(D3, MM) Love is in the Air (Event)

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(D3, MM) Love is in the Air (Event)

Post by Saibankan » Sat Aug 07, 2021 7:22 am

The great hall has been cleared of well...everything leaving behind a rather large space. In the middle of it stands the mighty Shika Zang holding a kemari ball.

"So!" booms the bearded man, once the group has assembled. "I am Shika Zang! To those who have heard of me, it should come as no surprise that kemari is my fourth favorite thing to do! Aesthetically, it's all about striking that balance between your courtly duties and your martial ones! But it's also very good pragmatically: it keeps the courtiers from getting too fat, and the bushi from tripping over their fancy kimonos!"

He kicks the ball back and forth for a moment.

"And of course, if you don't think that the secret to a good marriage is the ability to keep things in the air....well, I guess none of you HAVE married yet, but take it from a veteran, it's important! So, let's see how you all do!" he proclaims kicking the ball to the next person.


Players make TN 2 Fitness checks until they have scored a total of 4 momentum points or more. You earn one momentum point for a successful roll, and 1 additional momentum point for each bonus success. You may choose which approach you wish to make. However, each check they make must take a different approach than the last fitness check they made in kemari. It is acceptable to alternate between two approaches, so Fire/Fire is not acceptable, but Fire/Water/Fire works.

Mercy Rule: At any point, you may give up on playing kemari without reaching 4 momentum. You lose one point of honor, and one point of glory for invoking the mercy rule, and are automatically placed at the bottom of the bottom tier.

Scoring priority:

Fewest number of rolls to hit four momentum.
Most opportunities spent on showing off.
Highest number of approaches employed.
Most bonuses successes on a single roll.
Highest Status.
Highest Glory.
Highest Honor.
Non-Human * Gamemaster * Headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy * Mastermind

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Susaki Tadasu
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Re: (D3, MM) Love is in the Air (Event)

Post by Susaki Tadasu » Sat Aug 07, 2021 7:44 am

When the ball is kicked off by Shika Zang, it may have perhaps been surprising to see the one-armed Otter, Susaki Tadasu adroitly slips in and catches the ball on the edge of his foot, rolling it across the top from the momentum of the Deer's kick before passing to himself in the air and catching the ball at the crown of his head, knocking it up into the air once more. A few more small hops keeping the ball perfectly above him as it bounces before he purposefully slides back and knocks the ball off of his heel to the next person in line, hoping they can keep up!
D3 MM [Love is in the Air] Water/Fitness | TN: 2 | Success: 4 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 4
Image Image Image Image Image Image

D3 MM [Love is in the Air] Earth/Fitness | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0
Image Image

2 rolls to hit 4 momentum.
1 Opportunities spent showing off.
2 approaches employed.
2 bonus successes on a single roll.
Status 22.
Glory 34.
Honor 23.
Last edited by Susaki Tadasu on Sat Aug 07, 2021 8:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
Otter - Samurai of no Renown - Honor is about appearances - Status: 22
The obvious: Shark netsuke - Missing right arm - Vicious scar on right side of neck
Gear: Daisho, ceremonial clothes, straw hat
Less obvious: Gourmet

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Asahina Soyokaze
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Re: (D3, MM) Love is in the Air (Event)

Post by Asahina Soyokaze » Sat Aug 07, 2021 8:00 am

Soyokaze catches the ball Susaki Tadasu passed and balanced it for a moment on the toe of his left foot. Kicking it up into the air over and behind himself he catches it again on the heel of his right foot before twisting and rotating his leg so that the ball smoothly swept back in front of him, now resting on the top of his foot. He repeated the act twice more the ball serenely flowing back over his head, behind and around in a manner that was reminiscent of dancer or a monk. Once the ball was gone his serenity faded and he looked on the verge of passing out.

