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Re: [D7, ME, closed] Different kind of play

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 7:28 am
by Matsu Ishioka
The tickle of her hair across his face causes some strange facial movements in the moments before he awakens with a shudder. As his nostrils flare lightly and his eyes flash open and dart side-to-side, he reflexively draws in the arm that's around Inoshishi. The thin woman is pressed tightly against Ishioka's side for a moment before the arm relaxes, but then his eyes are on her and she can watch them go from a touch of surprise to fully embracing her presence.

"I, ah, sorry..." he says quietly. "Wasn't planning on a nap." In truth, with the excitement of all the days events, it was a wonder he had awakened from that "nap" before the next morning.

Re: [D7, ME, closed] Different kind of play

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 7:52 am
by Agasha Inoshishi
With the breath nearly squeezed out of her, Inoshishi’s quarrelsome thoughts are squeezed out as well. She smiles, remaining as close as possible.

“Well, you worked hard, Ishi-kun. I can let you sleep, if you wish. I’m having a hard time sleeping just now. I might go for a walk if you wish to sleep.”

She smiles softly, kissing as close to his nose as she can manage from whatever position she’s in at the moment.

“It’s seemed as though you wanted to talk more about that, among other things.” She points at her underkimono, flung across the room from the futon they occupy. “But if you’re a sleepy Lion, I’m happy to watch you sleep. In a non-creepy way.”

Re: [D7, ME, closed] Different kind of play

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 4:57 pm
by Matsu Ishioka
The Lion smiles at the kiss, and shifts to put one on Inoshishi's lips. It's light, not trying to start things, but a reaction to her closeness that he can't--well, didn't try to hold back.

"We should talk. I do think that I need to tell you more, understand us more... But probably not right now." Again he shifts, this time using his nose to nuzzle alongside hers. He drifts slightly back and sighs. "I should sleep. I want..." His eyes, filed with affection, focus on the Dragon. "To do other things," he says, voice highly suggestive.

Re: [D7, ME, closed] Different kind of play

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 5:39 pm
by Agasha Inoshishi
She smiles contentedly at the kiss, her eyes half closing in comfort, almost like a cat. She leans in, her hair tickling in Ishioka’s nose. She whispers near his ear,

“You’re not the only one with things to share, Ishi-kun. But we have time to see how are pasts stack up in the future.”

She nuzzles the side of his face lazily, thinking she could basically roll all over him and not disturb his sleep if she doesn’t use her elbows.

Re: [D7, ME, closed] Different kind of play

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 8:20 pm
by Matsu Ishioka
Ishioka responds to the nuzzles with a hand reaching over to stroke the hair around Inoshishi's ear. He seems to enjoy it, as he soon unties her hair, snuggling her closer with one arm and gently brushing through her long hair with the other.

It isn't an especially sensual thing he's doing, but at the very least it's an activity that pulls him toward awakeness and shows he's entirely focused on Inoshishi in this time.

Re: [D7, ME, closed] Different kind of play

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 8:45 pm
by Agasha Inoshishi
Inoshishi thinks about what to do, always at her most uncertain when given free reign to do as she pleases. She considers briefly what to do, tracing Ishioka’s cheekbones, ear, scars and any other line. After a moment, she shrugs mentally, figuring that, as always, Fire is the best way through. She settles onto him with all her (mostly negligible) weight.

“I saw your look about Narumi. You’re…not very very subtle, my Ishi-kun.”

She attempts to keep him down and quiet, just this once, going so far as to stick her pointy elbows accidentally into his throat if necessary.

“We spoke today before your…meeting…it was…revelatory.”

She withdraws her elbows, if she’s had to deploy them, but not her weight. Her eyes are shining with love and sincerity, as per usual when speaking with Ishioka.

Re: [D7, ME, closed] Different kind of play

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 1:57 am
by Matsu Ishioka
If Ishioka's eyes hadn't been open and fully alert, they certainly are as Narumi is mentioned. He swallows hard, realizing this is very important in some way, but he doesn't try to move. Inoshishi can see her Lion's eyes, steady on her, but with a flickering behind them like he's trying to process what this means.

Re: [D7, ME, closed] Different kind of play

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 2:26 am
by Agasha Inoshishi
Inoshishi leans in for a moment, giving him a peck on the cheek. “Thank you, my love, for not making me force you to hear me.” As ludicrous as it should have sounded, there was a steel in Ino’s voice that wasn’t normally there.

She quiets, clearly pondering where to go while having Ishi’s full attention. Ultimately, the choice was easy. Very similar to where she went with Narumi herself.

“I can make us all happy. I know the nature of what we face. I know what she and I are. And I know what you are. She is your cherry blossom, I your tornado. Both have beauty, both have their time and place.” She quiets again, thinking. She slides off him, landing cross legged, still undressed. Best of she’s here for this next part. When she speaks again, her voice is flat. A scholar’s voice, emotionless, clinical.

“She is…stubborn, but a stubborn I can…respect. She believes this is a game with one side winning, the other losing. She is wrong. She believes she has already lost. Also wrong.”

Emotion leeches back in.

“She told me the pretty lies they all tell each other.” A handwave makes it clear she means the other samurai. If there’s anger, it’s not at either Ishi or Narumi. But it’s more sad than angry. “That she wished friendship, but said with the kind of anger that will kill a woman’s soul as well as her target. The kind of lies the two of you poison yourselves with.” She shakes her head sharply, reigning in and takes a breath, her hand up to forestall him breaking in.

In a small voice, she continues. “So I showed her the…error of her ways. With a kiss.” She smiles a little. “There is a way forward, but she…and you…may be too stubborn to take it.”

She shifts again, pressing her head to the floor in a position of submission to judgement, with all the dignity a naked 18 year old in her lovers room could muster.

Re: [D7, ME, closed] Different kind of play

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 7:47 am
by Matsu Ishioka
Ishioka opens and closes his eyes several times as he tries to make sense of what Inoshishi's saying.

"Ino-chan," he says softly, not comprehending. "I don't... A way for what? How can we all..." He trails off as he remembers. One remark she'd made in haste. So improbable he almost hadn't remembered at all.

"Ino-chan," his voice now is an aggressive whisper. "How could... The Deer would not stand for it. No cheating their system, no..." He's sat up fully now, blanket askew across his lap, and he gestures vaguely about her idea that he doesn't even have a word for. "We all must have a match. There are rules." He looks at her sternly.

Re: [D7, ME, closed] Different kind of play

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 4:41 pm
by Agasha Inoshishi
Inoshishi shrugs slightly. “A way for us to follow these.” She lays one of her hand on her naked chest and leans forward, trying to mirror that on Ishi’s chest.

“I don’t know if Narumi knows her heart yet. I know mine and I think I know yours. If hers align with ours, we’ll find a way forward. If not, I will comfort you and you will comfort me. Eventually, that will lead to happiness.”

She grins, shifting again, this time onto her knees, eyes twinkling.

“I’m happy to show you how your Lioness will comfort you, if you wish.”