[D8 EM, Moshu's room, Closed] Morning appointments

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Kitsu Moshumaru
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Re: [D8 EM, Moshu's room, Closed] Morning appointments

Post by Kitsu Moshumaru » Sun Aug 22, 2021 9:46 pm

The Kitsu nodded at the Kaito's words, still calm and collected.

"It is unfortunate, is it not? 'if you want peace, prepare for war', or so the saying goes. There is also another saying, which might be of use: 'Those dragged into war either don't hate it enough or are bound to the battlefield field.' What binds you, Kaito-san? If we understand that, then perhaps we can free you from 'these conflicts' entirely."
Lion Clan - HGS: 51/41/35 - Kitsu Red Hair, Missing fingers
"Mark my words, your descendants will remember you."
Gift giving ritual: Feel free to skip due to timezones
Ideal Lewdness level: Ftb, raunchy/lewd is fine
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Kaito Oubaihime
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Re: [D8 EM, Moshu's room, Closed] Morning appointments

Post by Kaito Oubaihime » Sun Aug 22, 2021 11:08 pm

"Hai...Should I worry?" She sighed. "I know I won't be doing much in the up coming battles... and I don't do well with those."
•Phoenix Clan •Shrine Maiden •Water •Clumsy •Softhearted •Lucky •Medic •Random Samurai #71
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From: D5 Carries a white crane feather D7: Carries Bells
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Re: [D8 EM, Moshu's room, Closed] Morning appointments

Post by Kitsu Moshumaru » Sun Aug 22, 2021 11:15 pm

Kaito Oubaihime wrote:
Sun Aug 22, 2021 11:08 pm
"Hai...Should I worry?" She sighed. "I know I won't be doing much in the up coming battles... and I don't do well with those."
Yes was the short answer. The answer he gave was:

"Partners can follow either way in this miai - if they so wanted, a Crane could marry a minor clansmen, regardless of where they rank. If you don't believe you're capable of winning who you want in this miai, choose who you want from the top and seduce them. That way, they'll want you, even if you can't take them, you still end up with them. Does that help?"
Lion Clan - HGS: 51/41/35 - Kitsu Red Hair, Missing fingers
"Mark my words, your descendants will remember you."
Gift giving ritual: Feel free to skip due to timezones
Ideal Lewdness level: Ftb, raunchy/lewd is fine
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Re: [D8 EM, Moshu's room, Closed] Morning appointments

Post by Kaito Oubaihime » Sun Aug 22, 2021 11:40 pm

"I am not trying to seduce any one Kitsu sama... I am... I am just being myself. It seems that it has brought more problems than needed." The girl sighed.
•Phoenix Clan •Shrine Maiden •Water •Clumsy •Softhearted •Lucky •Medic •Random Samurai #71
Smells like flowers
From: D5 Carries a white crane feather D7: Carries Bells
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Re: [D8 EM, Moshu's room, Closed] Morning appointments

Post by Kitsu Moshumaru » Mon Aug 23, 2021 12:10 am

The Kitsu thought deeply before speaking.

"I am sorry to hear that you feel that way. Nobody should ever feel that they are guilty for living their honourable life. Perhaps the answer is less to try and change yourself but more to try and worry less about others? Everyone here is an adult, everyone here will find someone."

A sip.

"When I first met you, you seemed very downtrodden and frightened. Like there was a weight on your heart, maybe I was wrong, Maybe I still am. But as the days have gone forward you have found more confidence piece by piece, no? But three days ago, you asked me to go hunting with you, which seemed like a large step. You seemed brighter then - you are brighter now, even if it feels like it hurts. No matter what happens, I am proud of that growth. That will be something you can take with you anywhere."

Pushing aside his other radial thoughts, he began to focus further. Sensing this, the Crow flew off on it's own.

