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Re: (D0, EE) Otter in the Water (open)

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 4:46 pm
by Susaki Tanabe
"They are usually short this is true but it's still important to train for Stamina. You never know when you'll lock up with an opponent and need to outlast them. It's rare but I've seen it." He explained happily seeming to enjoy talking about his favorite subject "and I'd be happy to give you tips on wrestling any time you'd like Kuni-sama, I even promise not to go too hard on you so no need to be intimidated." He said teasingly.

"Yes Usogawa-sama is a performer through and through. She mostly plays instruments and sings." He adjusted his form of address to match hers but he smiled very amused by a thought obviously "Even thinking of her trying to fight is both terrifying as her yojimbo and hilarious as her friend."

Something she said had given him pause though and he looked at the bath for a moment before going under and swimming only accomplishing two strokes before he spun around, graceful for such a large man, and swam back. It made a bit of commotion but his proficiency kept splashing to a minimum. As he emerged at his original location give or take he nodded toward Yasu "Yes the bath would be rather tedious practice trying to swim in it." He agreed plainly as if what he just did was perfectly logical.

Re: (D0, EE) Otter in the Water (open)

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2021 4:26 am
by Kuni Yasu
"Pfft, no need to go easy. Spent last summer running with Hida cousins and they don't hold anything back. Between that and..." She stands, letting the water sluice off and pointing to faint purplish marks criss-crossing her torso, "demon tree thing broke three ribs last spring smacking me around." Meeting his eyes with a teasing grin of her own. "Besides, you smile too much to be intimidating."

While she looks a bit thoughtful as he speaks of Emiko, she holds her tongue on whatever those thoughts are as she settles to a seat once more--only to press back agains the side with a sharp laugh as the giant Otter 'swims' through the bath. Water sloshes over the edge through simple displacement, never mind the movement. Though the Kuni certainly takes note of the movement, and the grace through the water. "I'd make a much bigger mess trying that. Seems there's more than one thing I could use some tips on, if you've got some time these next few weeks."

Re: (D0, EE) Otter in the Water (open)

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2021 6:29 am
by Susaki Tanabe
Tanabe clapped with a wide grin "Hah! Well good to know you don't break easy!" he said as she stood and indicated her torso he looks at the marks with an impressed raise of the eyebrows and then there was a lot of body between her ribs and her eyes which he certainly travelled to make eye contact, there was only a split second of delay. His grin took on a certain quality as he met her eyes with his own teasing tone "Well I smile a little less when I'm not around pretty Crabs." the open compliment while true, was teasing a bit and designed to maybe fluster the Kuni a little

"But of course I'm happy to teach any lessons you might want to know about. Few places better to look for a swimming instructor than an Otter." he says as he gets comfy against the side of the bath.

Re: (D0, EE) Otter in the Water (open)

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2021 7:48 am
by Kuni Yasu
Flustered is a reasonably good description. That was a lot more direct than the entirely missed hints of the previous summer, and probably several other seasons. There's no paint to hide the blush suffusing her cheeks as she slips a bit lower in the water without even thinking about it. Pretty is just not a thing anyone calls a tall Kuni in full face paint pretty much ever, leaving her with very little practice in responding to such.

"Oh. That's... I'm glad you think so then, cause I like your smile." Her eyes never dropped, though they wavered a moment. As if the previous determination to stop looking away when feeling this vulnerability was already being trained into habit. The smile though, that fell in the confusion before lifting a bit to add a sense of sincerity to her words. "So...dojo tomorrow? I think we both have something to teach there."

She doesn't say it, because the feeling doesn't come to her in words, but feeling so easily knocked askew makes her want to keep solid earth beneath her if they're going to be teaching and learning. Swimming feels too adrift, and too one-sided when she has nothing to teach there in return.

Re: (D0, EE) Otter in the Water (open)

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2021 8:10 am
by Susaki Tanabe
And the happy grin the Susaki usually wore changed a little, a warmth seeped into it and his gaze as their eyes remained locked with her refusal to give in to vulnerability and his direct nature they likely stayed that way for a bit before he nodded relaxing a little. She was flustered but kept her cool, the blush was rather cute on her as well. It'll be a shame when it's all hidden by face paint again "Thank you." He said with that same warmth, the words sounding fuller somehow, more sincere than his playful banter or bravado.

"Yes the dojo tomorrow works for me!" He says shifting back to a more casual tone, though the energy is a bit different in general "I am excited to see how you handle the naginata and what Crab practice looks like." The excitement was genuine, he had traveled often but rarely seen anything but minor clan dojos.

