Kitsu Murato

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Kitsu Murato

Post by Saibankan » Tue Sep 14, 2021 5:38 am

Mid Summer, Water Dragon Temple

Murato took only a few seconds as he stared up at the ceiling, breathing heavily. "Fourteen... nothing..."

He made his way to his feet slowly and clicked his tongue. "You..." he gulped air, tired from the endurance match. His opponent had barely broken a sweat, but tossing around another person took enough effort to have caused a slight sheen of sweat to form.

"You're... pretty good... at this... Torihito-sama..." It was an obvious understatement. But even with being totally outmatched, Murato was showing a lot of determination.

"The kitten doesn't give up that easily... I like your enthusiasm kid." He stretched an arm to help Murato up. "I have had years of training and my quickness would startle anyone." The former Togashi quipped. "Not bad your self kid. And it is 15 nothing" He chuckled.

He rubs his head, and smirks. "Fifteen? I must have... hit my head... knocked one loose." He takes the hand up and puffs some more breaths.

The Lion that was soon to be a Phoenix stretches out a bit and recovered his breathing to talk. "I can be pretty persistent and very energetic. I'm not a big fan of giving up even in the face of long odds, particularly if I'm learning something from losing."

He then gets back into his stance to square off again. He knew it was futile, he knew that he would end up on the floor or in an arm bar or some other submission pin. But he was enjoying the time getting to know his father-in-law.

And as he suspected, in very short order he was pinned to the floor, his wrist controlled behind his back, and his face on the floor with Torihito's knee holding him down. Murato tapped the floor with his free hand and was let up. But before he stood he scanned those in the area wondering if his fiance was watching him very ungracefully learn just how skilled a Togashi was.

The future wife shook her head and the brother at her side cheered for his dad. "Get him dad... Bai chan should have a better husband." Bai looked at Hinoto. "Hinoto chan... I have to say that Kitsu san had a great battle... it was a draw." She looked at the two fighters and chuckled.

"Murato kun don't let down..." He had already been pin. "I think that is enough."

"But we were starting to get into the fun part." Torihito grinned. "What cha think kiddo?"

He makes his way to his feet after he is let up. Catching his breath once again. "I think I've got a lot of learning left to do," he replied with a smirk. "And I thank you for the match and lesson... father.". He bows respectfully to Torihito.

He smiled at his new family. But turned to Hinoto, "And I will endeavor to be a better husband every day, brother. I am playing catch up with martial arts though... wasn't a big concern when filing paperwork." He chuckled at that.

He looks to Oubaihime and smiles brightly, his eyes having shifted to a yellowish orange hue. By this point she knew it revealed a feeling of happy contentment. There was no hiding his strong emotions from her. His eyes were incapable of lying.

Hiroto, the 13 year old boy about to finish his gempukku pouted at the Kitsu. He was attached to his sister ways of water. "I am not your brother yet!" he stuck his tongue out.

"Hiroto chan!" Bai glared at the boy. Then she looked at the Kitsu and chuckled. "He is angsty with his gempukku coming soon."

Torihito chuckled as well. "Hiroto c'mere don't tease your brother like that. You may learn a few things." He looked at the Kitsu. "Maybe teach this boy the dueling method of the Lion since I heard that you hit Raizo san quite hard." Hiroto looked at Murato and harumpted. "I am more nimble than that guy... He was stiff. I am still learning father the how to wield the twin sisters. I am going to help nee chan keep the peace in the temple not duel."

Bai patted Hiroto on the head while she held Murato's hand with the other. "I know...but" she turned to Murato and squeezed his hand. "Sometimes you need a little help to achieve your dreams." She knew those eyes and smiled.

He held Bai's hand and nodded to her as he looked to the boy. "Hiroto-san, even if it's not official yet you are my strong little brother, the only one I have. I look forward to standing next to you to protect our family and home. The spirits in this place care for everyone here, I can feel it. And they are glad that they will be able to rely on you."

He looks to his nearly father in law and smiles. "I'm glad to practice with him, though I bet he's already past my level. Much more skilled with incense and a shamisen than a blade or fist. I'm sure he can glean some insight into Lion opponents from it."

A voice from the door of the dojo. "Perhaps Taiko sama would find his peace here." Kaito Ayame made her presence known. She was a older version of Bai as she giggled at the idea. "There will be time for you to train." Ayame smiled.

"We are peaceful people Hiroto san but I understand where you are coming from. We have made strong bonds while in Kyuden Shika and Musubi no kami will bless us as they have bless mother and father." She looked at Ayame walking toward Torihito and smiled.

Hiroto rolled his eye. "I will not be going to a miai to find my wife." The boy harumped again. Torihito chuckled at the boy. "Murato san, see he needs some sense knocked into him."

"I've had plenty of sense knocked into me," he says, looking to Bai. "Your sister has a good chop."

"And you may not go to a miai to find your wife, but you will have one some day. And when you do, I'll bet you'll look at your brother a little differently," he says to Hiroto.

