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Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 8:20 am
by Saibankan

The Aokami Forest is truly a breathtaking scene to behold. At the four cardinal directions, the woods boast massive gates decorated with carved gypsum. Beyond those lay intricate white-tiled paths leading towards the heart of the Deer clan's territory, Kyuden Shika.

At eye level, the woods seem like something out of a story. Large herds of deer bound fearlessly through these dense woods. Emerald ferns curl about the sturdy roots of enormous trees, and there is a deep sense of tranquility to the entire area.

Looking up, one can see the more practical elements of the Shika's stewardship of the forest. Many trees have been modified to do more than provide shade. Ropes, balancing pegs, climbing walls, and observation posts dot the forest. These serve as both a massive training ground for the Shika speardancers, and as a convenient way to observe the goings on of the woods. It’s said that a speardancer can move as swiftly through the treetops of the woods as a Matsu could run along flat ground. Without knowing the network, however, most samurai would struggle moving slowly from tree to tree.

(For those wishing to travel from treetop to treetop or hang out in a Deer clan observation post, a character must succeed at an Any/Fitness roll, TN 3 (2 for Deer clan PCs) roll.)

Of course, the woods are also famously haunted. There are multiple stories of both animal spirits and trickster spirits calling the woods home. It is said that as long as one passes through one of the four gates with no ill-intention towards the Deer clan, and remains on the path, no harm shall come to them. Legend has it that the paths lead those with ill-will in their hearts, not to Kyuden Shika, but deeper into the woods where the path will suddenly disappear. The ultimate fate of those lost in the woods varies from teller to teller, and are, perhaps, exaggerated. But perhaps not?