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Re: (D10 ME, Forge) Friendly Rival

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 7:57 am
by Kitsu Murato
"The thing about duels is, they must be accepted. And I would sooner piss off my cousin by refusing a hundred of his duels and let him drag my name through the mud than try to prove that I am the better man at crossing swords over doing my duty. Duty is the shield of honor that we all carry. And anyone that questions it should be dueling your lord, not you."

"I will make no promises regarding what I will do, but I don't intend to tell Bai right now. For the same reason that I didn't talk to her about the outburst in the sake bar. It is on you to share with her, and to deal with the consequences of having not told her. And remember, even if you might feel honor bound not to speak with her, she will have no such restrictions toward you. Keeping her in the dark may upset her though."

Re: (D10 ME, Forge) Friendly Rival

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 8:05 am
by Asahina Soyokaze
"I do not often cling to pride or boast but we are the Crane, this is what we do and we are very good at it." He emptied his cup and refilled it with tea then sighed wearily. "So assume for a moment that I win this duel, I want to talk to you about what happens at the end of all this. One of us is going to disappointed but my concern is more for Bai. She loves us both, no matter what happens she is going to be heartbroken. I see only one possible way to avoid that but I would hear you mind on the matter first. And please don't start with the stuff about me being overprotective of her, my only goal in life right now is for her to be happy and one way or another there will be some sorrow for her at the end of this."

Re: (D10 ME, Forge) Friendly Rival

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 8:22 am
by Kitsu Murato
"Sorrow is to be expected in this situation. She is strong, and will figure it out, and one of us will be there to support her through that. We just need to accept how she feels, not change how she feels. The other can always write or visit when nearby. But duty will demand that another spouse is selected."

"As much as I love Bai, I am not so cruel to spend my life pining for another woman in front of my spouse. If she ends up with you, I will end up with another. And that person will deserve at least respect enough that I should devote my life to them and try to find a place in my heart for them. One does not love only one sibling, or only one friend, or only one comrade. So I will try to find love elsewhere if I don't get to see Bai every day of my life. Even if I don't want that now."

Re: (D10 ME, Forge) Friendly Rival

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 8:33 am
by Asahina Soyokaze
"That is yet another way you are stronger than me. There are one or two here I could be happy with but I don't know them nearly as well as you let alone Bai. As for the rest, I have tried to find others I could make a life with and it has been like pulling teeth. I have lived in a house full of hate before, I don't think I can start another. So I consider your cousins words, thoughts I had been having before coming here."

He reached up and grabbed his hair at the know and pulled it. "I could make a home for myself anywhere, my skills ensure that some lord will allow me within their lands. I don't have to be with her as long as I can be close enough to see her smile." The implication was clear, Ronin. "IF, you would allow it."

Re: (D10 ME, Forge) Friendly Rival

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 9:18 am
by Kitsu Murato
That was alot. And it was completely contrary to Murato's sensibilities. "I... Oubaihime is not the only person here that I feel love for. Just as she feels love for both of us. But I cannot cling to that other connection. It is not fair to anyone involved. All I can do is be a friend, keep in touch and keep my memories. Love is not something that should be painful."

Shaking his head as he continues.

"Do not uproot your life and suffer silently to watch your love be with someone that doesn't love you. Because I don't. I can care for your well being and appreciate you. But I don't love you and you don't love me. I would be happy to host an occasional visit, and would welcome you sending letters. But if you lived within walking distance of the woman I love and continued to profess such even after marriage... that is different from rivalry in courtship."

He takes a drink of sake.

"I won't do that to you if you end up with her, I beg you not to put me in that position either. It will only cause torment for all of us, as she watches the two of us grow to resent each other."

Re: (D10 ME, Forge) Friendly Rival

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 9:32 am
by Asahina Soyokaze
Soyokaze smiled. "She said much the same when I made the offer to her. I swear to you I won't, my path may yet lead me to the way of the wolf but I will not haunt your happiness and for what it's worth I would welcome you to my home as well so long as there isn't an army at your back." His grin was playful at that last bit. "This can't be why you came here though, just to check on me."

Re: (D10 ME, Forge) Friendly Rival

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 9:45 am
by Kitsu Murato
"It is exactly why I came here Soyokaze-san," he says. "Like I just said, I don't love you anymore than I feel love for people in general. But I do care because Bai cares. She need not prompt me or ask me, I will always show concern for the people and things that are important to her. You are one of those people, and so I am here because there was something wrong and I hoped I might be able to help make it right."

He takes another sip. "There is not much I can do though, if you don't want me attending this duel, or telling Bai about it. I can wish you well, and trust in your champion. But that's about it. See if I can talk to Yuzu before then maybe, but this late in the preparation with how stubborn he is, I suspect there's nothing I could say to sway him."

Re: (D10 ME, Forge) Friendly Rival

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 9:54 am
by Asahina Soyokaze
"How did you know something was wrong though, just because I wasn't at the event today? Well I can't stop you from talking to Yuzu but like I said, don't draw his ire onto you. Hell, once he receives my letter informing him of who my champion is and who among the Shika I have asked to be the official and that the Emerald Magistrate will likely be there he may try to back out of it, and I would happily let him."

Re: (D10 ME, Forge) Friendly Rival

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 10:12 am
by Kitsu Murato
"Yes, your absence was enough. Because you care for her a great deal. Each and every opportunity to direct the deer towards the match you want is important. And missing even one opportunity with how you feel about her is not normal. I honestly thought that you were more likely injured or ill than busy at first. But the few times I passed by the forge I heard work, so I figured I'd check in when other things were handled."

Re: (D10 ME, Forge) Friendly Rival

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 1:27 am
by Asahina Soyokaze

No. Don't talk to him about this. This is a bad idea.

"Have you actually discussed marriage with Bai, with anyone yet? I feel like it's a conversation that should be had but I also have no idea what to even discuss. I guess I never thought I would get to this place in my life." He looked very much like the boy he was then, lost and confused. "Or is that something that waits till you know who you are matched with?"