3 (Killing round, again,):
D5 MM LIAB - Shoot to kill (Water/games) | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image
(Total strife gain: +2, water opp to reduce strife by 2, total 8/12)

Moshumaru was never a fan of Go. Perhaps it stemmed from something in his childhood, but it's obvious in his play. He was playing to end the game, not to win or indulge it. Though he shoes the appropriate courtesy and politeness, he takes his first win and leaves it there, citing a lack of knowledge for the game.

- - - -
1 Game won
3 rounds spent
1 opp spent to show off
1 bonus success on a roll
Lion Clan - HGS: 51/41/35 - Kitsu Red Hair, Missing fingers
"Mark my words, your descendants will remember you."
Gift giving ritual: Feel free to skip due to timezones
Ideal Lewdness level: Ftb, raunchy/lewd is fine
PM if thread desired

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Shosuro Hikimasu
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Re: (D5, MM) Love is a Battlefield (Event)

Post by Shosuro Hikimasu » Fri Aug 13, 2021 5:43 pm

Well, this should be alright.

The first opponent went very predictably. They fell right into Hikimasu's trap, a text book win.

The next showed good insight to his tricks and it was worrisome, but in the end they couldn't deal with his attack.

Finally he sat down with his third opponent, who was clearly better than him. He had to work more flexibly, tricks wouldn't work on them. Though his adapting to his opponent wasn't key in the end, a different approach helped him keep a cool head and he managed to grasp opportunity to secure victory. He bowed.

"Luck was on my side, thank you for the game." he bowed.

D5 Go Event, Air/Games, Beginner round 1, Feint, Distinction | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 0
Image Image Image
Success, Opportunity to show off, 1 strife for the round

D5 Go Event, Air/Games, Beginner round 2, Finishing Blow, Distinction | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image Image
Success, win match. Gain 1 strife from roll.

D5 Go Event, Air/Games, Match 2 round 1, Feint, Distinction | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image
Fail roll, 1 opportunity to negate strife, 1 to show off. Gain 1 from match.

D5 Go Event, Air/Games, Match 2 round 2, Finishing Blow, Distinction | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image Image
Success, win match, +2 strife.

D5 Go Event, Water/Games, Match 3 round 1, Flexibility, Distinction | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
Image Image
Fail roll, 1 strife from roll, 1 from round, water opportunity to lower by 2. No strife gained.

D5 Go Event, Air/Games, Finishing Blow, Match 3 round 2, Distinction | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image
Success, win 3rd match. Gain 1 strife.

Victory in 6 rolls
Gained 6 strife
No bonus successes
2 opportunities to show off.
Shosuro Hikimasu
Scorpion Clan • Bushi • Soldier • Dead Fish Eyes • Friend of Yūdaina

Honor: 41 Status: 35 Glory: 44
Carries: clothing, daisho, fan, mempo. Has ashigaru armor, daikyu and magnificent steed for battle.
"Fulfillment is just another form of arrogance."

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Usogawa Narumi
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Re: (D5, MM) Love is a Battlefield (Event)

Post by Usogawa Narumi » Fri Aug 13, 2021 6:30 pm

Narumi is nothing but in good spirits - she greets each of her challengers with kindness and respect, and is a delightful conversationalist if they choose to talk during the match, or good company if they'd rather a silent battle.
She takes her beginning hits with stride, as if it were part of her plan all along. She moves with her opponents positions, flowing along to meet every bend in the river they put up, and finding her way past.
Upon winning the first two rounds, she's gracious and offers a bow in gratitude to her opponents before moving to the next table.

The last game seems to have bested her ability though, and she makes a premature move that nearly wipes her off the board. She can't help but laugh, taking the near-fatal move in stride. When the mistake nearly happens a second time, Narumi puts her hands up and shakes her head, grinning, "I yield! Good game!"
Though she has a raging headache by the end, and surely she hasn't come out completely on top of the proverbial board of courtship points, she's satisfied with her performance.

Game 1.
D5MM Beginner R1: Flexible play | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image
0/10 starting strife.
-1 strife via school tech. ​+1 strife end of round.
0+1-1+1 = 1/10 strife.
2 opp's spent to show off.

D5MM Beginner R2: Flexible play | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image
-1 strife via opp. +2 strife end of round.
1+1-1+2 = 3/10 strife.

R3 Forgot to note the stance: Water! Like a good Otter!
D5MM Beginner R3: Killing blow | TN: 1 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0
Image Image Image
-2 strife via water stance.
3+0-2 = 1/10 strife.
Game 1 complete.

Game 2.
D5MM Casual R1: Flexible play. | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image
-1 strife via school tech. +1 strife end of round.
1+1-1+1 = 2/10 strife.
2 opp spent to show off.

D5MM Casual R2: Flexible play. | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 3 / Strife: 4
Image Image Image Image Image
-2 strife via water stance. -3 strife via opp's. ​+2 strife end of round.
2+4-2-3+2 = 3/10

D5MM Casual R3: Flexible play. | TN: 1 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 1
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-2 strife via water stance. ​-2 strife via opp's. +3 strife end of round.
3+1-2-2+3 = 3/10

D5MM Casual R4: Killing blow (Water) | TN: 1 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 3
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-2 strife via water stance. -1 strife via opp.
3+3-2-1 = 3/10
Game 2 complete.

Game 3.
D5MM Intermediate R1: Flexible play. | TN: 2 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 3
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-2 strife via water stance. -1 strife via opp. +1 strife end of round.
3+3-2-1+1 = 4/10

Ooops I did it again. Water stance.
D5MM Intermediate R2: Killing blow. 2 opps needed. | TN: 1 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 0
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-2 strife via water stance. -1 strife via opp. +1 strife via missed opp. +2 strife end of round.
4-2-1+1+2 = 4/10

D5MM Intermediate R2: Killing blow (Water). 2 opps needed. | TN: 2 | Success: 4 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 4
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-2 strife via water stance. -1 strife via opp. +1 strife via missed opp. +3 strife end of round.
4+4-2-1+1+3 = 9/10
Forfeit called.

2 opponents defeated
10 total rounds spent
4 total opportunities spent to show off.
2 bonuses successes on a single roll.
2 opportunities on a single roll to show off.
Last edited by Usogawa Narumi on Sun Aug 15, 2021 1:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Otter clan • Subtle Observer, Cynic • romantic but shady • apprentice nakodo
Glory 40 | Honor 27 | Status 22 | Description | Courtship Points 22

Carries: A paper umbrella, expertly painted to portray a section of the River of Gold. Lucky cricket.
D10+: A netsuke of a tanuki appears hooked over her obi at her left hip.
Also D10+: sports a split lower lip.
D12+: bruising across the back of both hands
