What Each Ring Means

Player etiquette and other mechanical considerations
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What Each Ring Means

Post by Saibankan » Sat Jul 17, 2021 3:55 am

In many cases, the right ring depends on how you are doing a thing:

Air is for Grace, Cunning, Precision, and Subtlety,
Earth is for Resilience, Patience, Memory and Calm.
Fire is for Passion, Invention, Candor, and Ferocity.
Water is for Flexibility, Awareness, Efficiency and Charm.
Void is for Mysticism, Intuition, Instinct and Wisdom.



Question: “Why should you be married to Doji Tofu?”

-Air: “Surely, a lord as wise and learned as mine fully understands how beneficial such a match would be.

-Earth: “Were we to wed, we would secure an alliance against our mutual enemy the Lion. With our cavalry hitting them from the west, and the Crane tying up their forces in the east, our courtiers will be able to broker an easy peace, sparing many lives.”

-Fire: “Our love for one another will see us through any challenges!”

-Water: “My lord, I’ve noticed how the war with the Lion troubles you. With my marriage to Doji Tofu, I think you will have one less worry to trouble you.”

-Void: “I have prayed to my ancestors and they would smile upon such a union my lord, restoring harmony to the land.”

Climbing a tree:

-Air: “I nimbly move from branch to branch as I make my way upwards with nary a hair out of place.”

Earth: “I carefully climb up the tree, slowly testing my weight on each branch making sure it can support me before letting go of the branch I’m holding on to.”

-Fire: “I climb up the tree as fast as I can!”

-Water: “By looking at the color of the branches, I can gauge their health and make my way up on the healthy branches.”

-Void: “I trust my intuition to guide me in choosing the best branches.”
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Re: What Each Ring Means

Post by Saibankan » Sat Jul 17, 2021 4:00 am

Derived Stats:

(Earth + Fire) x 2 = Endurance, your ability to take physical damage and keep going.
(Earth + Water) x 2 = Composure, your ability to take mental stress.
Fire + Air = Focus, how fast can you go in combat when you know you’re entering combat.
(Air + Water) /2 = Vigilance, your passive observation skill and how fast you can react to surprise.
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Re: What Each Ring Means

Post by Saibankan » Sat Jul 17, 2021 4:01 am

In combat:

In combat, you declare which ring you are using at the start of combat, and may change which ring you are using when your turn comes up in each round after the first. Every check you make in a round, be it an attack, casting a spell, or using a shuji must be made with that ring (so if you want to cast water spells, for example, you have to be in water approach)

You also get a benefit depending on which stance you are in:

-Earth: Opponents cannot spend opportunities on Scheme or Attack actions targeting you to inflict critical strikes or conditions on you.

-Water: You can perform an additional action this round that does not require a check and does not match a type of action you’ve already done this round. (Calming Breath is really popular for this.)

-Fire: When you succeed as a check, your strife earned on the check counts as additional successes.

-Air: The TN to hit you with an Attack or with a Scheme action is increased by 1 (2 at IR 4).

-Void: Ignore strife symbols on the dice that you roll. You may still receive strife from other sources.
Non-Human * Gamemaster * Headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy * Mastermind

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