Player character profiles

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Player character profiles

Post by Saibankan » Wed Jul 14, 2021 6:53 pm

Post up those character descriptions here so people can see who you are.
Non-Human * Gamemaster * Headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy * Mastermind

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Kuni Yasu
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Re: Player character profiles

Post by Kuni Yasu » Thu Jul 15, 2021 3:17 am

Name: Kuni Yasu
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Shugenja
Age: 18
Height: 6’
Complexion: Painted
Build: Solid
Hair: Deep black
Eyes: Dark, dark brown

SCF (single Crab female) seeking…

Me: Devout, battle-seasoned, and sharp as your grandfather’s soul; which I will dutifully use to ensure you never rise under the influence of the dark realm, should the need arise. Absolutely flawless skills with makeup application and calling upon the pure spirits of the earth. Pastimes include long nights in the lab, long nights in the library, and formulating new tea blends in the strong, dark, and bitter category.

You: Pure of Soul and willing to marry in to provide the legacy my duty demands. Jade bracelets are the traditional, obligatory, first courtship gift of my line. Will you do me the honor of wearing them until we fall in battle protecting all we love?

There is a standard level of intimidating that Kuni seem to aspire to. With her height and the smeared impression of a baleful, half-lidded eye upon her forehead, Yasu definitely meets expectations in this regard.

Until she smiles, at least. It’s a smile that speaks of a happy childhood among a cheerful family, or perhaps a love of children or small puppies. It’s a smile that better fits those who have never studied the things all Crab, and particularly Kuni, study. It reaches her eyes, which retain a boundless curiosity that has hopefully been tempered with some wariness, or her future is likely quite grim.

Yasu is seldom spotted without the aforementioned face paint and her hair tied up with a multicolored silk ribbon woven in complex patterns. The blue bag of salt-marbled silk around her neck may be recognized as a probable omamori. Those with some theological lessons might recognize the symbols of protection and those calling to elemental powers that decorate her scroll satchel, though some are almost certainly unfamiliar, being personal iconography arrived at through her studies.

At a miai, it would take very little to learn that she’s of a large family; one with a hint of Imperial prestige to the line, but also of a size to strain the resources their holdings might allow the family to draw upon. It seems likely that her family hopes to trade upon the prestige to garner a good match that might ease that strain, even as it seems rather challenging to find someone willing to marry into the Kuni.
Crab * Purifier * Big Lady * Face Paint * Excellent Bloodlines * Unwealthy * Friendly
Honor is the Ideal * Glory: Unremarkable Retainer * Status: 30 * CP: 16

Commonly worn: Clothes!; wakizashi with crab tsuba; small knife; scroll satchel--tied closed with blue & brown kumihimo braid and dangling apricot pit netsuke; elaborately woven ribbon tying up her hair; a jade necklace carved into a Badger head, carved wooden charms of crab and moth looped around a wrist with lavender ribbon.


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Usogawa Emiko
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Re: Player character profiles

Post by Usogawa Emiko » Thu Jul 15, 2021 7:00 am

Name: Usogawa Emiko
Clan: Otter
Gender: Female
Status: Single (obviously)
Occupation: Dancer, diplomat
Age: 17
Height: 5’5
Build: Lithe
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Blue

Emiko (or Mimi to her friends) is a beautiful young woman with deep blue eyes and black hair. She could easily be confused with a Crane even close up, although the accent shows her less high-society ways. She dresses well, and she always has a skip in her step as well as music in her heart. While dancing is her passion, she is well-versed in many musical instruments, and she can sing as well.

Emiko has grown up somewhat in a public eye. Even before her gempukku she attended events alongside the champion of the Otter Usogawa Chiitan, learning the ways that court operated as well as the expectations of a champion - something that she may have to deal with in the future as well, as Chiitans only child. Something she doesn't outwardly admit to, however most will be able to tell by her special family chop, or the fact that the other Otter look out for her more than others. Which with someone as clumsy as she is, can sometimes be quite important.
Otter Clan * Kuge * Heir * Courtier * Dancer * Musician * Very Pretty(Dangerous Allure) * Clumsy * Profile
Status: average| Honour: Ideal | Glory: No Renown
Courtship points: ?
Equipment: Fan, pretty clothes, makeup/perfume, pillowbooks (sometimes), Tea set (sometimes), Flute (sometimes), odd looking stringed instrument (sometimes)

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Shiba Raizo
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Re: Player character profiles

Post by Shiba Raizo » Thu Jul 15, 2021 8:16 am

Name: Shiba Raizo
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single. For now.
Occupation: I turn living people into dead people, usually after marching a long way for no clear reason. Then they tell me what a good job I did.
Age: 18
Height: 5'8"
Build: Deceptively wiry.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown

"Raizo-san, thank you again for helping haul that dead horse off of me. Had you not done so, I surely would have been subject to dishonorable capture."

