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Re: [D1 LA] You're A Catch

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 6:05 pm
by Kasuga Yoshi
"I'm willing to swipe away the seagulls. I brought a tetsubo with me and everything." The joke is light, but as she touches him, he returns the contact, lightly moving his thumb over her hand. The real surprise is the offer of a blessing of kami...which sounds like a challenge. She had mentioned Yume-do and that she was a shugenja, and now was offering something that seemed exclusive to her.

Oh? Are we playing this game?

It was surprising that she might have turned it around on him, but he was up for playing.

"Kaikoga-san, I would be honored. I would say that getting to see you in an onsen would be the kami blessing me enough. I am not deserving of more."

First refusal.

Re: [D1 LA] You're A Catch

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 10:17 pm
by Kaikoga Koi
Koi blinked for a moment. Just a single second, completely thrown off by the sudden development as she was not expecting this. She literally just told him a piece of gossip about a Seppun, an Imperial and nothing.

She smiled for a second after that before regaining her composure and said delicately.

"Perhaps you will, Yoshi-san if you play your cards right and our paths cross. I do, after all, bath everyday. However, if you reject this blessing you will perhaps never get the chance again - Miai's come and go swiftly often ending heartbreak...I insist you accept my gift..." She whispered shyly.

Re: [D1 LA] You're A Catch

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 10:29 pm
by Kasuga Yoshi
"Am I deserving of such a gift Koi-san?" Yoshi keeps the theatrics going. "If it is something you would offer a Seppun, would it not be too good for me, an ill-bred lout with even less standing than yourself?"

And don't i want to know about that, but I'll be damned if I take a gift from her lightly.

Re: [D1 LA] You're A Catch

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 7:40 am
by Kaikoga Koi
The Moth looked into Yoshi's eyes for a moment, a look of divine happiness spread across her face but in the background a moment of sadness that Koi was trying not to reveal but sometimes things just slip through like that. "Yoshi-san I wish I could offer you more but I wish to give you a fraction of my heart so you can understand the happiness that I feel when next to you but like the Air kami I expect it to be swept away by the events in this Miai."

The Moth looked down, and chewed her lip for a second before place two hands gently on the side of Yoshi's face and very gently pressed her lips to his forehead, his nose and softly barely more than a brush a kiss on the lips. "That is your blessing from the kami, Yoshi-san."

She firmly with a passion as bright as the roaring flame that hungrily devours a forest kissed the Kasuga, leaning her full body into him for perhaps a moment that for Koi felt like a fleet of fireworks her hands pressed flat against his chest before breaking it. "That was your gift from me." She whispered, blushing as her lipstick had smeared onto Yoshi's lips.

Re: [D1 LA] You're A Catch

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 8:23 am
by Kasuga Yoshi
Yoshi is surprised for a fraction of a second, but kisses back with equal passion. He leans in closer, but stops as she breaks away.

"Are you sure that you're not a kami yourself Koi-san? Perhaps a fox bride? I think this is the part of the legends where I either get spirited away, or I gain a paramour who brings untold support until I do something to wrong her." Yoshi teases gently, keeping the smaller woman in his arms.

"I humbly accept your gift Koi-san." Yoshi can feel a blush creeping up on him. "And hoo boy, I can see why that might send a lesser fortified man to madness."

Re: [D1 LA] You're A Catch

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 9:00 am
by Kaikoga Koi
"Nah." She said warmly, glancing at the rods. "I am just a Moth but I have met a spirit creature before."

She smiled, warmly. "You can say it left an impression." She touched her vitiligo eye.

She remained in the arms of the Kasuga for a while since they were alone, and just laughed. "I literally did a whole schtick of being possessed by the kami, telling him not to treat people lower than him badly, and to do good. I kissed his forehead and he felt the onsen naked screaming about being unsanctified. That was Seppun Yuzu-sama." She leant into Yoshi for a bit longer before she rose to the water and took up her rod noticing it was twitching.

"OH! I got a bit!" She kooed, taking up the road and beginning to reel it in, a smile on her face as she struggled to reel the fish in grunting a second in excursion before line give a sharp - twing - and Koi feel backward into Yoshi's lap. "Gomen! Gomen!" She said apologetically before laughing.

D1 LA; Reeling in a fish. Earth/Survival. | TN: 2 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 0
Opportunity used to impress.