Kemari roll #1 Void | TN: 3 | Success: 5 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 4
Image Image Image Image Image

1 rolls to hit 4 momentum.
1 approaches employed.
3 bonus successes on a single roll.
Honor: 67
Glory: 47
Status: 38
Last edited by Asahina Soyokaze on Sat Aug 07, 2021 11:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Crane Clan | Artisan | Courtier | Weaponsmith | Meek | Paragon of Compassion
Honor: 67 | Glory: 41 | Status: 38
Courtship points: 12
Carries: Clothing, Wakazashi, Fan, Whitwe Gloves. D10+:Netsuke of Ebisu D13+:Delicately carved wooden bracelet with a small Crane token.
Often followed by an attendant.

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Moto Mitsuki
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Re: (D3, MM) Love is in the Air (Event)

Post by Moto Mitsuki » Sat Aug 07, 2021 8:31 am

In the east, people play kemari. In the west, people play tepük. And Mitsuki was a child of both tradition.

At first, she started slow, calmly juggling the ball from one knee to another, watching the other competitors, unsure if the exercise was about dexterity or poise, and keeping the two balanced.

After a few instants though, her reflexes kicked in and she just started showing off like a cool kid in the courtyard, her dignity as a samurai more kept in check by the rigidity of her makeup and the obfuscating quality of her clothing than per her actual behavior.


D3MM | Love is in the Air | Fitness/Water | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image
D3MM | Love is in the Air | Fitness/Fire | TN: 2 | Success: 5 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 4
Image Image Image Image Image

Four (technically five) momentum achieved in 2 rolls, 1 opportunity to show off, 2 distinct approaches, 3 bonus on a single roll.

+6 strife (not compromised, thanks Unicorn high Water)
Unicorn Clan | Bushi | Cavalry | Commander | Goth | Barbarian
Honor: 31 (Honor is the Ideal) | Glory: 47* (Reputable Samurai) | Status: 30 (average Great Clan samurai) | Profile
Usually dressed in white and black. Gaijin-style "daisho" (scimitar, buckler, wakizashi).
Famously Reliable/Gaijin Culture/Omen of Bad Luck

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Kaikoga Koi
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Re: (D3, MM) Love is in the Air (Event)

Post by Kaikoga Koi » Sat Aug 07, 2021 8:53 am

To say Koi was skilled at kicking balls into the air repeatedly was a downright lie. A filthiest of lies. So dishonourable that lie that may a curse be laid upon your land, your honour and your cow.

Koi, this beautiful Moth in an elegant kimono dressed to be in her best outfit with makeup, hair done just especially perfect today. Koi put effort into her appearance today, Koi even had worn her favourite accessories and when the event was revealed to her it was as if a Kami came down and shat on her.

She was dumbstruck. Dumbfounded. Outrageously consumed by the baffling bamboozling instructions she had to take a minute to process that. Koi had to process the information in her head for a good solid ten minutes.

Unfortunately, she only got halfway through that time until she was made to go forward surrounded by at the bushi watching her. However, this wasn't the worst stage she had performed at, and it's not going to stop her now!

Koi might not be good at sports, nor was she good at this. Not in a million years will she ever be good at this but she tried. She tried and with each try Koi felt her soul break apart and burn in to ashes at her ability to do this performance.

Tackling this with water didnt work even when she hoped for beginners luck, fire nearly helped on the second attempt by the third she had a good solid understanding of the sport by using water and got halfway through it.

Next few attempts were not so eventful at progression but boy did she throw herself into it, taking up an almost pantomime aspect of it trying to make people laugh. She knew that they knew she wasn't good at this, but after the ball fumbled away and she playfully couldnt find it it was at that she found the joy in it to make people have a good time.

By the kami, she tried.

By the time Koi had finished her back was hurting her, her feet were hurting her, she felt muggy and swampy in locations and she just wanted to sit down and just get pissing drunk.

That sounded like a plan.