"No biggie Sir. All part of the job."

"It has come to my attention that you lack suitable courtly attire."

"Haven't had much need for it, Sir. We tend to ruin nice things in the field, hm?"

"That's as may be, but with your lord's permission, I want to make sure you've got the right attire for where you're headed."

"... Sir?"

"It has come to the attention of your parents, your lord, and your commanding officer that you are unwed, Raizo-san. As you are an only child, this presents serious problems, especially given the risks you run as a soldier."

"Er... Sir, about that, I mean, I figure if I need a wife, the Phoenix will issue me one..."

"... and so you're off to Kyuden Shika."

"Never heard of it."

"They do miai there."

"... Sir, if I were to pray for a Yobanjin invasion requiring me to return to the army, just how blasphemous would that be, exactly?"
The Phoenix are renowned for their mystical insight, respected for their principles, and known for artistry in much of what they do.

So Raizo is something of a disappointment, so far as that goes. While many Shiba are known for being Yojimbo, that hasn't been Raizo's job- instead, he serves in the armies of the Phoenix Clan, and in doing so, he seems to have picked up a bit too much from the various ronin sometimes hired to pad out the ranks with expendable sword fodder. He doesn't regard his service as particularly glorious, and suggestions that it has at least been honorable cause him to fight to keep his laughter in check.

In most respects, he seems ill at ease with social niceties, and his education appears to have completely bypassed any gentle or elevating arts. Still, he does seem to have had some basic instructions in behavior, and thus keeps most of the thoughts that pass through his head to himself. Unless asked. At which point, he figures his unfortunate victim has literally asked for it.

While his service to date hasn't been lengthy, he's seen a fair amount of action across a pretty wide swath of the Empire, mostly against bandits. His service has included several acts of what others like to call heroism (his own view on the matter is perhaps best not looked into), which is why, despite his myriad social hangups and deep-seated misgivings about the entire process, he has been packed off to Kyuden Shika to find a wife.

Raizo carries his katana in a battered old saya noteworthy for how worn, unadorned, and downright used up it looks- but he's far more comfortable with it than with his fine new kimono. He is also noteworthy for apparently not even owning a fan. Certainly, he never carries one.

Investigations into Raizo's family line will turn up a broadly unremarkable lineage almost entirely within the Phoenix Clan (the last out of clan spouse came from the Crane two centuries ago), of which Raizo is currently the sole heir. The only particularly noteworthy deeds in the last three centuries involved his maternal grandfather's service with the Dragon... which ended under vague accusations of dishonor. His father is a moderately successful courtier in NIkesake. His mother served as a yojimbo for a time to a charge whose life was never in jeopardy. As a marriage partner, exactly what he has to offer is something of an open question- especially to Raizo himself.
Phoenix Clan * Bushi * Soldier* Blunt * Cynical * Seasoned * Strong
Your Wingman Anytime, Whether You Want It Or Not
Glory: 42 * Honor 41 * Status: 30
Carries his katana in an old, drab, battered saya. As of Day 13, wears a delicately carved bracelet of wooden beads polished smooth, laced through with red, yellow, and orange string and a small Phoenix token.
Standard gear: Ceremonial Clothes and a daisho. When in his element, ashigaru armor, a naginata, and a more relaxed form of terror are added into the mix.
Remember to Breathe

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Shika Nesshin
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Re: Player character profiles

Post by Shika Nesshin » Thu Jul 15, 2021 11:58 am

Name: Shika Nesshin
Clan: Deer
Family: Shika
Age: 18 (b. 1 Hare 1105 IC)
Height: Average
Build: Wiry
Skin: Tanned
Hair: Short and Dark

Lithe and lean and with a ready smile and pleasant greetings, Shika Nesshin serves his Clan as a gamekeeper and warden. Young and ripe for marriage, he's happy to help the many guests at the current miai to navigate the local area--which is beautiful, really, if you take the time to look at it.