Re: [D1 LA] You're A Catch

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 10:43 am
by Kasuga Yoshi
"Ohhhh, so that's why." Yoshi lightly touches Koi's face under her eye. Yoshi offers an undignified snort at the story about the Seppun. "Oh, to be so "unsanctified"". A deep belly laugh begins at a rumble but it's cut off as Koi realizes that she had a fish on the line. Yoshi keeps his hand on her waist, offering her support as she tugs.

Her heave surprises him, but the bank of the pond isn't too bad of a landing spot for him, and his lap is cushion for Koi. Other than a...physical sign of his appreciation as she squirms in his laugh. "You have nothing to apologize for. I think I might be the one who needs to apologize"

Re: [D1 LA] You're A Catch

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 10:52 am
by Kaikoga Koi
Koi laughed warmly, a sight to behold she thought as she rested in the Kasuga's arms privately. "I can tell you the story, if you wish about how I got my mark?" She said softly, holding the pole in her lap.

She shook her head with a small smile before moving off of the Kasuga just in case someone can. Her hand however still was placed on Yoshi-san hand delicately.

Re: [D1 LA] You're A Catch

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 3:11 pm
by Kasuga Yoshi
"I would consider it a privilege to hear your story Koi-san" Rather than fish, Yoshi leans back and rests easy, soaking up the weather and enjoying the slight buzz from the sake and the presence of the beautiful woman beside him."

Re: [D1 LA] You're A Catch

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 7:18 pm
by Kaikoga Koi
Koi sat beside the Kasuga with a happy smile, she liked him a lot. More than she expected. More than she wanted to admit but for a spell, she sat and told a story.

She told a story as the afternoon began to fade into evening, her beautiful eyes and face captivating as she begun to perform for the Kasuga, a special performance that'll never be told to anyone except trusted friends or lovers.

The story was a sad one.
D1: LA: Telling her backstory. Distinction: Alluring Beauty | TN: 2 | Success: 4 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 3

She told a story about a Dragonfly Moth, fierce and powerful but honoured for his service. He was beautiful with multitude of colours of lilacs, silvers and hues of green. Over years though he grew weaker as the Earth drained away from him and he could not catch the air kami in his lungs until a winter came and he was returned to the fire kami.

She spoke how the Mother Moth, a gnarled old rotten thing that appeared beautiful from the outsidr but as she flapped her wings she grew twisted with grief and madness. Her colours ridden with rot, and moudl. Koi whispered of the harmed the Mother delievered, she struck her with raging storms that tore the little Moth before she knew to fly.

Eventually, the Moth went to school to learn to study, but even there the pressure to become perfect. To rise above others in her class, weights stones upon stones upon her that nearly broke her back.

Years went by and the conditions only got worse, until the Moth broke snapping the connection from the Mother Moth as she slipped into the realm of Yume-do.

Koi paused for a moment as she spoke and closed her eyes trying, trying to remember something from her time in Yume-do.

She told of a land filled with floating lands from all walks of life, unbound by the earth kami and free to float as it pleases descending and rising like the tides of the ocean but never colliding. They were filled with lush vegetation, deep rivers filled with fish, and playful animals of undescribable forms. Monkeys mixed with hedgehogs, and with green strips. Small dragons the size of chopsticks with small horns that when they walked they created clouds that raised leaves. Koi described her own version of Yume-do as if she was there in that moment, passionately holding out for Yoshi to see, to taste and to enjoy.

Koi paused and told how the little Moth was overwhelmed in this world for she had never done this before, she'd only imagined it in her head a thousand times as the Sensi Moth's instructed. So she sat, and cried and couldn't breath for in her pain as the weight she carried from her Mother Moth crushed her her lungs didn't work.

Koi choked up a little as she spoke but regained her composure after a moment.

Koi told of a creature larger than an orange tabby cat, with moth like wings and little fuzzy antennas came flying to the little Moth and called itself Allul.

Allul, Koi described, was an old Baku spirit that watched as something wrong happened to its siblings and needed to meet the little Moth to give her courage, and hope, and wisdom to know that she can overcome this pain. She can overcome her Mother's rage, and matter. The spirit licked her eye, as she described it, uplifting her Mother's burden and granting the antidote to the Little Moth suffering before sleep took the Little Moth back to the land of the living.

As she finished, she just sat in silence with the Kasuga and enjoyed just existing with him.