He smiled at his soon to be parents-in-law. "Mother, I am glad to see you. Thank you for taking such good care of me since my arrival. I am glad that at least one parent's lessons don't come with bruises and sore muscles." He chuckled at that.

"But I do want to thank you all for being so kind to me. You have made my time here so warm and welcoming. I could not have asked for a happier home." Looking to Bai, he smiled. Murato would kiss her right here and now if nobody was present, the fortunes knew he wanted to. But it would have to wait until he asked her to apply some of her balm to his joints from the intense workout.

Ayame smiled "You are welcomed Murato san. Even if you were only Bai chan's friend you will find such hospitality here."
Bai's hand squeezed Murato's "I don't think Hiroto needs my sense knocked into him. I think perhaps he needs a cold bath and a nice scrubbing." She ruffled Hiroto's hair.

"I am going to find Sora san... At least it doesn't tease me like you lot." Hiroto exited the dojo.

Bai sighed. "I think life will bring him down from his cloud soon." She shook her head. "Mother I asked Manami sama to officiate our wedding if you don't mind."

Ayame nodded "Oh I don't mind. I prefer to sit as witness rather than to officiate. That way I can console your father as his little princess makes a nest of her own."

Torihito chuckled. "You know how I feel. Murato san probably would feel the same way when his first born would marry."

"Another thing I'll need your guidance with father," he says with a smile to Torihito. "I've seen what a wonderful daughter you've helped raise. I fell in love with her after all. So I'll need your help in understanding how to be a proper father and raising your first grandchild. Though I am at an impasse on certain thoughts," he says with a smirk.

He looks to Oubaihime. "Togashi, Kaito, Kitsu and Otomo... so many ancestors looking over them..." Three children and four families to draw from for names.

Bai blushed at the mention of the two of them having children. They have discussed that yet she didn't feel ready for that. The girl was lucky that Murato had somewhat patience with her. Waiting 14 days for a kiss of the maiden and now to wait for the wedding to be officiated. "Anooo... " She was abashed .

Torihito and Ayame laughed at Bai being abashed. Torihito looked at Bai. "Not to worry Bai chan. As we are eager to have grandchildren we still have your brother to deal with." He smiled. "She may need some time and a bit of persuasion to blossom to the beautiful Winter Jasmine that she is. I know you are a good man Murato of the Kitsu." He nodded to Ayame.

Ayame held the Kitsu's hand and smiled. "The blessings the two of you bring to this family will be enough for me." She placed his hand on top of Bai's lap. "Bai chan, You shouldn't be afraid of that."

Murato, gave her leg a gentle squeeze. His eyes met Bai's, and it felt like all of the love in the world was passing through them and reaching out to hold her. "She is my world, my life, the other half of my soul. I feel no need to rush anything and look forward to each day I get to spend with the light that she shines on me."

He leans over and kisses her on the cheek before whispering, calling back to the days at the miai when he whispered other things he loved about her. "I love our family."

"Ehhhhh...." She blushed again. The parent laughed. "She said something about a tail, neh?" Ayame smiled. "I think you are her tail Murato san... You probably would follow her to Jigoku if that was the case."

Torihito nodded. "Perhaps now she will be able to fly since her tail is now fixed."

Bai lowered her head. "I just can't fly not just yet..." She looked at Murato and nodded. "I just wish to know that the gentle wind can soar alone with out this one."

He nods to Ayame. "I would do anything for or with her, so I must be her tail for certain."

He loved her, he truly did. And in the moment of the miai, he accepted that she cared for him. But he truly hoped she would come to terms that he had his own life now and it was up to him to find happiness in it, free from his former circumstances. And he truly wanted him to find happiness.

"The wind flows through a steed's mane, far from it's home. It has every opportunity to find happiness in it's life, and someone new to help it take flight. I hope for their sake that they can find joy moving across the steppes together," he says, putting a hand on her cheek. "But that wind belongs to another now, and the best we can do is ask the fortunes to help it fly. As much as you hope for the wind to fly, you know that it hopes that you will spread your wings too. Don't wait to find joy in the skies."

The parents sighed and nodded. "You know how hard it is for you to let go of friends Bai chan but that is part of life."Ayame explained to her daughter. "You know they will be fine and Murato san will take good care of you." The older Kaito patted the girl's head.

Torihito nodded to his wife's wise words and to Murato's explanation. "You always have this old bird to help you fly." He karate chop gently on the top of the young Kaito's head. "Pop."

Bai giggled and place a stray hair behind her ear. "Hai hai... now, I will have a shiny kitty that turns into a bird." She looked a Murato and smiled. She wanted to kiss him but company was not the best moment for that... they understood something about Bai. The young Kaito hugged the Kitsu. "Arigatou." she whispered in his ear.

"Itsu demo douzo," he whispered back.

"I've been hit by that chop," he says to Torihito. "Very helpful technique. Is it a family secret I'll get to learn for our kids?"
Non-Human * Gamemaster * Headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy * Mastermind

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