(D2, MM) Love Throughout History (Event)

Wide hallways through which the low and high pass en route to their affairs
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Re: (D2, MM) Love Throughout History (Event)

Post by Kasumi » Thu Aug 05, 2021 7:26 pm

Kasumi was glad to expand on her family's varied history as traders of the sea. Of all the stuff they sold!

Fish. It was mostly fish. Sometimes rugs. But mostly fish. But oh the many varieties of fish!!!

D2 MM Event, Commerce/Earth, tn 1 | TN: 1 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 1
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D2 MM Event, Commerce/earth, tn 2 | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 1
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D2 MM Commerce/Earth, tn 1, VP | TN: 3 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0

D2 MM Commerce/Earth, tn 4 | TN: 4 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0

Total success: 2
Mantis * Tenkinja * Wealthy * Has a parrot * Gaudy getup
Status: 25 * Glory: 44 * Honor: 40

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Kakita Akihiro
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Re: (D2, MM) Love Throughout History (Event)

Post by Kakita Akihiro » Thu Aug 05, 2021 9:36 pm

Akihiro's ability to accurately reflect the traditions of his ancestors through martial skills seems lacking. By the end of it the Kakita is wondering whether it would premature to request seppuku.

Day 2 PeiPei's Ancestors Event; Martial Skill Group, TN3 Fitness/Earth + VP | TN: 3 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 3
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Day 2 PeiPei's Ancestors Event; Martial Skill Group, TN3 Meditation/Earth | TN: 3 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 3
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Day 2 PeiPei's Ancestors Event; Martial Skill Group, TN2 Martial Melee/Earth | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 3
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Day 2 PeiPei's Ancestors Event; Martial Skill Group, TN2, Martial Ranged/Earth | TN: 2 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
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Rolls succeeded: 1
1 opportunity to show off
0 bonus successes
0 bonus successes
35 status
43 glory
66 honor

(total strife by the end of all this: 2)
Crane | Kakita | Duelist | Newest Fashions | Disfiguring Scar

Honor: 66 | Glory: 42| Status: 35
ceremonial kimono or traveling kimono, daisho, silver chopsticks for hairpins, mempo, if needed palanquin, Ryuusuke the attendent

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Suzume Senseki
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Re: (D2, MM) Love Throughout History (Event)

Post by Suzume Senseki » Thu Aug 05, 2021 10:55 pm

When presented with the point of the meeting with Pei-Pei, the Suzume thought long and hard on which of his honoured ancestors to talk about... And what to say about them.

He had heard some things about how the Sparrow were seen in the Empire at large. It puzzled him, of course. That they were known for their stories made sense h they were fond of stories, and many, perhaps even all of his family and known ancestors were avid and (at least in his mind) skilled yarn spinners. But somehow what came across to others was that they were long-winded?... How come?

He shook his head. There was his great-grandma, of course. She was even somewhat well known outside Sparrow lands. But then...he felt he might not be the best to speak of her skill as a rock gardener. And if she was well known, what would be the point?

Another shake of his head. Maybe he could speak of something different. Something his humble clan was not particularly well known for. His mind went first to his dear, skilled sensei... And he remembered her words about his father's mother and her grandmother, whose skill with a sword and as duelists she said surpassed even her own. That would an interesting take, maybe surprising even... But then maybe it might come across as disrespectful, he thought? Their mutual cousins in the Crane were known for their sword skills... So maybe if he went that way it would come across as if he were trying to make their accomplishments less important?

Head shakes again, and then a smile. They were what they were. Humble, honourable, simple, and proud in that. Why try to refrain from that, né?

So when the time came for him to talk to Pei-Pei, he told her of his maternal grandfather, who knew the seasons and how it affected the fields by the taste of the wind, and never shied away from helping whoever needed helping to make sure his family, his friends and his village never wanted. Then his great aunt on his father's side, who was famed to know the best time of each day on each month to get the best carp and sweetfish in each stream of the northern parts of the Sparrow provinces.

Then he got to yam, turnips and burdock root. He did his best to explain how, over a century ago, ancestors on his mother's and his father's side had helped ensure fields of these and other simple vegetables kept viable through the worse of a drought that scoured the Suzume Hills, carefully tended and watered with painstaking trips to increasingly distant creeks that hadn't dried down. He explained how honourable and important their simple, but hard work was, how many lives they saved, and how their knowledge made simple dishes of simple ingredients not only filling, but enjoyable.

He did his best, and Pei-Pei probably even believed him.

But at the end of the day... it was still yam, turnip and burdock. When he was done, she was probably thankful for her next meal - with fish and rice, of course.