From a prominent lineage? Want to connect to one?
Do you know Daidoji Joufuko? How's she doing? She's an old friend.
Like hunting? Nesshin knows the best local spots?
Want to cause trouble? Please don't. Nesshin'd rather not have to take you in.
Do you do spears? Nesshin does spears!
Kaikoga nee Shika Nesshin
Male Deer Clan Gamekeeper / Security Personnel
Glory 42; Honor 36; Status 41
Profile here: ... 80&start=4
Normally in traveling clothes with a blue-and-gold obi, carrying a wakizashi, a fancy damned fan, and an omamori; carries a tsunoyari outside, too; carries a tsunoyari and wears ashigaru armor on watch, too; has trinkets, etc. at most times

Starting D1, has a silver and purple ribbon tied to his obi, as well.
D9, has a broom in hand and bandages on his hands.
D10-12, has a small whisk broom also thrust through his obi.
D11+, has a second fan.

Playful, irrepressibly flirtatious, blessed by Benten, blessed in lineage. Often smells of cedar.

Courtship Points: 31

"You look lost. Let me show you the way to something nice."

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Shosuro Hikimasu
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Re: Player character profiles

Post by Shosuro Hikimasu » Thu Jul 15, 2021 6:21 pm

Name: Shosuro Hikimasu
Clan: Scorpion
Family: Shosuro
Occupation: soldier of The Red Gale, 3rd Mounted Squadron, 4th company of the 1st Crimson Legion
Age: 20
Height: Average
Build: Average
Skin: Light
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dead (Brown)

It's easy to see what kind of person Hikimasu is. Incredibly average, eyes like a dead fish, a creepy laugh and nothing but complaints about having to do work.

A slight step above bottom feeder.

Not that any of that bothers him. Nothing really bothers him. Just leave him alone to get his work done and you don't have to hear the complaints. Don't be his friend and you won't have to look into his creepy eyes or hear his stupid laugh. Duty is duty, he'll get it done. Scouting, training, cleaning the dojo, dragging dead bodies because calling an undertaker would attract attention...whatever. Just leave it to him, don't bother him, micromanagement is interference.

Though, from time to time, some have been known to seek him out to take care of problems, even other Scorpion. One thing he seems to understand is others, those dead eyes see much more than they let on, and that has been helpful to many who discretely (reluctantly) sought his aid.

A Few Weeks Ago at Nihai Tower
Hikimasu was brushing down Yūdaina, having a chat with his only friend (said Yūdaina, a horse). It was normal to be alone, even the stable hands could find better things to do than be around him.

"Yūdaina-san, do you want to go get some ramen after this?"

The horse snorted.

"You're right, we've been four times this week, you'll get fat."

"Shosuro-san", the voice from behind him was stern. Bayushi Mitsuki was slice of heaven to behold and true relief to a wary soul in conversation...if you were not Hikimasu. He thought saving her life would have warmed her up a little, but good deeds need to be punished.

"Bayushi-taisa", he bowed after facing his superior. She was far too pretty to look in the eye anyway.

"Gather your things, you are being wed", the captain declared with knitted eyebrows.

"This is rather sudden, taisa. Are you sure it's the right decision?" Hikimasu started. Of course she didn't mean her and...he just realized she isn't going to-

"Don't be an idiot...", the look of disgust was enough to make Hikimasu sweat and laugh nervously. Mitsuki slapped a scroll against his chest. "You will journey to Kyuden Shika where you will find a proper wife. If you marry into another clan, I will bid you farewell here." Then she left. "...creep."

Hikimasu had caught the orders as Mitsuki walked away. They were official, indeed. He turned back to Yūdaina. "Maybe you should just go for me."

The resplendent horse seemed to chortle.
Shosuro Hikimasu
Scorpion Clan • Bushi • Soldier • Dead Fish Eyes • Friend of Yūdaina

Honor: 41 Status: 35 Glory: 44
Carries: clothing, daisho, fan, mempo. Has ashigaru armor, daikyu and magnificent steed for battle.
"Fulfillment is just another form of arrogance."

