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Re: (D3, LE, Murato's) Something Sweet

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 9:26 am
by Kitsu Murato
Murato glances at the approaching hand smiling, obviously pleased with the offered cherry. His eyes were locked with Yasu's after that, his smile easily seen in them. His lips lightly brush her finger tips as he accepts the fruit, though likely by accident on his part as he is focused on just how dark her eyes are.

He does not avert his gaze as he chews the small treat either.
He just takes his time to savor the cherry she had given him while looking at her.

"Thank you," he finally says, only at that point breaking eye contact to give a nod.

He takes another cherry and pits it. But this time he doesn't say anything. He gently sets his elbow on the table and presents the cherry between them, letting her chose to come retrieve it this time, clearly trying to entice her to it.

Re: (D3, LE, Murato's) Something Sweet

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 2:29 am
by Kuni Yasu
She shivers at the touch of his lips, eyes unwavering and her own lips slightly parted as her breath quickens. There's a frozen moment where it seems she might just leave her hand there, hanging in the space between them. Then she brings it to her chest, fingertips just touching the small bit of collarbone bared by the lapped panels of the dark yukata.

There's a few moments of hesitation as he presents the next cherry, calculating the logistics before leaning in slowly. The coils of her hair shift to bare her neck as she bends. It feels every bit as vulnerable as closing her eyes at the start of this game. Perhaps to counter that feeling, there's nothing accidental this time as her lips brush skin as while taking the offering.

Re: (D3, LE, Murato's) Something Sweet

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 2:56 am
by Kitsu Murato
This time, when she intentionally brushes his fingers, he squeezes the cherry slightly so a little juice gets on her lip. He wipes the drip off of her lip with his thumb, a bit more of her lip paint coming off on it, but not a lot. Then he puts his own thumb between his lips to clean her paint and the cherry juice off, still maintaining his deep eye contact. The smile he gave was... a challenge. What

It felt like words would be inadequate at this point. And it felt less and less like a game and more like something he'd never really experienced before. It was beyond the flirting, and definitely beyond the edge of propriety, but not so far to pull him from the mixture of enjoyment, curiosity and a profound sense of connection that he's not had with someone before. Never like this, even if it only lasted for these fleeting moments. He didn't want to let it go, because it was so new and different. So he didn't...

Re: (D3, LE, Murato's) Something Sweet

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 4:15 am
by Kuni Yasu
Here eyes go wide as he brushes her lip. Startled deer held the same look before bounding away. But Yasu stays. She feels so unbalanced, she's not entirely sure what would happen if she tried to stand. She licks her lips at the spot he brushed, tasting the sticky sweet residue, unable to drop her eyes. There's a danger here that's sensed far more than reasoned out, and you don't turn away with that in the air.

She recognizes the challenge, her smile mirroring it almost without volition. There's a feeling like shivering that just doesn't seem to stop, though her hand is, by all appearances, steady as she cuts another pit out, fingers tinted purple-red with the juice.

Her chin lifts as she holds it out balanced on her palm.

Re: (D3, LE, Murato's) Something Sweet

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 5:02 am
by Kitsu Murato
Murato sees the returned challenge and his heart tightens, beginning to race. He wonders if this is what courtship was supposed to be. If the blood pounding in his ears was a sign of the first taste of love or just an infatuation.

Slowly, gently, he cups her hand with his own, fingers gently resting on the back of her wrist. He lowers his head a bit, but not much, keeping his eyes locked on hers. He gently guides her hand to his face. Then the cherry disappears in a moment, but his lips linger on her palm for a few moments. Not just a brushing.

His heart was pounding, the tops of his ears bright red with flush. His breath controlled but heavier than it usually felt. And as he pitted the next cherry, he put himself in the same position, that had started this game. He leaned in, the exact same way. But this time it was not his promise to learn and honor the duty of the Crab. It was a simple cherry.

