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[Day 4, Late Morning] Mission Accomplished (Open)

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 8:54 am
by Shiba Raizo
Raizo entered, ordered the Akina brew he'd started to favor, and looked around with an air of.... satisfaction.

His day had begun magnificently, leaving him emotionally fulfilled in a way he hadn't known he could be.

Then had come the day's main event, and while he'd made a complete hash of the poetry recitation, that didn't bother him.

Not when he'd managed to maneuver Bo and Narumi together like a fucking champion, allowing them some time together where the matchmakers could see them.

Man, if she could have, she would have incinerated me with that glare.

He smiled happily as he sipped his tea.

Now I need to get something for Koi, and send her a missive, and...

It was possibly the most relaxed he'd been since arriving.

Re: [Day 4, Late Morning] Mission Accomplished (Open)

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 2:36 pm
by Aimi
"You, Shiba-sama, are a menace."

Smiling, Aimi slides into a seat on the other side of the table, her beautiful kimono rustling gently as she moves. A polite nod and a flickering hand signal to the staff signals her order, and then she turns her attention back to the incredibly smug Phoenix sitting opposite her.

"Really, now. I had everything all planned out, I was going to absolutely knock down all my competition this morning, and then! And then my thoughts are filled with the most incurable distraction at a critical moment," she says with a mock frown, "And I produce something at best adequate. And yes, I blame you for all of it."

She can't hold the scowl for long, despite her best intentions to the contrary, and the sparkle in her eyes gives her away long before that.

Re: [Day 4, Late Morning] Mission Accomplished (Open)

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 7:59 pm
by Shiba Raizo
It's just not fair.

His grin was meant to be punchable, but it was a bit more... twitterpated than that.

"Well, I could say I deny everything, Aimi-san, but..."

But I don't know that I could deny you anything.

"So I suppose I'll have to make it up to you somehow. Perhaps I should give one of my no-doubt legendary poetry recitals?"

At this range, it might well be fatal. If not for my listeners, then DEFINITELY for me.