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Kitsuki Hajime
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Re: Player character profiles

Post by Kitsuki Hajime » Thu Jul 15, 2021 8:50 pm

Name: Kitsuki Hajime
Clan: Dragon
Family: Kitsuki
Occupation: Author and Propagandist
Age: 19
Height: 5'6
Build: Svelte
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue

The eldest son of a Kitsuki bushi and his Doji wife, Kitsuki Hajime has rather taken after his mother in talent and looks. He has spent the last three years building a solid reputation as an author and poet. His works usually are firmly rooted in the (always superlative) natural and social features of the domain of Kitsuki Shunsuke, his lord, though this spring a pillowbook appeared detailing the experiences of a breathless ingenue at a winter court in the reign of Hantei Bosai. If the characters and situations struck a familiar chord with any of this year's winter courtiers, no one has yet spoken up.

Hajime is a single Dragon male seeking (ideally) a man to marry into the Dragon clan. His ideal candidates are politically savvy and have connections that could help him transition out of the propaganda market and into fighting crime.

Were you at winter court last year? Hajime was fairly popular, perhaps you are old acquaintances?
Are you an avid reader? Maybe you've read some of his work, which circulates widely in the big cities and diplomatic centers of the Empire.
Do you have connections with the Dragonfly clan? They're not too keen on Hajime.
Are you a traveler? Kitsuki Shunsuke's lands have become a must-see of the Northern Tour in part because of Hajime's work. Of course, reality seldom matches up to the emotions in a poem...
* Dragon Clan * Courtier * Dangerous Allure * Fashion-conscious * Preening * Striking a Pose * Inquisitive *

Courtship Points: 17 Honor: 52 Glory: 44 Status: 30

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Kaikoga Koi
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Re: Player character profiles

Post by Kaikoga Koi » Fri Jul 16, 2021 4:51 am

Name: Kagoya Koi
Clan: Moth
Age: 24 years old.
Gender: Female
Height: 5"3
Body type: Very beautiful, with a very toned and sylphlike. Soft, silken black hair with a shimmer of dark blue in direct sunlight.
Striking Feature: Vitiligo on the left eye which makes her pale green eyes stand out and gives this element of mysterious curiosity to her gaze.

Enjoys: Woodworking, fishing, writing poetry, long walks and grilled eel.
Dislikes: Pickled Cabbages, loud people and hey fever. Her mother.
Favourite Animal: Horned Owls.
Occupation: Actress, Painter and Woodworker.
Tools carried: Has a set of fine woodworking tools with her at times, wrapped in a purple and silver cloth and tied with a clasp. Sturdy, built for work but fine quality for a samurai.

Known Family

Father: Kagoya Rayshi, 54 years old. Formerly a Dragonfly Bushi. Deceased.
Mother: Kagoya Hanae, 53 years old. Shugenja. Alive. Socially unpopular in the clan.

Brother: Kagoya Gesshin, 12 years old.
Sister: Kagoya Eiko, 14 years old. Bushi. Assigned to assist as an aid to an Inn in Cranelands.
Sister Kagoya Innko, 10 years old.


Kagoya Koi grew up as the eldest daughter to bring prosperity to a family that was riddled with tragedy after their Father's untimely death from sickness of the lung during a particularly bad winter. Her beauty, and her skill as an actress was meant to bring her Mother higher into the social ladder.

Her mother placed unfair weight upon Koi shoulders during her training, which at the time Koi obediently attempted to abide by her Mother's continue overbearing demands that increased and increased as she became further in tune with the realm of Yami-do. This gained her Mother unpopularity amongst the clan over time.

Aneixity and stress began to crack appear in her life, affecting her performance. During the week of her Gempukku the stress really begin to break her composure, and during a particular harsh anxiety attack deep within Yame-do she found herself trapped within the realm.

She returned with very little memory of how she was lead back except that an old, kind owl-like Boku spirit guided her back before leaving its mark on her left eye.

She spent the next few years continuing as an actress as the conflict with her Mother increased. Eventually Koi disappeared, and it took them four years to find her and return her home. Her Lord showed her mercy it is rumoured due to her Mother's actions but it is a very limited mercy.

Candidate Advertisement

Publically: Koi is looking to marry realistically anyone that would bring honour, glory and genuinely anything positive to her clan.

Internally: Her ideal candidate would be a female, someone who enjoys working with their hands to create and build something together with her. Someone that would respect her desires, and cherish them.

