Kitsu Moshimaru

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Kitsu Moshimaru

Post by Saibankan » Tue Sep 14, 2021 8:23 pm

Unsei's favourite poet looked to the stars from his new abode. Sleeping like a babe in his lap, Benten's cursed but Musubi's chosen(in Moshu's opinion) rested peacefully alongside him.

The mind of the Mourner wondered to many places, still not quite in control of the sheer typhoon of emotion roiling in his heart - something he hadn't felt, well, ever. Flights of fancy as long as entire lifetimes or as short as a simple boat ride come and go, until it settles on one thought from a conversation they had near the end of the Miai-

Kyuden Unsei.

It was madness - an almost impossible dream from where they laid. But if it was possible, if the pieces all fell into place... what would it be like? How could he build something truly appropriate to the magnitude of what he felt, and what was deserved?

He imagined the grand hall where court would take place, that astrological grid the Seppun used being marked out on the ceiling. It would give guests something to look at, certainly, but also remind them of their service to the Emperor and the heavens.

It would, obviously, have to be by a river of some kind. Had a Kyuden with a port been done before? Perhaps it would need a moat or somesuch to protect it's non-port sides. The thought of taking a boat ride with Unsei sounded wonderful, though, especially after a long day's work.

He pondered - since she had adopted the duck, how would she feel about a small pond, maybe one dedicated especially to ducks? It might provide somewhere nice for the servants and such to take breaks or enjoy their free time - of course Unsei deserved multiple gardens in her honour. One for her past, one for her heart, and one for that thing she does with her chee-

Would a statue be appropriate? Maybe it was all too much. Though he was loathe to say it, the guilt he still felt for making her cry was damn immeasurable. Even now, knowing full well and being fully told that they were tears of joy... they were the first he witnessed. His view of tears always came alongside a night sky of grief, accumulated from a lifetime of work. Perhaps, one day, he could see past those clouds to the stars.

Without even considering that possibility, he instead vowed to love until the She could be loved without tears - until she could see the majesty and scope of his affection without feeling overwhelmed. Even if it took a hu-

Hearing a soft murmur in his lap, the Kitsu knew he was summoned. He gave the stars one last look, and then settled himself to slumber by her side.

Maybe one day.
There was a lot Moshu didn't understand, but the future seemed easier to face safe in the knowledge he was their favourite poet, and they would be loved.
Non-Human * Gamemaster * Headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy * Mastermind

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