(D6, LE) Shot Through the Hart (Special Event)

Where the Deer clan and their visitors get their sake on
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Matsu Ishioka
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Re: (D6, LE) Shot Through the Hart (Special Event)

Post by Matsu Ishioka » Wed Aug 18, 2021 6:32 pm

Matsu Ishioka knew how to drink like a Crab. Lions assigned to Kyuden Hida didn't last if they couldn't drink at least respectably in line with their big, toughened hosts. Unfortunately for him, either because he'd already had a bit too much today, or because Yasuki Jin had decided not to mess around with the weaker stuff the Crab usually inflicted on other clans, Ishioka starts feeling the drinks harder and faster than he planned. Fortunately, he was very well-acquainted with his limit and, rather than risk crossing that threshold, politely excused himself from the contest and went in search of something pleasant and less alcoholic to occupy the remainder of the evening.

D6 drinking. Roll 1, TN 1. Earth/Fitness. Skill 2, Earth 3. | TN: 1 | Success: 4 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0
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D6 drinking. Roll 2, TN 2. Earth/Fitness. Skill 2, Earth 3. | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
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Opportunity to cancel strife.

D6 drinking. Roll 3, TN 3. Earth/Fitness. Skill 2, Earth 3. | TN: 3 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 1
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1 opportunity to cancel strife. 1 opportunity to look cool as Ishi starts to feel buzzed, I guess? 3 fatigue from failing roll.

D6 drinking. Roll 4, TN 4. Earth/Fitness. Skill 2, Earth 3. | TN: 4 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 0
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1 opportunity to look cool as Ishi zooms from buzzed to something like the life of the party?
Hits 7/10 endurance and bows out.

4 bu in the pot from the high rolling Lion.
Lion Clan * Bushi * "The Stone Matsu" * Few words, many thoughts * Isn't mad at you, but is disappointed
Honor: 61 | Glory: 51 | Status: 35
Courtship points: check courtship tracker.
Wears/carries: fantastic poker face, common Lion bushi garb, daisho, fan with meditative/skeptical lion painted on it.

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Bayushi Mitsu
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Re: (D6, LE) Shot Through the Hart (Special Event)

Post by Bayushi Mitsu » Thu Aug 19, 2021 2:45 am

Bayushi Mitsu cheered and encouraged every drinker. When his turn came, each cup of sake was slipped deftly under the bottom edge of his mask and thrown back in a swift, smooth motion.

[Special TNs by GM approval]

Roll 1: (D6, LE) Drinking game roll #1 - Fitness (Earth) TN 1 | TN: 1 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 0; Fatigue 1/6, Strife 0/4, opportunity spent to reassure another character
Roll 2: (D6, LE) Drinking game roll #2 - Fitness(Earth) TN 1 | TN: 1 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 0; Fatigue 1/6, Strife 0/4, opportunity spent to reassure another character
Roll 3: (D6, LE) Drinking game roll #3 - Fitness (Earth) TN 2 | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1; Fatigue 3/6, Strife 0/4, opportunity spent to reduce strife
Roll 4: (D6, LE) Drinking game roll #4 - Fitness (Earth) TN 2 | TN: 2 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0; Fatigue 5/6, Strife 0/4

[Bayushi will bow out at that point, with 4 bu added to the pot. Also 2 reassurances available for whoever needs it! (-2 strife each)]
Scorpion Clan ❖ Retainer
Glory: 46 ❖ Honor: 30 ❖ Status: 35
Carries: fine clothing, deep burgundy full face mask with gold trim, dark steel daisho with burgundy wrappings
“Right isn’t always right.”

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Re: (D6, LE) Shot Through the Hart (Special Event)

Post by Saibankan » Thu Aug 19, 2021 2:19 pm

At the end of the night, it's the ronin Aimi who takes home the lucky pot and the bottle of sake. It's quite a heavy pot, filled with 18 koku and 2 bu..
Non-Human * Gamemaster * Headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy * Mastermind
