Play Schedule

Here some of the Empire's most daring plays are performed
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Play Schedule

Post by Saibankan » Sun Apr 18, 2021 5:21 pm

All plays are scheduled to take place in the Mid-Evening slot. Threads for them will open on the first rl day with the play itself going up on the second. Players may of course feel free to post that they had been there since beginning of the play as they see fit:

Day 1: Everyone wants to be a Sailor by Ide Hogai
Day 2: Erratic Love by Miya Nissho
Day 3: Ex-Hida by Yasuki Seiryo
Day 4: Mimei Matters by Shiba Isao
Day 5: My Lord's Daughter by Toshimichi
Day 6: Ichiro by Kakita Takeo
Day 7: Nuptial Papers by Togashi Yunosuke
Day 8: Romantic Luck by Yogo Mina
Day 9: A Glimpse of Yomi by Asahina Osamu
Day 10: Victory Cleanses Shame by Akodo Michizane
Day 11: With Her Passing by Shosuro Naoya
Day 12: Daisuke and Kamie by Kasuga Toshi
Day 13: The Guidance of Spirits by Kitsu Yakumo
Day 14: A Brutal Honesty by Shika Namika
Non-Human * Gamemaster * Headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy * Mastermind

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