Plot Hooks
Parental issues? So does she!
Long walks, or fishing? Sounds wonderful!
Have you ever been to the "The Playful Dragon" in Crane lands? She would love to hear news of how her sister is fairing as she si quite popular.
Having bad dreams? Confused about things beyond the waking world? Perhaps Koi can assist?
Moth Clan ★ Glory 44 ★ Honour 49 ★ Status 28 ★ Courtship Points 23 ★ Scent of Lilacs, Citrus oils and Almond ★

Update: Day 13. Koi is wearing a kimono in much higher quality, lilac in hues with green lunar moths and silver lanterns. She is wearing a jade green choker. She is wearing a katana that largely is peace tied, and at night has a very fine lantern. She is being followed at all times by a Shika Guard at a distances. She wears a fine wooden carved bracelet with the Moth Clan symbol on it.

Dangerous Allure ★ Wood working tools ★ Unsavoury Past ★ Shaking Hands ★ Anxiety Attacks ★ A Purple Choker with a wooden sphere of a Moth ★

Female ★ Actress ★ Vitiligo on the left eye ★ I'd never really found a place in the outside world, but had stayed away too long to fit in at home. ★ Wait so LongProfile

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Seppun Yuzu
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Re: Player character profiles

Post by Seppun Yuzu » Fri Jul 16, 2021 3:16 pm

Name: Seppun Yuzu 接吻柚
Faction: Imperial Families
Age: 15
Occupation: Chisei District Governor, Bushi
Marital Status: Single
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9" (1,75m) and still growing
Build: Wiry and slender
Hair: Black
Eyes: Caramel
Complexion: Fair

Seppun Yuzu –– once known as Bo –– chose his name due the sour taste in his mouth after he completed his gempukku in record time, just a couple of weeks ago. Instead of being assigned a position into the Imperial Palace proper to defend the Hantei as a true Miharu, Yuzu got awarded a full district due to his blessed lineage, family shenanigans, and close relation to his most wise and blessed uncle: the Emperor himself.

Now a lord of, perhaps, the most blessed land in all Rokugan –– if not the very Throne Room –– the young Yuzu was sent out by his Family Daimyo to get betrothed during the Deer Clan miai, as proper lords ought to. After all, the Minor Clan Embassy is located in the very district he now commands.

Word from the Imperial Families have reached Kyuden Shika that the young Governor would be searching for a healthy maiden of good lineage and impeccable honor. They hope Kyuden Shika famous stories inspire the Fortunes to provide him with a good match.

Other tongues, knowing very well Yuzu is just a kid, are afraid the very location of the miai could misguide the young lord's honorable purity with... well... lewdness.

- If you have ever been to Otosan Uchi: what is your favorite district?
- Do you have Imperial Blood, too –– Isn't that interesting?
- Care to spar and blow off some steam?
- What is your perception of fun?

Imperial • Bushi • Kuge • Governor • Blessed • Dangerous • Precocious
Honor: Honor Is the Ideal • Status: Chisei District Governor • Glory: Reputable Samurai

Wears: Iron Sheath, Daisho, (No Knife from D13 on)
Outdoor Gear: Lacquered armor, Naginata, Traveling Pack
Indoor Gear: Sanctified robes
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Kitsuki Kiyonobu
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Re: Player character profiles

Post by Kitsuki Kiyonobu » Sat Jul 17, 2021 2:26 pm

Name: Kitsuki Kiyonobu
Gender: Male
Clan: Dragon
Profession: Clan Yoriki
Marital Status: Single
At a glance: He stares at people more than is polite. A bright green tassel with maedeup knotwork dangles from his sword pommel.
Age: 24
Height: 5’ 8”

A slim, quiet and rather bookish man, Kitsuki Kiyonobu (note: not the famous poet of the same name) serves as yoriki to Kitsuki Wataru, a Dragon clan magistrate based out of Shiro Mirumoto. His career has been rather successful thus far, with notable cases involving the exposing the corruption of Mirumoto Shusake (a court official, since executed), and the arrest of a ring of cutpurses that had been the terror of a nearby marketplace.

However, Kiyonobu is getting rather old to be unmarried, and thus he has come to Kyuden Shika in hopes of securing a proper match. Ideally, he hopes to find a literate, talented person that shares his interests; but more practically he reluctantly admits it would probably be better to seek someone with influential family who can further his career.
Dragon Clan ◆ Bushi ◆ Courtier ◆ Yoriki
Average Great Clan samurai ◆ Reputable ◆ Honor is the ideal
carries: jian, wakizashi, calligraphy set
he stares too much ◆ a green tassel with decorative knots hangs from his sword pommel

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