D3. Event. Keep up that ball. Roll 1. Water/Fitness. Void. | TN: 2 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 0
1Opportunity symbol used to reduce 2Strife symbol

D3 MM. Event. Roll 2. Fire/Fitness. | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
1Opportunity symbol used to negate 1Strife symbol

D3. MM. Roll 3. Event. Water/Fitness. | TN: 2 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 3
+2 Momentum gained. (2/4)

D3. MM. Event. Roll 4. Air/Fitness. | TN: 2 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 0
1Opportunity symbol to make people laugh.

D3. MM. Event. Roll 5. Water/Fitness. | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 3
1Opportunity symbol used to remove 2Strife symbol.
1Opportunity symbol make people laugh.

D3. MM. Event. Roll 6. Fire/Fitness. | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 0
1Opportunity symbol used to make people laugh.

D3. MM. Event. Roll 7. Water/Fitness. | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0
+1 Momentum (3/4)

D3 MM. Event. Roll 8. Air/Fitness. | TN: 2 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 0
1Opportunity symbol used to make people laugh.

D3. MM. Event. Roll 9. Water/Fitness. | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 2
+ 1 Momentum gained. (4/4)

Total Momentum: 4.
Strife gained total 5
Strife negated total: 5
Opportunity used for effect: 4
Total attempts: 9
Honor: 45
Glory: 40
Status: 28
Moth Clan ★ Glory 44 ★ Honour 49 ★ Status 28 ★ Courtship Points 23 ★ Scent of Lilacs, Citrus oils and Almond ★

Update: Day 13. Koi is wearing a kimono in much higher quality, lilac in hues with green lunar moths and silver lanterns. She is wearing a jade green choker. She is wearing a katana that largely is peace tied, and at night has a very fine lantern. She is being followed at all times by a Shika Guard at a distances. She wears a fine wooden carved bracelet with the Moth Clan symbol on it.

Dangerous Allure ★ Wood working tools ★ Unsavoury Past ★ Shaking Hands ★ Anxiety Attacks ★ A Purple Choker with a wooden sphere of a Moth ★

Female ★ Actress ★ Vitiligo on the left eye ★ I'd never really found a place in the outside world, but had stayed away too long to fit in at home. ★ Wait so LongProfile

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Asahina Bo
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Re: (D3, MM) Love is in the Air (Event)

Post by Asahina Bo » Sat Aug 07, 2021 10:13 am

Bo breathed a, rather audible, sigh of relief when he saw it was kemari and not some artistic or more courtly endeavor. He wasn't the best at kemari but it was at least something he understood. Smooth, fluid movements... and a massive landing surface... made completing the task easy even if he was not the stand out star of the show.

(Roll 1 - Water/Fitness TN2
D3, MM: Love is in the Air Roll 1 - Water/Fitness | TN: 2 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image

2 Momentum, 1 Strife

Roll 2 - Earth/Fitness TN2
D3, MM: Love is in the Air Roll 2 - Earth/Fitness | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image Image

1 Momentum, 2 Strife

Roll 3 - Water/Fitness TN2
D3, MM: Love is in the Air Roll 3 - Water/Fitness | TN: 2 | Success: 5 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 4
Image Image Image Image Image

4 Momentum (of course it's the last roll not the first one), 4 Strife

3 rolls to hit 4+ Momentum
3 Opportunities to show off
2 Approaches employed
3 bonus successes on a single roll
35 Status
39 Glory
66 Honor

7 Strife gained)
Crane Clan Bushi • Guardian Gourmand • Gentle Giant • Overly Honest • Unintentionally Uncouth
Glory: 39 • Honor: 67 • Status: 35 • Courtship: 34

Always carried: Daisho, ceremonial clothes, rare spices, a peony pendant
Expecting trouble: As above plus lacquered armor, yari

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Shiba Raizo
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Re: (D3, MM) Love is in the Air (Event)

Post by Shiba Raizo » Sat Aug 07, 2021 10:20 am

Well, it's official. The Deer are terminally insane.

