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Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 6:32 pm
by Saibankan

Deep beneath the castle, there is a veritable treasure trove of coded scrolls. Off-limits to guests, these scrolls allegedly contain information on nearly every important samurai of the Empire. A weapon in less scrupulous hands, the information here guides the Deer clan in making some of the finest marriage matches in the Empire.

Re: Description

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 9:02 pm
by Saibankan
Sneaking into the Library:

The hidden underground library of the Deer clan is a font of information, closely guarded, and strictly off-limits to non-Deer PC. However, there are those whose thirst for knowledge overrides their courtesy. Sneaking into the library is a Major Breach of Righteousness

It requires an Air/Fitness roll at TN 3 to get in and out of the library without getting caught. (Disguising yourself as someone else is not an option, as even the servants are tightly regulated here.) Failure on this roll indicates that you have been apprehended by the guards...and the Deer will not take such an intrusion well. If it is your first offense, you lose 3 courtship points. If you are caught breaking in a second time, the Deer will banish you from the miai and the game.

Once inside the library, it is hard to navigate stealthily while finding what you’re looking for without training in the library’s organization system. You may look for information on one individual with a Water/(Any) check at TN 3. The skill you choose is the skill that person is best known for. Success means you locate the records on an individual of status 25-39. You may spend opportunities on this roll to increase the status of the person the records are on by 10 per opportunity spent.

If you succeed, the gm will talk to you about your plans for the information and what that means for your character. If you fail, you simply cannot find anything of use and leave empty-handed.