"So, Kaito Oubaihime-san. Building upon what we've discussed, what do you hope to happen? Once we know for certain what we want, we can begin calculating how to achieve it."
Lion Clan - HGS: 51/41/35 - Kitsu Red Hair, Missing fingers
"Mark my words, your descendants will remember you."
Gift giving ritual: Feel free to skip due to timezones
Ideal Lewdness level: Ftb, raunchy/lewd is fine
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Re: [D8 EM, Moshu's room, Closed] Morning appointments

Post by Kaito Oubaihime » Mon Aug 23, 2021 1:50 pm

"I... I can't do what you ask, Kitsu sama. My education is to serve others, be it the temple, the empire, my clan, or my friends." She gave a sad smile. "I know everyone here is an adult."
She sipped her tea. "I was... these is so far from home... I didn't know my place. Yet seeing Raizo san gave me some confidence, knowing that I am not really alone in this place. Slowly, I've been making friends and acquaintances and even opening my heart to..." That brought a knot to her throat. "I... I... I would like... like....I would like to continue bring brightness to those... who...who I... I love."
•Phoenix Clan •Shrine Maiden •Water •Clumsy •Softhearted •Lucky •Medic •Random Samurai #71
Smells like flowers
From: D5 Carries a white crane feather D7: Carries Bells
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Re: [D8 EM, Moshu's room, Closed] Morning appointments

Post by Kitsu Moshumaru » Mon Aug 23, 2021 3:01 pm

The Kitsu nodded as he listened, hoping he understood.

"I know that Soyokaze-san and Murato-san both have their eyes on you - is there another who holds their place in your heart? If not..."

The crow from before returned. Not realizing it, he rasied some rice the long way to his mouth - only for the Crow to take it. Not wanting to seem an idiot, he took it in stride, placing the chopsticks on top of the bowl.

"I may have a solution, but I'll need you to try and make it reality, Kaito-san. Do you think you can do that? Use your education to serve in service of an idea that will benefit you?"
Lion Clan - HGS: 51/41/35 - Kitsu Red Hair, Missing fingers
"Mark my words, your descendants will remember you."
Gift giving ritual: Feel free to skip due to timezones
Ideal Lewdness level: Ftb, raunchy/lewd is fine
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Re: [D8 EM, Moshu's room, Closed] Morning appointments

Post by Kaito Oubaihime » Mon Aug 23, 2021 3:44 pm

"Ah... I... I don't think so." She nodded. "I can try... I think I am doing that... I am making medicines as gifts."
•Phoenix Clan •Shrine Maiden •Water •Clumsy •Softhearted •Lucky •Medic •Random Samurai #71
Smells like flowers
From: D5 Carries a white crane feather D7: Carries Bells
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Kitsu Moshumaru
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Re: [D8 EM, Moshu's room, Closed] Morning appointments

Post by Kitsu Moshumaru » Mon Aug 23, 2021 4:15 pm


"You know the rules of this miai - you leave with one person from the miai, and one person only. If you seek more than one person, this is a problem."

"But what if... one of the people you went home with wasn't part of this miai? Perhaps a lost family member? A humble servant? A ronin of interest? And, should they so happen to be the same body, shape, and person as someone missing from this dear miai, well... Then you are free to go with them and your beloved, no?"

"Asahina Soyokaze has an interest in you, as he told me some days ago and I suspect he was the one who put those terrifying thoughts about the Lion into his head. He also despises his clan. If he can be convinced to start anew and follow you, you can please him and have him in your life as well as your desired partner from the Miai. It's a lot to ask of any man, but if you were to ask him... Do you see what I mean?"

It was a shame, really - perhaps the one Lion he thought wasn't a Lion absolutely was.
Lion Clan - HGS: 51/41/35 - Kitsu Red Hair, Missing fingers
"Mark my words, your descendants will remember you."
Gift giving ritual: Feel free to skip due to timezones
Ideal Lewdness level: Ftb, raunchy/lewd is fine
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Kaito Oubaihime
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Re: [D8 EM, Moshu's room, Closed] Morning appointments

Post by Kaito Oubaihime » Mon Aug 23, 2021 4:32 pm

"He wasn't the one to give me those ideas of the Lion... I serve a temple that is also a clinic, Kitsu sama." She glared at the Kitsu. "He hasn't told me anything bad about your clan. He does have issues but he is no one to slander like that." He would note the Kaito expression change from a friendly one to one more emotional rather anger could be shown. "My ideas of your clan came from those injured people the same people that were fighting for their cause. The Phoenix are allies of the Crane and I have treated their men in our lands." She took a breath and tried to center herself. The Kaito gave it some thought. "Are you sugesting that one of them should start a Musha Shugo in the middle of the miai? To renounce their name and try to find enlightenment?"
•Phoenix Clan •Shrine Maiden •Water •Clumsy •Softhearted •Lucky •Medic •Random Samurai #71
Smells like flowers
From: D5 Carries a white crane feather D7: Carries Bells
D7:carried a copper bells.
•H: Idealistic Samurai •G: Apprentice •S: Samurai and Monk

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