D2 MM Love throughout history. Proud (?) lineage of focus. Earth/Labour, TN 1 | TN: 1 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1 Image Image Image Image

TN 2
D2 MM Love throughout history. Earth/Labour TN 2 | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 0 Image Image Image Image

TN 3
D2 MM Love throughout history TN 3. Earth/Labour | TN: 3 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 3 / Strife: 0 Image Image Image

TN 4
D2 MM Love throughout history TN 4 Earth/Labour | TN: 4 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2 Image Image Image

2 rolls passed
7 opportunity
2 excess successes
2 maximum extra successes

Total strife: 3
Sparrow Clan * Woodsman * Herbalist * Wicker hat * Disheveled hair * Clothes never fully clean
Not a penny to his name * A simple life is a good life * Life is sacred * The truth is always simple

Status: 25 * Glory: 31 * Honour: Is the ideal * CP: 27
Carries: Common clothes, Wicker hat, Daisho, Knife, Sling, Daisho (as allowed), Medicine Kit, Pillow books.
In the field: Ashigaru armour, Wicker hat, Daisho, Sling, Knife, Bo, Hunting Yari, Travelling pack, Rations, Pillow books.

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Susaki Tadasu
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Re: (D2, MM) Love Throughout History (Event)

Post by Susaki Tadasu » Sat Aug 07, 2021 4:54 am

Having arrived over a day late due to other business and likely being one of the last, somewhat rushed, appointments of the day, Tadasu would offer a polite bow to the Deer along with several apologies.

When prompted to provide the information by Pei Pei, the Otter considers. There were many that he could speak of, but they were not people that Pei Pei would likely be impressed with, as they were peasants. There was something he could talk about he was sure though...hm.

He would start off with his most recent ancestors...his father and uncle. The brothers were known excel at their trade, with his uncle being captain of their riverboat, able to navigate a series of storms expertly where another would have seen their boat capsized. His father, by comparison, was the valued first mate of the craft, able to motivate the men and work alongside them. It wasn't glorious work, but it was work he was proud to do, hauling in nets full of fish with other members of the crew and hoisting and managing the sails with the best of them.

The Deer seemed suitably accepting of these, so Tadasu went into a more thorough discussion of those who else he thought might be impressive, but his words were either not eloquent enough for the Deer, or the fact that the individuals whose reputation he attempted to do justice were peasants may have influenced outcome.
D2 MM [Masters of a Field: Trade] Earth/Survival | TN: 3 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0
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D2 MM [Masters of a Field: Trade] Earth/Labor | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 3
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D2 MM [Masters of a Field: Trade] Earth/Seafaring | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 1
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D2 MM [Masters of a Field: Trade] Earth/Skulduggery | TN: 3 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
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Using the opportunity on the second roll to eat some of the strife from the roll and the same with the final roll. Total Strife gain of 3.

Rolls succeeded: 2
0 bonus successes.
0 opportunities spent to show off.
22 Status
23 Honor
34 Glory.
Otter - Samurai of no Renown - Honor is about appearances - Status: 22
The obvious: Shark netsuke - Missing right arm - Vicious scar on right side of neck
Gear: Daisho, ceremonial clothes, straw hat
Less obvious: Gourmet

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Re: (D2, MM) Love Throughout History (Event)

Post by Saibankan » Sat Aug 07, 2021 6:49 am

Throughout the event, Pei Pei took copious notes. Whether or not the candidate valued the interview, whether or not they thought they did well, it was all useful, both the information known and the information shown.

She took another sip of tea, and frowned at some of the notes.

Some of these results....were not satisfactory. Measures would need to be taken. Still, she filled out the final report the for the Champion as to her findings:

Tier A gain 3 Courtship points each:

Asahina Bo
Susaki Tanabe
Shosuro Hikimasu
Matsu Ishikoka
Seppun Yuzu
Utaku Kheree
Shiba Raizo
Kitsuki Kiyonobu
Usogawa Narumi
Kitsuki Edogawa
Kitsu Moshmaru
Kitsu Tsugumasa
Kakita Reina
Shiba Tameon

Tier B gain 2 Courtship points each:

Kakita Sakura
Suzume Senseki
Kuni Yasu
Kasuga Yoshi
Moto Mitsuki
Nekoma Jae
Shika Nesshin
Kitsu Murato
Bayushi Mitsu
Kitsuki Hajime
Agasha Inoshishi
Bayushi Minae
Ide Tomeo
Yasuki Jin

Tier C gain 1 Coursthip point each:

Mirumoto Haruhi
Moto Bayarmaa
Susake Tadasu
Bayushi Luixian
Usogawa Emiko
Kaikoga Fujiko
Kakita Akihiro
Moshi Shizuka
Asahina Soyokaze
Kaito Obuahime
Kaikoga Koi
Non-Human * Gamemaster * Headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy * Mastermind
