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I have questions! Where should I put them?

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 4:19 pm
by Saibankan
From Kuni Yasu and Kitsu Murato:

Do I think my question is something that a bunch of other people might want to know? (how does this event roll work? Can I use an opportunity there to have Renji notice me?): Public GM question thread.

Does the question involve something on my sheet or in my character background that I'd rather keep private? (Does my 'you're a terrible person' disadvantage apply?): Private Forum (PF)

Does it involve setting questions that are general? (How old is the Emperor?): Public question thread

Setting questions that are pretty clan or character specific? (SL nightmares have gotten worse with the growing threat, right?): PF/Discord depending on speed and where I'm at right then.

And then there's crowdsourcing to the playerbase. (how do people deal with ending up in a thread with someone in the morning, but they've already posted together with "I've never met you before" type introductions at dinner?!): OOC chat or Discord group, if you're there (I am not)

That said, there's no hard and fast etiquette there. If the GM gets a bunch of the same question in PFs, they'll probably decide that it's of general interest and add it someplace public, like a new Rules post. Sometimes asking questions about a system when you're new feels very "everyone's going to think I'm dumb," so it's just plain more comfortable using the PF. Lots of individual comfort-level involved there.

And if in doubt, PM someone. Many that you end up in scenes with will be veterans of the community even if not the game itself.