But he had to admit, despite having never played kemari, he was glad he wouldn't have to talk about shit he didn't care about again.

So he went at it with a certain placid competence at first, making a great show of being utterly unflappable, then shifting up to a more fluid approach with a dose of... unaccustomed panache, then back again and generally finding the exercise... pretty simple.

No idea how that helps determine my suitability as a suitor, but it was actually kinda fun.

[Roll 1, Earth Plus Fitness:
Rolling for Kemari, Roll 1- Earth Plus Fitness | TN: 2 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image Image

2 Momentum

Roll 2: Water Plus Fitness:Water Plus Fitness For Kemari | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image Image

1 Momentum

Roll 3, Back to Earth-

Earth Plus Fitness, Kemari 3 | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image Image

1 Momentum for four total.

3 rolls to hit 4
3 opportunities spent to show off
2 approaches employed (Earth and Water, GO MUDMAN GO!)
1 excess success as maximum.
5 strife gained]
Phoenix Clan * Bushi * Soldier* Blunt * Cynical * Seasoned * Strong
Your Wingman Anytime, Whether You Want It Or Not
Glory: 42 * Honor 41 * Status: 30
Carries his katana in an old, drab, battered saya. As of Day 13, wears a delicately carved bracelet of wooden beads polished smooth, laced through with red, yellow, and orange string and a small Phoenix token.
Standard gear: Ceremonial Clothes and a daisho. When in his element, ashigaru armor, a naginata, and a more relaxed form of terror are added into the mix.
Remember to Breathe

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Re: (D3, MM) Love is in the Air (Event)

Post by Aimi » Sat Aug 07, 2021 11:06 am

Sometimes I wonder at all this love of analogy and metaphor. Keeping balls in the air is just fun, but... well, if he says so.

When it comes to Aimi's turn to perform, it is clear to most watching that she has never done this before... and yet, somehow, she entirely fails to fail. She is stoic and vibrant and graceful and precise by turns, each element in harmony, and though there is little skill to her movements she does not drop the ball.

When she kicks it onto the next contestant, her breathing is heavy and her eyes sparkle with delight, but she remains just about in control.


Note - Aimi starts with one strife, her composure is eight
She has two void points available, she spends both in this

D3 MM Playing Kemari, Fitness (Earth) | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image
Roll One - 1 momentum point gained, 1 opportunity spent showing off

More Kemari, Fitness (Fire) with void point spent | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image Image Image
Roll Two - 1 momentum point gained (total of two), two opportunity spent showing off

Even More Kemari, Fitness (Water) with void | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image Image
Roll Three - 1 momentum point gained (total of three), one opportunity spent showing off

Again with the Kemari, Fitness (Air) | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0
Image Image
Roll Four - 1 momentum point gained (total of four), 0 opportunity

Total Summary
Rolls Required - Four
Opportunity for Showing off - Four
Approaches Employed - Four
Clan: Ronin Shugenja
Honour: 36 (Honour is the Ideal)
Glory: 36 (Samurai of no renown)
Status: 24 (Ronin)

Carries a walking stick made from impossibly ancient wood, and a beautifully decorated amulet marked with prayers to Benten hangs from her Obi.

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Kasuga Yoshi
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Re: (D3, MM) Love is in the Air (Event)

Post by Kasuga Yoshi » Sat Aug 07, 2021 11:38 am

"Kemari?" Yoshi has to resist his jaw dropping in surprise. He had a few ideas, guesses really, about what was going to be the event today. This was not one one them.

Still, even if he wasn't particularly good, the game the surprisingly popular in Slow Tide Harbor, as it was something even the poorest children and gaijin could play.

Might as well give it my all

Yoshi was never the fastest or the strongest, but the way everyone played was to look fancy, with fakes, dekes and theater over actually athletic skill. Not that Yoshi wasn't drenched with sweat at the end, but he does manage a few theatrical flourishes, balancing the ball on his chest before cradling it with his feet.