Re: (D0, EE) Otter in the Water (open)

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 3:47 am
by Kuni Yasu
The blush remains as she settles, once more, relaxing into the warm water, smile grown softer as the ducks her head to retwist hair that's slowly come loose through the conversation. And that smile, she thinks, I like that one better

She could go. The warm water's done what it's supposed to, easing the stiffness of the journey away. She's started the whole process of getting to know people here, since that's most of her duties for the next few weeks. Plans are made for tomorrow. Training won't be neglected. There's no real reason not to wrap up and go finish settling thing in her room.

And yet, she finishes securing her hair up out of the water and rests back against the stone, sharply aware of how cool that surface is, compared to the water. Steady, cool earth at her back. Noticing it in all this water, this back and forth, she takes the awareness as a sign and settles for just a bit longer.

"Crab practice is...pragmatic, defensive, and unsubtle. Good for what it's developed for, but..." she looks up again, thoughtful. "hmmm, would I guess right that the Otter practice a more fluid style? A Naginata is good for holding things off a bit, but things get tricky when something's quick enough to get within your guard."

Re: (D0, EE) Otter in the Water (open)

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 6:22 am
by Susaki Tanabe
Tanabe had watched as Yasu gathered and fixed her hair his expression tinged with interest. He had assumed here in the Baths would be one of his few chances to observe her face. He had heard the kuni wear their face paint almost everywhere, so he committed it to memory as much as he could while she spoke, in all honesty he probably missed a thing here or there but understood the gist and when she asked her question he nodded "yeah, definitely. The Otter have a flowing style they are often taught to be like water. How to flow with the fight and not be thrown off by a swaying deck or by the water itself."

He took a breath his expression thoughtful "but I was taught the Badger fighting style which can be unmoving and solid like the earth, standing your ground and outlasting you opponent or it can be like water flowing around the fight, adjusting and adapting to what your opponent does. So I can understand both approaches."

He too had done what he had intended with the bath but, he enjoyed the company he was in and if she was settling in for a little while longer so would he.

Re: (D0, EE) Otter in the Water (open)

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 7:26 am
by Kuni Yasu
There's a short, surprised laugh. "I think this may be the closest I've been to the Badger in my life then. Other side of the Empire and all. I guess it was easier for you to find them with the way the Otter travel everywhere?" Certainly in the water he had an ease and grace that she could imagine him carrying into the dojo as well. Trying to imagine him moving with a bokken...and clothing...well, she could just wait until tomorrow to see.

"Hmm, does sharing that sort of flowing element make it easier to continue training now that you're back among the Otter? Or is it too different from their style?" There's an open curiosity in her eyes and voice. "Is it..." she stops herself with a small shake of her head and apologetic smile. "Sorry, I should let you answer a few before piling questions higher.

Re: (D0, EE) Otter in the Water (open)

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 7:50 am
by Susaki Tanabe
"Yes not too many get to visit the Badger up in their mountains, we were lucky enough to run into them on some of the rivers up north. They were in a hurry to get to some small court, they were grateful for our help and were impressed by how I worked the boat, offered me a place at there school and well." He gave a shrug "the rest is history, or it will be one day when I'm the most famous sumai in Rokugan!"

"As for the differences in can be hard at times, I don't defend the way they expect or get them in a position they aren't ready for, the same happens to me. It's seen as an asset more than a downside in our dojo a way to learn and try different things." At her apology he chuckled a little and waved his hand dismissively "no need for sorrys Kuni-sama, for you I'm am open book."

Re: (D0, EE) Otter in the Water (open)

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 8:51 am
by Kuni Yasu
"For me you are?" Her eyebrows lift with her grin--it's a much more subdued expression than it would be with her normal dramatically painted brows. "Are you telling me you're normally reserved and kinda secretive, but the magic of a hot bath and...?" Her hands lift from the water, palms together, then spread apart as if opening a book and offering it.

"Also -san is fine. My clan may be larger, but I really doubt I'm higher placed in my duties than the yojimbo to a clan's heir. Or the most famous sumai, for that matter!" she adds with as much of a bow as could be attempted while seated chest-deep in water. There's some teasing to it, but not mockery. She has no reason to think he won't someday be the most famous sumai in the Empire.

She settles back again, catching her lip between her teeth a moment, as if catching back the question she ends up deciding to ask after all. "But while that offer's open, I've been wondering... I don't see hair like yours much in the south. Is it more common among the Otter? It's going to be kind of a signature look when you're so famous."