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[D2, MA] (Soyokaze's Forge) Lighting the Fires [Open]

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 7:15 am
by Asahina Soyokaze
Soyokaze smiled, it had taken longer than he expected but the small market stall that would now serve as his temporary forge was complete. Tucked away in a corner at the far end of the market it held everything he would need to practice his art and though it was only due to the exertion of setting things up it felt good to sweat again. It was warm again today and things were getting even hotter now that his forge was lit so he stripped to the waist, not wanting to ruin his kimono and not expecting anyone to interrupt him. He picked up one of his hammers and gave it a twirl, he had work to do if his idea was to blossom, so with his back to the entrance he began and the sweet sound of steel began to ring out into the street.

Edit: Forget to put "Open" in the title.

Re: [D2, MA] (Soyokaze's Forge) Lighting the Fires [Open]

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 9:02 pm
by Shiba Raizo
He had planned on never setting foot in the market again, lest he once again encounter an insane Moshi, but...

But I should get some presents, and I sure as fuck can't make anything anyone would want...

And thus, Shiba Raizo once more ventured into the marketplace.

Wait, that's... a forge?


I wonder if girls like knives? Or maybe I can get him to make something more... delicate?

The Phoenix bore in on the Crane smith.

Re: [D2, MA] (Soyokaze's Forge) Lighting the Fires [Open]

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 10:09 pm
by Asahina Soyokaze
It took a moment for Soyokaze to realize that the sound behind him was not his attendant who was dutifully tending the fire before him. Stiffly he straightened, grabbing a cloth to clean himself up with then started to reach for his kimono hanging on a peg to his right. His back ,slick with sweat, was a riot of crisscrossing pale scars indicative of either years of harsh discipline or a secret life as a prize-fighter. Sheepishly he turned to face the entrance while donning his kimono, finally viewing his visitor something about him seems to relax and a smile crosses his face but doesn't make it to his eyes and he bows deeply.

"Greetings Shiba-sama I am Asahina Soyokaze, welcome to my humble forge. I hope Irari has blessed you this day, may I offer you some tea?" Soyokaze gestures to one of two small cushions, offering the Phoenix a seat as he moves to take the other. "What brings you into my humble market stall?"

Re: [D2, MA] (Soyokaze's Forge) Lighting the Fires [Open]

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 10:16 pm
by Shiba Raizo
"Er... well."

Raizo offered a bow.

"Shiba Raizo. I'm... well, not much good at shopping, but... I saw a forge, and figured I'd at least know what I was looking at, whereas if I went into one of those paint vendors I've have no clue. I, ah... I'm looking into getting some presents, see, and, uh... yeah, I just kind of went with what I sort of know, if that makes sense?"

Re: [D2, MA] (Soyokaze's Forge) Lighting the Fires [Open]

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 10:29 pm
by Asahina Soyokaze
"I see. I am only a few seasons past my gempukku so I am far from a master if that is what you seek but I would be happy to assist an honored cousin in whatever you may need. Did you have anything in particular in mind, the Shika have been most generous in making materials available to me."

Re: [D2, MA] (Soyokaze's Forge) Lighting the Fires [Open]

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 2:19 am
by Shiba Raizo
"Well, ah... do you do jewelry? Like, hairpins or the like? Doesn't have to be in a precious metal- steel would be fine if it... looked right."

A pause.

"Failing that... do you think girls like knives? Or... sorry. I'm very bad at this."

Re: [D2, MA] (Soyokaze's Forge) Lighting the Fires [Open]

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 2:31 am
by Asahina Soyokaze
Soyokaze considered for a moment.

"Is there anything you can tell me about the person you wish to give the gift to? I understand that some people take a Miai very seriously, and that would technically make us...rivals I suppose, but I assure you i will not use anything you tell me against you. I probably couldn't even guess who you're describing, I haven't met many people yet." He was rambling and clearly wasn't very good at this either. "But personal touches make the gift so anything you would tell me about their likes and dislikes would be useful. I could certainly make a hairpin, I rather enjoy working on more delicate items as it gives my arms a rest while keep my hands and mind busy. As far as girl liking knives, I'm not sure but some must. That dark Moto woman for example seems like she would but again it really depends on the person." Soyokaze forced himself to take a sip of tea to slow himself down and give his guest time to respond.

Re: [D2, MA] (Soyokaze's Forge) Lighting the Fires [Open]

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 9:02 am
by Shiba Raizo
"Well, ah... she's smart. Got a bit of an edge to her, which I appreciate. Not really.... given to carrying a lot around. Has had a harder life than most of us, I'd say."

Perhaps had Raizo just come out and said, "she's the only ronin here' he might have gotten his poi9nt across more succintly.

"Not really formal. Seems... genuine? Oh. She's a shugenja, if that... helps any?"

Re: [D2, MA] (Soyokaze's Forge) Lighting the Fires [Open]

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 8:04 pm
by Asahina Soyokaze
Soyokaze considered this for a moment. "Why not both?" He asked without elaboration, then seeing his mistake continues. "It would be possible for me to fashion a metal hairpin in such a way that the pin is sharpened while keeping it decorated. It would just need some kind of...sheath to protect the wearers head. It would be very small though, not much use in a battle but it should serve as a good metaphor for the duality of beauty and danger. At least, if that's what you are going for."

He took another quick sip of his tea and continued.

"The pin is honestly the easiest part, it's the decoration that takes the real time, depending on what sort of embellishment you desire. Butterflies, flowers in bloom, snowflakes in the winter, these are all common designs but as this is the part of the gift that others will see when worn it is the most important choice you have to make on the matter. That is if a hairpin is what you desire, I could certainly make a tanto with these facilities though it would take a fair bit longer if you wished it to have true quality behind it."

Re: [D2, MA] (Soyokaze's Forge) Lighting the Fires [Open]

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 8:19 pm
by Shiba Raizo
"No, no, a stabby hairpin is... I like that. 'Cause it's pretty but not useless."

Just like her.

"But, uh... I'm also bad with... symbols."

He racked his brain, trying to remember anything about the language of flowers, and coming up with absolutely nothing.

"Something to demonstrate admiration without being... pushy? Or presumptive?"