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Re: (D7, LA) Meditations on Marriage

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 5:31 am
by Kuni Yasu
"Wouldn't they work? If I could..." she stops, remembering the hurt in Tanabe's eyes merely admitting to the connection that existed. Shaking her head with a small laugh. "Yeah, I suppose that could be awkward unless it's all just a business or political type of arrangement. And with adoption as an option, no real need for it."

"Twelve, though?" She grins, "Already have name ideas along with that very specific number?"

Re: (D7, LA) Meditations on Marriage

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 10:10 am
by Kitsu Murato
"Who knows, perhaps it would work," he says, with a shrug. "That is something that would need to be discussed openly I imagine." They had been talking about his own want of a large family... right?

"Names, no t really. At that point, just use numbers and wait for them to pick their own right?" He laughed at that.

Re: (D7, LA) Meditations on Marriage

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 6:49 pm
by Kuni Yasu
Yasu laughs, "I suppose so. At least by the time you're past 5 or so, they're not going to have a dozen kids all with their same name, unlike all the poor Ichiros and Ichikos." She raises one hand with a slightly rueful grin, "And I say that as one of the half dozen Ichikos whose heads would turn whenever someone shouted for one."

"I think I'd rather find some less common names when the time comes." There's a thoughtful, somewhat distant look before she shakes her head slightly. "But I don't need to pick any right now. It can be a whole different set of problems setting too many hopes and expectations for children before they're even here." It's said with a hint of laughter, but only a hint as she thinks of friends with too many expectations to ever meet properly.