How to roll dice

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How to roll dice

Post by Saibankan » Sat Apr 10, 2021 7:48 pm

All hail to Skarn for providing the lovely site:

Register for an account. Be sure to label your rolls with your character name, and the campaign name Kyuden Shika. Remember to fill out all the pertinent info for the roll description.

Example of a good description: (D1, EM) Cheering on Jiro Ayuma, Fire/Courtier

Example of a bad description: Hit

Please copy the link into the appropriate post for easy reference.

The correct formatting when posting your results in a post is Success, Opportunity, Strife.

Completely impressed, Doji Tofu felt inspired to shout a loud 'Utz!' to show his vocal support for Skarn and all the hard work he had put into the dice roller.

Unfortunately for him, Sakkaku had been learning from Orokos and Invisible castle. Just as he opened his mouth to shout, a large butterfly flew into his mouth and lodged itself halfway down his throat.

Fire/Courtier TN 2: 0/2/0

Thinking quickly he brought his fan to his face, shielding his quite visible reaction from the other people at court. (Spending an opportunity to not look like an idiot.) Having swallowed the butterfly unnoticed, his moment had passed. Still, he gave a quiet 'Utz' behind his fan, hoping the day would improve and the fortunes would smile upon him. At least Akodo Tempura hadn't seen him, he could relax a bit.
All event and agenda rolls must be completed before dayflip.

Do remember that the only dice you MUST keep on a roll are dice you've exploded. You do not need to keep what they exploded into, but the original explosion (and any accompanying strife) must be kept.

If you cannot roll/link dice for any reason, pm the gm, and he'll roll the dice for you.

Try to minimize dice rolling in days already passed. If you're finishing up a friendly spar, or really just want a fluff roll, that's fine. But once dayflip happens, we should see an end to rolls that might cause temporal paradoxes.

Do your best to manage your strife and fatigue. You don't have to wait to roll in one thread later in the day before all your earlier day rolls are done. Just give yourself enough room that if you really need to unmask, or indulge your passion, or seek medical aid, it's possible to do. If players are caught blatantly not managing their strife, the GM will just start applying public unmasking penalties until it's fair.

Blatant cheating on dice rolls (deliberately wrong dice pools, misleading descriptions, multiple accounts, multiple rolls, etc.) is grounds for expulsion from the game. Don't cheat, you will get caught.
Non-Human * Gamemaster * Headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy * Mastermind

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Re: How to roll dice

Post by Saibankan » Wed Jul 28, 2021 4:27 pm

Understanding how hard things are and how well you did.

Every action where you roll the dice have a TN from 1 to 5.

TN 1: Pretty easy to do, but some chance of failure for the weak, unlucky and unskilled: This would be like a TN 10 in 4e.
TN 2: Average to do. Average people can fail at this if things don't work out right: This would be like a TN 15 or 20 in 4e.
TN 3: Hard to do. Average people are likely to fail at this, and the experts have their work cut out for them. About a 25 or 30 in 4e.
TN 4: Really hard to do. Average people have almost no chance of pulling this off, and the experts struggle. About a TN 35 or 40 in 4e.
TN 5: Either you're really really good to do this or you're really really lucky. About a TN 50+ in 4e.

There are 4 symbols you might see on the dice:

Success: Looks like an almost complete circle. Get these and/or explosive successes equal to the TN and you succeed at the action. If you don't you fail.

Explosive Success: Looks like three tadpoles swimming in a circle. When you keep this symbol, you get to roll the die again and may also keep what's on the new die (but you don't have to. Get these and/or explosive successes equal to the TN and you succeed at the action. If you don't you fail. These are kind of like rolling 10s in 4e. They can really help you succeed, but then again sometimes they're not enough.

Opportunity: Looks like a firework burst. These are neither successes nor failures. These are fuel for narration, techniques, and well opportunities. You can have opportunities regardless of whether you fail or succeed at the thing, and can have success or failure without opportunities. Doing a thing requires successes, looking good at a thing (or at least not looking bad when you fail) need opportunities.

Strife: Looks like a flame (Yeah, it's supposed to be a cherry blossom petal, but flame is more fitting). Strife is mental damage. Strife is never alone on a die, he always shows up with one of the other three symbols. In 5e, you get to choose whether or not you keep dice (with the exception that if you choose to explode an explosive success, you have to keep it). So what the dice are saying is that you could succeed at this thing, or have opportunities....but you're going to have to push yourself mentally to do it.
Non-Human * Gamemaster * Headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy * Mastermind
