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Re: (D2, EM) Cutting Waterdrops (Open)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 11:53 am
by Seppun Yuzu
As tension settles down, Yuzu bows to both Kaikoga as they enter and then provides a good nod to the guard, adding to him, "I appreciate the thorough vigilance, Shika-san. I'll return to training there, outside."

With that, Yuzu returns to his training position out in the rain.

Re: (D2, EM) Cutting Waterdrops (Open)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 2:01 pm
by Kaikoga Fujiko
Fujiko stepped out of the carriage as it went through, finally waved by the guard. She unfolded an umbrella to protect herself from the rain and inched closer to her cousin.

"Thank you, nee-sama, I have no idea what would have happened if you hadn't arrived," she said. "But why was this guard like this? Usually they let me through and barely even slow down my carriage..."

She looked around, taking in her new surroundings.

"And is that young man someone you know? He looked somewhat intent on you when you came to help," she asked, looking in Yuzu's direction.

Re: (D2, EM) Cutting Waterdrops (Open)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 2:41 pm
by Kaikoga Koi
Koi smiled warmly before moving to her cousin and slipping her umbrella slightly over so they overlapped comfortably. "Ah, Fu-chan welcome to Kyuden Shika!" She said dramatically holding her other hand (holding fishing poles) out all dramatically like. "Where the Deer are dutiful, and we..."

Koi paused catching the glimpse of the Seppun that had been watching them, like some pervert. That was the second time he had caught Koi off guard by watching her from behind or in the other incident a tub filled with water. Images of the panic attack filled her mind and Koi's jaw tightened, painfully as she watched him for a moment.

Moving away from the guard till they were out of earshot. "I have no idea, Fu-chan. That guy was staring at my ass the other night, and gave me the same third degree when I arrived here on the first night. I feel like he is my cursed guardian sent to remind me of...Mother." The venom of how Koi spat could be practically tasted in that moment. "Ignore him, I'll deal with that issue if it continues."

"That is Seppun Yuzu, he is a very young Governor." She said almost bitterly, "But he embarrassed me greatly the other night and he keeps just watching me from the shadows instead of approaching politely. One would think they taught children proper etiquette. I mean, he's not a Scorpion." She said exaggeratedly, and quietly enough to be a private conversation. "Still, let's return the favour as we talk."

She began to move them towards the Seppun's training area. "So, a" She said, annoyed but a playful smile. "By the kami, how nice that must feel to arrive with unblistered feet, and a sore back ney." She playfully poked her cousin in the ribs when no one was looking.

Re: (D2, EM) Cutting Waterdrops (Open)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 3:05 pm
by Seppun Yuzu
After taking a deep breath to remove disturbances from his mind, and enjoying the silence around, Yuzu closes his eyes to assume his stance. It was time to resume his secret technique training away from passersby –– or so he thought.
Kaikoga Koi wrote:
Fri Aug 06, 2021 2:41 pm
She began to move them towards the Seppun's training area. "So, a" She said, annoyed but a playful smile. "By the kami, how nice that must feel to arrive with unblistered feet, and a sore back ney." She playfully poked her cousin in the ribs when no one was looking.
Clackshep, clackshap!

The sound of the maiden's wooden geta starts to annoy his concentration as they step the wet floor closer to his training area. Why would they go outside the wall toward him, is what gets ingrained in his thoughts.

He takes another deep breath, trying to erase the nuisance and stays still for some time. Perhaps until they pass through. Then, he would be able to continue.

Re: (D2, EM) Cutting Waterdrops (Open)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 6:03 pm
by Kaikoga Fujiko
"You dare to disgrace my jade-like beauty of a cousin/childhood friend with your filthy eyes? Fool! You know neither heaven's height nor its fury! This young mistress shall enlighten you on the error of your way!"... Is what Fujiko might have said to the young boy after her cousin's report, were she not a frail sick girl who didn't know how to fight and him not an imperial governor who rigorously trained his sword skills.

Then again, were she not like that, she would probably not want to quote some badly written dramatic book. But she would have done something, for sure!

As it is she just looked at him as they got closer. Not even a full-on glare, but, still, it was a good awkward uncertain gaze. That'd show him.

She was brought out of her reverie by Koi poking her.

