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[D3, MA, Open] To Smell the Flowers

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 1:10 pm
by Seppun Unsei
Like a dog being taught it could swim, Unsei was learning that he could be outside and enjoy things without getting hot and sweaty. So, there he was, sitting on a bench and overlooking a cute couple of flowers, from under the safety of his wide-brimmed hat and silken veil to keep the sun from harming his oh so sensitive skin.

He also looked very clearly more masculine today. His cheekbones seemed sharper and his shoulders were broader. There even looked to be some hairs on the top of his upper lip. That was about as much as he could do though with his build. But, he seemed happy as he stared out over the flowers, gently swaying in the breeze. In his hand was a few polished gemstones that he was slowly shifting around in his right hand, as if it was some sort of soothing motion.

Re: [D3, MA, Open] To Smell the Flowers

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 1:31 pm
by Seppun Yuzu
The younger Seppun was actually looking for Unsei, as he heard he was in the garden somewhere. Noticing his cousin, the boy provides a bow. "Good day to you, cousin. I hope Inari-kami has been kind."

Re: [D3, MA, Open] To Smell the Flowers

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 1:50 pm
by Seppun Unsei
Unsei blinked a few times before looking over to Yuzu and smiling. "Oh, hello. Sorry, I had zoned out for the moment. The air kami are in a playful mood and spinning riddles to the earth this morning. I am doing well though, and Inari-no-kami has! I assume much the same for you?" They asked in a slightly deeper voice than their normally androgynous one.

Re: [D3, MA, Open] To Smell the Flowers

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 2:15 pm
by Seppun Yuzu
He nods, with a glint in his eyes to see family again, even if not so close. "Hai. Fortunes have been extra kind with me so far here at Kyuden Shika. Despite the ball thing earlier. I confess I have absolutely no clue whatsoever of where the ball goes after it bounces."

Re: [D3, MA, Open] To Smell the Flowers

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 2:47 pm
by Seppun Unsei
He chuckled slightly. "You did better than I did, there's little doubt in that." (As Unsei's player decides now to say screw it and join after work) "It is a weird game though. I just hope that they'll do something suited to my skills soon, otherwise I'm going to end up looking like the worst candidate here." Unsei was sure that he already was, but everyone would know it then.

"But, how are you?"

Re: [D3, MA, Open] To Smell the Flowers

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 4:15 pm
by Seppun Yuzu
Yuzu raises an eyebrow of compassion at his cousin’s discontent. He nods a couple of times while saying, “I am quite well. Better now that I now I may have someone I can truly count with.”

He looks to Unsei to get the gist of his current state of mind, “Yet, I also wanted to offer the same. If Seppun-san finds it valuable.”

Re: [D3, MA, Open] To Smell the Flowers

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 5:20 pm
by Seppun Unsei
"I'm a little dumb, so what do you mean by count with?" Unsei was not a being of many skills. He had a few, but mass intelligence was occasionally one of them, but on most days it wasn't.

"Do you mean like... to talk to in confidence or something? Because I am a great secrets keeper when I need to be. I still keep a secret from my uncle that he swore to me never to tell anyone and it's been years at this point."

Re: [D3, MA, Open] To Smell the Flowers

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 10:37 pm
by Seppun Yuzu
He tilts his head. "No way a cousin of mine is dumb. I mean like, we're family. There are things happening here I can't share with others, and I do need advice. Who better than family to provide that, ne?"

The boy shrugs, "Of course I mean like confidence. Good to know you keep secrets. I mean, isn't that what is expected from someone with your gifts and all. The hidden guard?"

Re: [D3, MA, Open] To Smell the Flowers

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 10:48 pm
by Seppun Unsei
Unsei smiled widely with a boyish charm at the joke Yuzu said. "That was good. That was great, actually. Very much enjoyed that little joke, but yes! Said in confidence and will never be told to another living soul." He nodded.

"Though, what's going on that you can't share with others? Love interest details or something?"

Re: [D3, MA, Open] To Smell the Flowers

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 10:53 pm
by Seppun Yuzu
"Who told me you were dumb, again?" He says, still serious, "You nailed it in the first try, cousin."