It was there for her to repeat the earlier kiss. But it was far enough away that she needn't go through with it. He was giving her that choice and admitting that he would not make it for her. Take that choice. There was trepidation in his eyes. He hoped that she would, because he wanted to taste that paint fully, and he hoped that she didn't because he didn't want to lose himself that much. He found that no matter what happened, he was happy with how this dinner had turned out.

But would there be a cherry on top?

Re: (D3, LE, Murato's) Something Sweet

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 5:53 am
by Kuni Yasu
Those golden eyes are going to haunt some of her dreams, and she can't look away. He'll feel her hand, finally, tremble as he guides it. A sharp little gasp surprises her as his lips rest against her palm, and it requires conscious effort not to curl her fingers along his cheek. The pulse in her wrist races and her face burns with a blush that finally reaches unpainted ears, patchy red along her throat.

And there, she just has to repeat movements she's already practiced, like rehearsing a kata. Lean in, and press gently, tasting more than cherries... Yasu leans toward the young Kitsu, eyes picking out the flecks of deeper gold in his.

But she remembers the touch of this practice before, the warmth of brown eyes and the quiet music, the comfort that slips to desire and then hunger--and she shivers, pauses. Touching her fingers first to her own lips, and then, gently, to his cheek, she turns away. Foregoing this challenge.

The deep breath she draws in feels cool, feels like the first breath after a deep dive. Her smile is genuine as she looks back to him again. "I think I shouldn't have too many, though they've been delicious, Kitsu-san." Any more intimate form of address feels risky just now.

Re: (D3, LE, Murato's) Something Sweet

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 6:15 am
by Kitsu Murato
When she looks away, he takes a few seconds to process the choice she made. He was so disappointed and yet so relieved. He had wanted her to pull him in and say without words that he was what she wanted. But he knew that it was not a given that any individual candidate here would be his spouse, and taking that step could lead to heartbreak and misery.

Thank you Yasu. I couldn't have made that choice, he thinks. Does that make me a failure? Or am I feeling something more that will become something stronger?

His words returned to him. "Of course," he says. "I hope you at least enjoyed those we could share. As i said earlier, I would like to play again, the original, sometime. But I also look forward to lessons as well."

But while she was thinking of someone else, he only had her on his mind. Apparently it is possible to simultaneously crush and save a heart.

Re: (D3, LE, Murato's) Something Sweet

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 8:29 am
by Kuni Yasu
There's relief as he appears, if not unaffected, at least not upset. Yasu nods, as her pulse and breath slow. "I enjoyed them quite a lot and I'm thankful for the work you put into them and..." She pauses, trying to put sensations into words, "your respect for it all. I've learned a great deal tonight. Thank you."

"We have a great deal for future meetings. I've yet to discuss the shrines of our lands, and there's poetry and this game..." She's babbling just a bit as reaction sets in, adrenaline still buzzing along her nerves. "I look forward to our next meeting," she says with a solid sincerity, as she gathers composure to rise, hoping not to embarrass herself with unsteady knees.

Re: (D3, LE, Murato's) Something Sweet

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 8:48 am
by Kitsu Murato
Murato nods to her, and rises alongside. "I look forward to seeing you again soon. I suspect it will be in Yume-do, but hopefully not long after that either."

He bows to her, his own calm having returned. Murato then heads to the door and opens it for her. As she passes by to leave, he'll speak quietly. "Thank you, Yasu-san."

Re: (D3, LE, Murato's) Something Sweet

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 3:26 am
by Kuni Yasu
"I keep expecting to see people from here in Yume-do. Surely a lot of them are hoping and seeking one another in dreams." Her smile is warm, even if her eyes are still a bit wide, her throat a bit flushed. "We should lunch in the forest if the rain clears. Take advantage of this time to explore." There's a breath and she blinks, eyes a touch wider. "The forest, that is, of course.." She bows to hide her fluster and passes on to the door.

But she'll pause at the quiet words to nod. "Most welcome, Murato-san, and thank you as well. Fortunes favor you till we meet again."