Seppun Yuzu

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Seppun Yuzu

Post by Saibankan » Tue Sep 14, 2021 2:49 pm

Kyuden Bayushi, one month after the miai.

"Hai. Bayushi-sama!" Replied the young Imperial after hearing what the Lord of the Scorpion expectations from Yuzu in order to marry his most devoted and shining pupil. With a final bow, the Seppun departed from the main hall to make his way to his chambers. Meanwhile, the Lord of the Scorpion smirked behind his mask, and commented to the shadows nearby, "How fortunate that the boy might become exactly what he seeks to be."

As his steps echoed throughout the lavish and dark corridors of the Silk and Shadow Palace, Yuzu's keen eyes knew many were watching him from underneath their masks and veils. The trained Miharu not only noticed, but also listened to the murmurs, and some of the rumors, flowing like air fanned by the whole Scorpion Clan. It was, after all, an ominous match. One that could solidify the favor of Clan of Shadows with Imperial power for years ahead. Perhaps even topple the status of the fragile Crane, as they were during such time of crisis.

The Seppun kept his thoughts in check, and arrived at his dormitory without stopping. Yet, to his surprise, as soon as he slid the screen to his room open, there she was.

Music filled Yuzu's mind as he saw Bayushi Minae lifting from her seat to greet him. A new chapter of their life together was ready to begin. He cocked his head back after a moment. It wasn't proper for his betrothed to be in his room without a chaperone. Nevertheless, as honor demanded, he provided a deep bow, saying, "I expect Bayushi-san to call me by my chosen name as of today, If that is acceptable to her, and to have a chaperone always in toe until our marriage."

In return, the beautiful maiden bowed even lower, and rushed to his side to shut the running door close. "Mochiron! Yet, in public, my future husband will always be my Lord." The lovely Bayushi said, pleasing his ears and knowing all too well how to direct the young Seppun's heart to match her own goals.

"Tea?" An older, seductive, yet sweet voice called both of them from dark side the room where a brazier was lit with a kettle ready to boil, "I apologize for the intrusion, yet I thought it would only be proper to receive such an esteemed guest with all the comforts the Scorpion Clan could provide. Forgive us both, young lord. Minae-chan did warn me, yet the fault is entirely mine. Please, sit, and let us talk about the future. Your future."
Non-Human * Gamemaster * Headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy * Mastermind

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