"Well, not everyone can just leave without warning to come on foot instead of sharing a comfortable carriage that was prepared for two people, Koi-nee-sama," she finally answered, absolutely not bitter about the lonely journey. She would have added more if not for Koi's mention of her mother. "And... apart from what you've told, have you been well? Have you had some fortunate encounters already?"

Re: (D2, EM) Cutting Waterdrops (Open)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 8:08 pm
by Kaikoga Koi
Koi hooted with a small chuckle and rolled her eyes. "Fu-chan, you know how Mother is. Aki-dono gave me my orders, and I knew where I needed to be. I couldn't think an image of anything worse waiting when I could take to the road. Gomen, I thought you would have caught up with me but our roads never crossed."

She chortled. "Did you stay in Mimi-chan's Inn like I told you? The place with the really fat turtles that will nibble on cabbage?" She asked softly, and watched the Seppun passively from a distances.

He had good form but Kami does his chip on his shoulder give him a way. Did he not listen to anything I suggested to him. She sighed half heartedly.

"Yosh, the Miai. Yes, I have met a great many charming individuals here. A Kasuga amusingly and Shika both very pleasant." She mused. "And a Kuni."

She frowned and looked over the land losing the interest in fishing. "And I have been doing some research into Yume-do here, oh kami is it interesting."

Koi bowed her head respectfully at the Seppun should he acknowledge them.

Re: (D2, EM) Cutting Waterdrops (Open)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 10:18 pm
by Seppun Yuzu
Well, he had acknowledged them before. Now, he was trying... trying... not to lose his cool as they don't stop talking trivialities and complimenting each other, and other girly things maidens tend to do when together.

Yet, decorum! He provides a returning bow with his head to the acknowledgment, again...

He doesn't say a word, though. So far.

Re: (D2, EM) Cutting Waterdrops (Open)

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 12:00 am
by Kaikoga Fujiko
"Yes, the turtles were cute. It would have been great to feed them together." She pouted half heartedly. It was hard for her to stay cross with Koi for long.

They continued walking along the path until they were near the young man who finally returned Koi's bow.

"I'll have to meet those to see if they're good enough for you." She nodded to herself. "Only the best for you, Koi-ness-sama. You deserve it, and knowing you, you'd settle for just fine." She sighed. "I hope I will be able to find someone that'll make father happy..."

Re: (D2, EM) Cutting Waterdrops (Open)

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 11:04 pm
by Seppun Yuzu
Tension builds up so high, Yuzu drops his stance.

A deep inhale and he takes a step in their direction to bow to the newcomer, "I hope Inari-kami has been generous. If not, I have some onirigi I fetched from the Inn to share."

Rain, though, still drops.

'Good morning and welcome to Kyuden Shika."

Re: (D2, EM) Cutting Waterdrops (Open)

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 8:14 am
by Kaikoga Koi
She softly allowed a small smile on her face to turn to her cousin and noticed that the anger towards her was fading after all Koi had always been different after her Gempukku. She was always so freewilled, and did what she had to do to make herself survive. "Ney, I got too just for a few minutes for this big old Ojiisan came in and started to ruin the moment by drunkenly singing. I left after that, and I remembered it rained the whole day."

Koi chuckled, and a little sadness filled inside her. If I make it out of here married at all, I would be blessed. If not, perhaps this will be the last time we spoke as Clan mate.

She thought before saying calmly. "I shall make appropriate introductions and leave them in your hands to wrangle a fine husband or wife for me." She smirked. "And I shall do the same for you. Perhaps, a Lion? Or a Seppun..." She whispered so the last part was not overheard before giggling lightly.

Koi smiled warmly but her body tensed up, Fujiko would notice it slightly simply by being next to her and the slight hardening of her jaw. "Good morning, Seppun-sama. Thank you kindly for such a generous offer."

Make me have a panic attack once, not again - not twice. I'm ready child. Koi thought though it felt more like her pride was speaking.

"Please allow me to introduce my cousin, and the eldest daughter to my Lord Kaikoga Aki, a brilliant painter, a fine example of beauty - Kaikoga Fujiko-san, the best persons I have known in all my life and I believe that she has the makings of a very dutiful wife." Koi said graciously as much as internally she loathed this child she mustered all her skill as a talented actress and made the introduction sound entirely appropriate but as she spoke the words themselves sounded better than she thought.
D2 EM Trying to impress Seppun. Courtesy/Fire. Adversity. | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
1Opportunity symbol to sound impressive.