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[D0, EA, expecting] Being a respectful neighbor

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 6:03 am
by Matsu Ishioka
Considering himself mostly settled in his room now, though it remained the sort of Spartan affair to be expected of a Lion bushi, Ishioka considered that food would need to be in his future soon. Anticipating that Renjiro-sama would have an answer for such things, he prepared to head down to the common room. He stepped out into the hall in a simple, sunflower yellow kimono, carrying basically just his daisho, and started toward the stairs. Rather slowly, if one were watching: Ishioka seemed to be recording a map of the place as he proceeded. His eyes were quite active, taking in whatever information they could, including catching small glances into any room doors that aren't fully closed.

Re: [D0, EA, expecting] Being a respectful neighbor

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 8:05 pm
by Bayushi Luixian
Ishioka was not the only one who wanted a layout of the inn. Coming up the stairs from the common room was the burly giant Scorpion who was earning more nicknames than she expected so early on. Her brilliant red hair was pulled into the usual sloppy ponytail that seemed to only keep her bangs from her face while the rest of her hair spilled down her back. Her face was hidden behind the three-eyed Oni mask that hid her features quite easily though the rest of her attire left little to the imagination. The black kosode she wore hung down from one arm which revealed the dragon tattoo swirling around her shoulder and arm. The hakama she wore had spots of dirt that she didn't care to brush off. Following behind her like a potato with legs was her pet quail, Quail.

So occupied with figuring out the layout she almost barreled into the Lion before her. In the moments she stopped it allowed her a better look at him.

"Is that who I think it is?"

Re: [D0, EA, expecting] Being a respectful neighbor

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 9:06 pm
by Matsu Ishioka
Ishioka, having gotten used to more average sized Rokugani since he'd left the Crab lands, has to fully look up at the woman. Voice? Familiar. Size? Imposing. Mask and... With a slight angling of his head, he catches sight of the brilliant red hair. A smile starts to take over his stern face, eyes narrowing but warm.

"The Red Demon Crab," he says slowly, with appreciation. "What, in the name of the kami, are you doing here," he asks, voice low and slow as he still seems to be getting used to the idea that it's really her.

Re: [D0, EA, expecting] Being a respectful neighbor

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2021 11:35 pm
by Bayushi Luixian
"Stone Matsu, has all of that time on duty started to harden your brain, too?" Her words were twinged with minor amusement. "What else would I be doing here, in the Deer lands, during a miai if not to be forced to participate?"

Behind her, Quail was starting to peck at her feet as if the dumb thing thought it might be seeds. When she started doing that, she picked her up and held her gently in her arms.

"And I assume that you are here for the same thing, such as anyone else we meet will be doing as well."

Re: [D0, EA, expecting] Being a respectful neighbor

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2021 11:52 pm
by Matsu Ishioka
Ishioka gives a small smile and a chuckle at "forced to participate."

"My friend the Red Demon, ever a romantic," he says with steady tone just long enough to get it out -- before letting out a healthy laugh.

"Alright, reporting as ordered, then. This is... hardly my priority, but there are reasons to be here. It will perhaps be more pleasant with a friend beside me."

Re: [D0, EA, expecting] Being a respectful neighbor

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 12:03 am
by Bayushi Luixian
"Not too sure about that. Something tells me these damned matchmakers would see friends being chummy with each other and decide it's the perfect match so they can keep being lazy asses." She snorted some.

"My one love has ever been the battlefield, you know this. I assume it's much the same for you too."

She set Quail down. She started pecking at feet again. "But how about we go down and get a drink? Seems about the right time for it. Sun's still up after all."

Re: [D0, EA, expecting] Being a respectful neighbor

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 1:47 am
by Matsu Ishioka
Ishioka chuckles and shakes his head. "I won't say you're wrong about all of that. But remember, new attachments can be made. And old ones lost." Those few words come out with a little mourning in his tone, but he immediately pushes past it. "I was just heading downstairs to see the inn's offerings for lunch. You're no doubt as hungry as I am -- let's have some lunch, and then we'll hunt out good drink for later, hm?" The Lion seems rather pleased at the moment, as irritating as it probably is to Luixian.

Re: [D0, EA, expecting] Being a respectful neighbor

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 12:59 am
by Bayushi Luixian
"I'd rather not lose anything. Was difficult enough for me to trust those new attachments so having them forcibly thrown to the side is something I don't care for." With that said she turned around and began heading to the common room.

"I'd offer to play a game and see if we can remember each others typical food orders from the castle, but I've long forgotten all of that." She snorted some. Behind her Quail was doing her best to keep up the pace but her tiny legs could only do so much compared to Luixian's longer gait. "Suppose yo u're looking forward to all of this though. Certainly seem eager enough."

Re: [D0, EA, expecting] Being a respectful neighbor

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 4:48 pm
by Matsu Ishioka
Ishioka didn't really get a chance to respond as Luixian turned and led the way, but he did pipe up about his "eagerness."

"Bah. Not eager, Bayushi-san, but not opposed either. I knew it would come eventually. And my parents are... more invested in the outcome now. Perhaps unfortunately," he says with a dark chuckle, sounding at that thought almost as unhappy as Luixian.

Re: [D0, EA, expecting] Being a respectful neighbor

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 2:26 am
by Bayushi Luixian
"Tch. Whatever you say, Matsu-san." She shook her head while ignoring the little voice in the back of her head telling her to just give in to getting marriage like everyone else has.

"It's still your own life and destiny no matter what your parents might be invested in." Bold words coming from a Scorpion who did everything for their clan.