
Home to feasts, the Deer clan's winter court, and an ad-hoc art gallery
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Post by Saibankan » Sat Dec 05, 2020 6:24 pm


The enormous heart of Kyuden Shika serves a myriad of purposes, depending upon the needs of the Deer clan. When court is in session, many samurai can discuss politics either before the dais and its throne. The throne is a well-crafted affair, made of wood whose tones suggest the colors of the deer and antlers carved of gypsum, giving its occupant a rather majestic profile.

While the space can easily be cleared if bad weather makes the miai's outdoor activities infeasible, it currently serves as a rather impressive gallery most of the time.

Finely woven tapestries line the large walls, adding a softening warmth to the otherwise imposing space. Up close, they showcase the vivid beauty of the Unicorn's open plains. One can almost lose themselves in the expanse of rolling grasses and winding treelines. When viewed from farther away, one notes that the tapestries to either side depict the rise and set of Lady Sun, with the plains at noon resting on the wall behind the dais, and the plains at midnight on the wall visible directly from the dais.

The scenes seems so real, casual observers swear they can almost see the gentle sway of the plants. As a matter of fact, they can see the gentle sway of the plants, as several ikebana arrangements have been arranged directly in front of the tapestry, their colors chosen to flawlessly match the tapestry they stand before. This means you can also smell the sweet grasses and bright wildflowers of the plains.

Throughout the hall, comfortable groupings of pillows have been made, each surrounding a display of origami. Delicate pieces of paper folded into the shapes of the clans' totem animals. Overall, it seems like a lovely place to spend some comfortable time taking in the artwork and discussing it with others.

(Those with Aesthetics 1 note the purposeful combination of Unicorn influenced tapestries and Crane inspired ikebana suggesting that strengthening the ties between the two clans would be mutually beneficial. Those with Aesthetics 2 figure out that the origami displays are more than just pretty representations of the clans, but tiny representations of some of the most influential marriages in the history of the Empire. Those with Vigilance 2 notice that the guards seems to be paying particularly close attention to any discussions about the artworks in addition to their normal duties.)
Non-Human * Gamemaster * Headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy * Mastermind

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Re: Description

Post by Saibankan » Mon Aug 02, 2021 7:48 pm

As of Day 1, MM the following piece is added to the center of the hall:

A pair of porcelain figures on a marble base. The first, a large and powerful stag bearing one white antler and one black It’s head ever so slightly bowed it still retains a commanding air. Facing the stag the second figure is that of crane, it’s wings outstretched, it’s whole body bowed seemingly in deference to the lord of the forest. Both figures bodies are crisscrossed with gold filigree, marking them out as creations of Kintsugi.
Non-Human * Gamemaster * Headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy * Mastermind
