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Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 10:49 pm
by Saibankan

Three incredibly ancient cedar trees stretch to the Heavens, and are widely considered to be the most prominent landmark within the castle's landscape. It’s said that they serve as shintai, or home, for a forest kami so ancient, it predates the rise of the Empire, and that the trees were already quite mature when the spirit settled among them.

Around those three pillars of nature, the grounds are covered in beautifully manicured gardens, and ornamental pools. One can spend many enjoyable hours walking through these gardens, that are perhaps the third most beautiful gardens in the Empire (The Emperor’s gardens, and the Fantastic Gardens of Kyuden Doji being number one and two respectively.)

Stories speak of the many discrete places in the gardens where one might leave a love letter, as well as corners for more direct expressions of romance.

(Those with Vigilance 3 note the occasional Deer clan matchmaker taking notes alone in corners of the garden that are too small for a couple, but neatly border intimate spaces that would appeal to couples)