(D5, LM) Amateur Forestry (Open)

The woods surrounding Kyuden Shika
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Bayushi Mitsu
Posts: 297
Joined: Mon Jul 19, 2021 10:23 pm

(D5, LM) Amateur Forestry (Open)

Post by Bayushi Mitsu » Sat Aug 14, 2021 12:22 am

As soon as he was free of the morning miai event, Bayushi Mitsu headed off outside the walls into the forest - warily - to conduct some preparations for the investigation of the day. Heading off the path - warily - he moved as stealthily as he could, and after not too far doubled back, examining his own trail.

"Certainly in this rain, there would be footprints, yes?" he mumbled to himself. "Would disturbed grasses stick to the mud?"

[he is trying to figure out how to track someone's path, which he doesn't have a lot of experience with, and certainly not in the wilderness - triggering his Adversity]
(D5, LM) Figuring out how to track people through the forest - Survival (Fire) - TN 2 as placeholder | TN: 2 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 0
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[+1 VP for failing the roll; Fire opportunity -> add a kept ring die showing Opportunity symbol to the next roll you make]
Scorpion Clan ❖ Retainer
Glory: 46 ❖ Honor: 30 ❖ Status: 35
Carries: fine clothing, deep burgundy full face mask with gold trim, dark steel daisho with burgundy wrappings
“Right isn’t always right.”

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