Day 2 (Aug 4-6)

Which way are the winds blowing?
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Day 2 (Aug 4-6)

Post by Saibankan » Wed Aug 04, 2021 6:51 am

A little more rain falls today, scattered through the day, but the temperatures remain warm with a highof 85F and a low of 70F. The storm clouds are darkening, promising more substantial rains tomorrow. The moon phase is waning crescent.

MM in the Hallways: Event: Love Throughout History

ME: Erratic Love (Play)
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Re: Day 2 (Aug 4-6)

Post by Saibankan » Wed Aug 04, 2021 6:52 am

"Really? A stone deer that brings luck in marriages to the Deer who make marriages? Isn't that like shipping iron to the Dragon?"
"Maybe it's more like shipping jade to the Crab. They're known for it, sure, but every little bit helps."

"He said not everyone wants to be a sailor!"
"Well not him obviously, he'd sink like a stone."

"He said the Crane were wrong!"
"So? They are."
"Well, yes, but he said it in open court in front of everybody!"
"Ooooh, Oharu is NOT going to like that."

"And he used a yam in the presentation!"
"Well, I mean, he's a Sparrow, kind of obvious really. I'm surprised he managed to show up in a proper kimono at all."
"I dunno, he seemed pretty...noble really."
"Well, how about you make like a Sparrow and get back to work?"

"Did you see those Scorpion gathering together? What do you think they're plotting?"
"They're plotting? Are you sure they aren't scheming?"
"What difference does it make?"
"It's vital that we're clear what they are doing!"
"Fine...what are those Scorpion UP to?"
"About 6' 4" in Luixian's case I'd say."
"Y'know, there's a reason people don't like you."

"Y'know, I heard Kakita Sakura could have participated in the Topaz Championship."
"Yeah, but I heard that Kakita Reina convinced Kakita-dono not to invite her."
"Oooh, that's got to sting."

"You see Kaikoga Koi and Shika Nesshin coming back to the castle around dawn? Koi looked like she had a wild night.
"Well, you know, there's a reason Neeshin is called, 'The Rampant Stag'.
"Only you call him that."
"Well, yes, but maybe it'll catch on!"
"Stop trying to make Rampant Stag catch on."

"Did you hear about that Scorpion from the capital? They say he stopped a ring of thieves from swindling the Empire!"
"I heard he caught a murderer!"
"That mask though! So creepy!"
Non-Human * Gamemaster * Headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy * Mastermind

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Re: Day 2 (Aug 4-6)

Post by Saibankan » Wed Aug 04, 2021 6:53 am

Game of Letters:

A letter on dark blue paper, executed with precise calligraphy. The paper has been folded into a representation of a small mountain decorated with paint to signify a snow-capped peak and hardy alpine shrubbery--or were they chrysanthemums?

Unfolded, the five lines of the tenka stood out in their angular script, and the soft smell of a pressed Pieriswafted off the page.

Youthful mountaintop,
Rarefied in solitude
No equal in height

What humble caterpillar
Could arrest its inward gaze?

A letter on paper tinted a rosy red--almost like a blush. The soft scent of the daphne flower pressed in its folds--this time shaped into a miniature tree (unfortunately crumpled slightly...perhaps wilted? No, a sure sign of artistic overreach.)--seemed to hover around it. The poetry inside, however, was far from disappointing.

Winter and summer
Thrust of spear and cut of blade
Gentle violence.

When strength and beauty battle,
Which is sharper--spear or wit?
Non-Human * Gamemaster * Headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy * Mastermind

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