Void point spent

Love is In the Air Roll #1-Air/Fitness (untrained) | TN: 2 | Success: 5 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 5
Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Passed, three bonus successes for 4momentum

Number of Rolls: 1
Opportunity to show off: 2
Approach # used: 1
Single number of bonus successes on a roll: 3
Last edited by Kasuga Yoshi on Sat Aug 07, 2021 2:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tortoise Clan | Honor: 25 | Glory: 27| Status: 25 | Male | Diplomat | Groomed | Generous | Strife with Mantis
Equipment (standard): Traveling clothes, wakizashi, calligraphy set, knife, kiseru, abacus or gaijin compass, travelling pack, pouch of gaijin coins
(Battle): Tetsubo

"It's an absolute pleasure to see you again. Here, please take this gift. I insist"
Theme Song: Smooth Criminal (Shamisen Style!)

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Kitsu Murato
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Re: (D3, MM) Love is in the Air (Event)

Post by Kitsu Murato » Sat Aug 07, 2021 11:45 am

Murato was not made for this sort of thing. Yet again. It was as though they were intentionally testing him on the things he was worst at. At least this time it was something that could be at least a little fun. He was never good at physical games but he did enjoy them. Which was evidenced by his very enthusiastic, if awkward play style. He seemed to spend as much time on the floor, either because he reached too far and toppled himself, or because he threw himself there on purpose to get the ball into the air. He was certainly not skilled at this, but his passion was readily on display.


D3 EM, Love Is In The Air, Fitness[Fire], Clumsiness Adversity | TN: 2 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
Image Image
Failed, Regain 1 Void Point, 1Opportunity symbol to negate 1Strife symbol

D3 EM, Love Is In The Air, Fitness[Void], Void Point | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image Image
1 event point, 1Opportunity symbol to negate 1Strife symbol

D3 EM, Love Is In The Air, Fitness[Fire], Clumsiness Adversity | TN: 2 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
Image Image
Failed Regain 1 Void Point, 1Opportunity symbol to negate 1Strife symbol

D3 EM, Love Is In The Air, Fitness[Void], Void Point | TN: 2 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 2 / Strife: 3
Image Image Image Image Image Image
2 event points, 1Opportunity symbol to negate 1Strife symbol, gained 2Strife symbol, 1Opportunity symbol to reduce TN of next fire ring check

D3 EM, Love Is In The Air, Fitness[Fire], Clumsiness Adversity | TN: 1 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 0
Image Image
Failed Regain 1 Void Point, 1Opportunity symbol being flashy

D3 EM, Love Is In The Air, Fitness[Void], Void Point | TN: 2 | Success: 1 / Opportunity: 3 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image Image Image
Failed, 2Opportunity symbol to negate 2Strife symbol, 1Opportunity symbol to reduce TN of next fire ring check

D3 EM, Love Is In The Air, Fitness[Fire], Clumsiness Adversity | TN: 1 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0
Image Image
Failed Regain 1 Void Point

D3 EM, Love Is In The Air, Fitness[Void], Void Point | TN: 2 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 1
Image Image Image Image
2 event points, 1Opportunity symbol to negate 1Strife symbol

8 rolls to get 5 momentum

Rolls: 8
Opportunities: 1
Number of approaches: 2
Single roll Bonus successes: 1
Status: 45
Glory: 41
Honor: 56
Lion Clan * Bard * Bureaucrat * Spiritual * Haunted * Clumsy * Kitsu Honest * Kitsu Eyes
Honor Is the Ideal 59 | Unremarkable Retainer 44 | Imperial Descended Great Clan Samurai 45 | Description
Equipment: Traveling Clothes, Wakizashi, Katana, Tessen, Yumi & arrows, Shamisen, Helix Piercing Orange Earrings, Shamisen
