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Re: (D12 EE) Giving A Cat A Bath

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 2:05 pm
by Kitsu Murato
"It likely sounds callous to say it, but you are right. Your strife helped me find strength because I finally felt like I was not the only one feeling it," he agreed and clarified.

"Sorry if I couldn't return the favor. Though, yes, you are an incredibly beautiful woman. And I felt sad to have realized that some other man had such an impact as to literally steal your breath from across the room. So I decided to stand aside and not get in the way of what might grow there."

He nods at her last question. "I have found someone that makes my heart race when we are close. That I have written the music of my heart out for. Someone who I would die for, but would struggle through any pain to live for instead."

Re: (D12 EE) Giving A Cat A Bath

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 2:47 pm
by Usogawa Narumi
"Then I suppose some good came from my embarrassing upset."
She blushes further at his compliment and shakes her head slowly.
"I'm happy to hear you've found someone, Kitsu-san; truly, it's all I wanted for everyone here," she nods and speaks with subdued emotion, before a quiet but very real smile spreads across her features.
"Hai.. And those feelings for him did grow, you've the right of it," she confirms, "-and in turn reciprocated, to my surprise. Hopefully... Hopefully the Shika agree."

Re: (D12 EE) Giving A Cat A Bath

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 3:04 pm
by Kitsu Murato
"I am happy for you. A bit disappointed that such a beautiful woman as yourself didn't fall for me, but that is life," he joked playfully. "Probably would have just made your life harder if I had been serenading, making gifts and writing poetry for you."

Re: (D12 EE) Giving A Cat A Bath

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 3:08 pm
by Usogawa Narumi
"I am sure I would've managed," she said with a smirk at the humour at how poorly she ultimately managed everything the miai had brought with it.

Re: (D12 EE) Giving A Cat A Bath

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 3:14 pm
by Kitsu Murato
"So... It will be Bo then, if you have anything to say about it?" he asks. He has seen Ishioka and Inoshishi play together so he knew he'd likely be happy with either of the two women. But he did not know who all was courting Bo.

Re: (D12 EE) Giving A Cat A Bath

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 3:21 pm
by Usogawa Narumi
"Hai... He'll be returning with me to Ehime Toshi, in the Lake of Cherry Blossom Snow, provided our Izakayas can support him. He is... not small," she smirks lightly. "Provided the Shika agree, of course."

Re: (D12 EE) Giving A Cat A Bath

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 3:37 pm
by Kitsu Murato
He nods at that. "What is it about him that draws you so strongly? The one time I spoke with him it seemed like he wasn't the type to court anyone in particular. So there must have been something that attracted you that he does effortlessly."

Re: (D12 EE) Giving A Cat A Bath

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 4:15 pm
by Usogawa Narumi
"Hm. He didn't court me, I'll correct you there. I instigated the whole affair," she says, blush continuing. "I think.. what draws me to him is his optimism? So different from myself, when I spend so much time worrying about what might be and what lays ahead. He lives in the moment, he lets any pitfalls roll off him, he embraces what comes at him, he doesn't try to change what's presented to him. He's willing and able to do what's asked of him, and makes friends wherever he ends up. I find that sort of outlook incredibly appealing. I'm certain he's warmed the Deer to assist him and his clan in anything they might ask of them."
It's clear with her words she's chosen sides.

D12EE Agenda at Murato, Garner Deer clan military support for the Crane clan | TN: 1 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image
1 opp spent to reduce strife
+2 Agenda points

Re: (D12 EE) Giving A Cat A Bath

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 8:59 pm
by Kitsu Murato
"I'm glad you found that then," he says, then shrugged at the political aspect of her response.

"It'd be sad if this place where our memories of love blooming ends up as a battlefield. But whatever the Deer choose to do in the future is on them."

Re: (D12 EE) Giving A Cat A Bath

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 9:20 pm
by Usogawa Narumi
She nodded slowly, inching lower into the waters, "And yourself? Tell me about who you sing sonnets for."